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Forums Quests Dimples Quest ! ♡

Donator Posted 6 years ago ( 2019/08/29 02:04:07 )

" @Totalanimefan: in the long run, definitely c:

nice! man i miss playing that for months. i just found the item museum here somewhere & oml i need to add to my quest list. *u * the amount of poses & items with one item alone is amazing! not how it was back in the day.

my personal discord voltra chat logs are getting overloaded hahah "

Donator Posted 6 years ago ( 2019/08/29 16:22:45 )
" @Totalanimefan: its a whole bunch but i found the item price thread. i really want the messenger because of the nebula like background haha

ooof, itll be awhile until i get 13kish but i will get there! loll "

Donator Posted 6 years ago ( 2019/08/29 18:34:18 )
" @Totalanimefan: really awesome items. it was a task for all the screenshots for my personal discord quest log.

trying to find image uploader & i remembered tinypic. they are shutting down! man all the memories i had getting small urls for images ;n; "

Donator Posted 6 years ago ( 2019/08/29 20:18:26 )
" @Totalanimefan: its a drag! photobucket has a monthly cost but i havent checked yet whether youre able to just upload & use the url...

on me lunch haha
hows your day going? "

Donator Posted 5 years ago ( 2019/09/17 17:59:54 )

" /breathes air into thread

im sitting here listening to my cat meowing like its the end of the world. and a thumping noise... wtf is my cat doing hahah "

Voltie — They/Them Posted 5 years ago ( 2019/09/22 07:05:59 )

*bumps this up*
Good luck with your quest!
What commons are you questing for?


Donator Posted 5 years ago ( 2019/09/22 16:56:49 )
@Boss Rimi: thank you ^^ i really like your avatar. is he dressed up as your character elliot? o:

i was just thinking of the rehoming effect for commons. if you have some commons of these colors, id love them - kind of quest! i love all commons ^^

i hope youre having a lovely sunday, i just woke up haha

Voltie — They/Them Posted 5 years ago ( 2019/09/22 17:40:13 )

@nebula: Aww thanks! No this isn't Elliot. Elliot is a green haired punk boi with piercings. I did make an avatar of him a while back. Maybe I'll change back into him soonish. xD

Ohhh okay I get it. Neato! I'll keep an eye out. What if you get repeated commons though?

Thank-you, good morning to you! I'm still feeling a little out of it actually. Managed to open the fridge door and then walked into the door, smashing my fingers. Did you get plenty of sleep?


Donator Posted 5 years ago ( 2019/09/22 17:49:29 )
@Boss Rimi: oooh, is elliot a roleplaying character? i love the name, its top of my list of boy names haha and if we have a girl, im naming her astrid.

i think the only color i have most of is lavender. i still have the barebones on items at the moment, so it wouldnt be too much of an issue. if i do get dups, maybe i could donate them to new users or something. ^^

oml ouchie! i hate when that happens >_ <
i hope the pain goes away soon! i got plenty of sleep, better than the night before.

Voltie — They/Them Posted 5 years ago ( 2019/09/22 17:54:54 )

@nebula: Yes, yes he is. o u o Aww those are both really good names! I love the name Astrid, it's so pretty!

Ohh okay cool! I just wanted to ask. I'll be sure to snoop around the shops and do some shopping. hue hue

I blame being out of it. Once I drink my meds I'll probably be more out of it. Not sure. Thanks! I put my fingers in some really cold water to help. ; u ;
Oh that's good! Yeah I managed to sleep better last night than the night before. The night before I was working on an exam for history class and couldn't concentrate because the neighbors were partying super loudly. I still managed to pass the exam though, thankfully.The party made it hard to get a decent might's sleep though.


Donator Posted 5 years ago ( 2019/09/22 18:35:06 )
@Boss Rimi: i miss roleplaying back in the old days, but i been so much out of the loop - id be a little awkward hahaha BUT i looove character building.
thank yous! children are far down the road if we ever get there. we both agreed on adopting if we dont have kids til we are 40.

im definitely accident prone when im out of it too. oooof, i hate medication that does that. do you have plans for today? its my day off so hubby and i are binge watching married at first sight at the moment. haha

ahh whats with common courtesy from neighbors. our neighbors do the same thing. very loud mexican music throughout the whole day. thankful my room is on the otherside of the house but once in awhile they turn it up. they get called on a lot... not much progress - boooo.

ooo, what kind of history are you taking a class on?

Voltie — They/Them Posted 5 years ago ( 2019/09/22 18:55:12 )

@nebula: Roleplaying is so much fun. Hard to keep up though because I have school all week so roleplaying is kind of not possible at the moment. Sometimes I'll reply between classes if I can. Normally I try to reply to as many as I can during the weekend. Character building is amazing! I tend to create characters using the sims 4. lol But only one of the sims I made on there turned to an actual oc and rp character. I've only used him once though. I think it's great that you'd want to adopt!

I hate it too. Haha Oh yeah well I need to run to the store later and grab some cat litter, a new scooper, and some kleenex for me to take with me to school because I'm sick. Maybe I will grab some subway on the way back. Not sure though. Oh! I've heard of that show, is it good?

Oof I am so sorry. D: We Mexicans do tend to party real hard. > n < I wish they didn't though. I wish the parties only lasted about 3 hours or something because some people like to sleep at around 9pm. So whenever we throw a party, usually by 10pm we are pretty much done with the loud music and stuff. We're usually just eating or cleaning up. Same, the cops arrive to the neighbors here but they'll turn off the music and when the police leave, they just crank it up even louder. D: So no one bothers doing anything anymore.

