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Donator — PomePome Posted 5 years ago ( 2019/09/16 19:20:28 )
its so quiet on here today. is everything okay with you :D?

Admin — He/Him Posted 5 years ago ( 2019/09/16 20:18:27 )
@Atropa Belladonna: I just got home from classes and have some down time before work. HBU? :)

Donator — PomePome Posted 5 years ago ( 2019/09/16 20:21:20 )
@Fozzy: oh so you have a lot to do =D here its evening i will drink a good evening coffee soon and go to bed later... my cat is chilling with me and i try to post a bit ^^
how you handle job and calsses? ^^ is it stressful for you?

Admin — He/Him Posted 5 years ago ( 2019/09/16 20:24:00 )
@Atropa Belladonna: There's always something to do! xD ( I just popped on here cause I have a few things I need to get done for Voltra too. lol)

Ah, that sounds nice. I'm in need of a quiet evening and coffee myself. :3

Not really, I make sure to make time for my class work so I'm usually on schedule or ahead of the game. If I didn't study or do my work, then I'd be stressed. I'd also be more stressed if I didn't have money for my bills. haha

Donator — PomePome Posted 5 years ago ( 2019/09/16 20:28:29 )
@Fozzy: yeeeeesss things get done for voltra :D this sounds great!
and yeah thats understandable that youre more stressed without money =) youre living in the us? i heard i can be really expensive there =O

Admin — He/Him Posted 5 years ago ( 2019/09/16 20:29:34 )
@Atropa Belladonna: Yes I do live in the US and a year ago, I lived in Chicago. O_O I made the smart decision to move to a much more affordable area in Wisconsin for the time being. I do enjoy city life, but it can be VERY expensive.

Donator — PomePome Posted 5 years ago ( 2019/09/16 20:43:33 )
@Fozzy: yes thats right! iam lucky my great grand parents build a house in my hometown because its one of the most expensive places around east germany to afford house or an apartment. and i heard in wisconsin you always had a nice winter with snow! this is awesome =D wait or did i mess this up?

Admin — He/Him Posted 5 years ago ( 2019/09/16 20:46:06 )
@Atropa Belladonna: Wow, that's amazing! What year was your house built? I actually have extended family on my polish side that live in Berlin. ^^
Wisconsin and even Chicago get a ton of snow! It's pretty at first, but can be deadly... haha This past winter was my first time driving a car and I slide off a ramp merging onto the highway due to the snow fall. >.<

Donator — PomePome Posted 5 years ago ( 2019/09/16 20:57:16 )
@Fozzy: i think it was built in 1901 its pretty old =) thats cool its interisting were family spreads over the years! i have an aunt and some cousins in america as well =)
than send us some snow, we dont get much over the last years =/ its a part of global warming over here

Admin — He/Him Posted 5 years ago ( 2019/09/16 21:02:09 )
@Atropa Belladonna: Oh wow, that is old! My childhood home until the age of 5 was actually owned by my grandparents in Chicago and I think it was built around that time too, super old!

Aww, that sucks. Well, we have more than enough to share! /shoves snow towards you all

Donator — PomePome Posted 5 years ago ( 2019/09/16 21:05:20 )
@Fozzy: i think its nice to have a part of history you live in :D
and thats nice of you! my favorite childhoodmemories were with snow, a slide, some white christmas evenings and it makes me sad that my little girl dont will have any of these memories :/ only our summertimes get hotter and hotter every year -___- i hate the summer. whats your favore season?

Admin — He/Him Posted 5 years ago ( 2019/09/16 21:08:31 )
@Atropa Belladonna: I love christmas time, happiest memories. I would have to say my favorite season has to be fall/autumn. I just love the chilly weather with a glimpse of sun rays, sweaters, and PUMPKIN SPICE EVERYTHING!
If you need assistance or just want to chat, you may contact me anytime by ping or PM.

Donator Posted 5 years ago ( 2019/09/16 21:08:52 )

I was having dinner 2,5 hours ago and then I took a bath. Now I am back for some chatting.

Donator — PomePome Posted 5 years ago ( 2019/09/16 21:11:59 )
@Fozzy: in germany we dont have pumkin spice. butiam totally on the autum side, the pretty cornfields, scarecrows, autumn leaves, the warm colours you can lit on candles with smell, my cats get thic fur again, its not as hot anymore. its just pretty!

@vengeance: haaaai thats great how was your bath? ^^ i need to make my coffee now before i forget it xDDD

iam back in a second ^-^

Donator Posted 5 years ago ( 2019/09/16 21:12:33 )

@Atropa Belladonna: My bath was really relaxing.

Donator — PomePome Posted 5 years ago ( 2019/09/16 21:24:00 )
@vengeance: thats agood thing a good bath can heal deep sould wounds! ^-^was your day stresfull??

Donator Posted 5 years ago ( 2019/09/16 21:26:21 )

@Atropa Belladonna: No I hardly did anything today XD I did apply for 2 jobs.

Donator — PomePome Posted 5 years ago ( 2019/09/16 21:33:48 )
@vengeance: ohhh thats okay =) what you want to do for a job? i do alot today..... early i was by the gyn than i was over an hour on my way home, than i cook lunch and make laundry and after that we did the grave..... it was a good day =)

Donator Posted 5 years ago ( 2019/09/16 21:37:22 )

@Atropa Belladonna: Well I studied to be a graphics designer but it's near impossible to find a company that will hire me. So I am now looking at other work but no look there either. They did hire me for essamble line work but that fucked over my back so never again.

Donator — PomePome Posted 5 years ago ( 2019/09/16 21:40:37 )
@vengeance: oh i know this feeling this is my plan too after the baby.... everything but just dont work as an florist anymore if you get here a job they take you as an woker for everything they dont want to do.... its pretty hard to be new
~Pls Ping me~
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