It is American history. We just covered the Civil war and the Transcontinental railroad.


Donator Posted 5 years ago ( 2019/09/22 19:15:27 )
@Boss Rimi: i dont think id be very active with roleplaying at this time. i remember being very detailed and put a lot of work into it. i have my own writing that is lacking. nanowrimo is coming up so i really need to get a plot together hahaa

thanks! i was adopted so i wish to do so too.

haha sorry, i hope i didnt offend. its just the music and i dont complain much - more so the oldest roomie. i can understand fridays having a late, maybe 11pm at most. but its almost to like 1pm sometimes. i dont have the energy to party whatsoever hahahah.

my father is a huge american history buff. he was born in '44 and was in military as a judge in south korea, i believe during a war. he likes to provide history and politics facts or information when we visit. and my officemate is doing christianity history through like three languages. im like, i just go to work and write horror. haha

with everything going on now, it has perked my interest on how they will produce history books. or will it become like an english class, like you have to read bios or event related books. oppose to having one huge history book.

Donator Posted 5 years ago ( 2019/09/22 19:18:52 )
married at first sight is goodish. i do enjoy some juicy drama a bit like 90 day fiance series. they can get very awkward and cringing quite a bit.

Voltie — They/Them Posted 5 years ago ( 2019/09/22 19:37:27 )

@nebula: Oh right, Nanowrimo! I forgot about that. So you're going to be participating? Do you participate every year?

Aww, that's super sweet.

No worries, you didn't. :3 I think this party went on till like 1am. Sometimes they party until 3am which really, really sucks. I took some sleepy medicine though so I think that, on top of being sick, really helped me pass out and get much needed sleep.

Really? o: That is so neat! Hahah all I do is go to school, then come home and check on my dad. He had shoulder surgery on Thursday so he's wearing a sling and I help my mom put it on or take it off. And he has an ice pack he needs to wear as well. I also remind him to take his medicine but he's been pretty good of remembering that. lol Christianity history through 3 different languages? So like...three different cultures?

You know, I wonder what life is going to be like 5 years from now. What is school going to be like. You bring up a good questions too, are there going to be history books? Or are the events going to be in their own books or something? It's pretty interesting to think about.

I haven't watched tv in months, but I remember I always enjoyed watching 'Say yes to the dress'. lol


Donator Posted 5 years ago ( 2019/09/22 19:57:24 )
@Boss Rimi: i have for the longest time but i do it off-site. i tried back when i was young, managed it but i kept failing recently to keep up with the site and group works.

that is so good of you to assist your father and be there for your family. my aunts kids (way older than me) just drained her and get in trouble. it hurts cause shes really sweet. i only been in the family for 11 years so i cannot say much. i dont associate myself with them. i hope your fathers surgery goes very smooth and for a quick recovery!

the biggest thing is for history is our technology. we have news daily, every hour. not like how it was back in the day. too many events going on. which are the most important for child development to know. obviously we have the start of america, what we been learning. but i have read that some events are being revisited and the probability of it happening due to human ancestors, reviewing others histories.

yeah different christianity cultures. which to read their bibles, he has to learn their languages. i took two years of spanish in high school and i only now know single words. BUT i am seeking to take spanish again and sign language. i could definitely use both for work.

we has hulu and netflix ^^ much better than having to pay 50+ for cable. ooo, i love watching that one too! i enjoyed seeing all the pretty dresses and then get annoyed that the bride loves the dress and one of their family/ friends says no.

Voltie — They/Them Posted 5 years ago ( 2019/09/22 23:26:37 )

@nebula: That's so cool. I could never do that, but I think it's so cool that so many people can manage to take part. :D

Well I try my best. I'm sick though so I wear a face mask cause he doesn't have his flu shot at the moment and he can't get it until after he's fully recovered. *shrugs* That's so sad, I can't believe they do that. Poor lady. D: I don't like it when anyone causes trouble for anyone. Especially when that person is really kind to them and they're just taken advantage of. It's so upsetting to me. Thank-you! I'll be sure to pass on the message. I'm sure he'd appreciate it. He's not used to being stuck at home with no work for more than a week. So 4 months is going to be a challenge I think.

Oh yeah, it really has changed over the years. We sure have come a long way I think, from how things were many years ago. I just hope they actually teach everything that happened. I've heard that certain places don't teach certain historical events or they get their facts wrong. Ooh really? That's pretty interesting I think.

Ahh okay, I see. Interesting. I didn't even know that was an actual thing that one could do. I imagine it must be really interesting to read through the different bibles and find the similarities and the differences. Spanish is fun! It's a little confusing at times though so I understand if people have a hard time learning it. I want to learn Italian just for fun though. Sign language looks like such a fun language to learn. :D It would be super helpful, you're right!

Yasss I have Netflix but they don't have the shows I used to watch. Like, I used to watch The Nanny. Such a good show, funny too! Omg yes! But like, here's my question; If the dress is for you and you love it so much and it makes you happy, then why does it matter what the other people say? Why not just get the dress?


Donator Posted 5 years ago ( 2019/09/22 23:53:29 )
@Boss Rimi: i hope you feel better real soon too! i can definitely see you are very caring and thoughtful!

my mother tries to intervene, but my aunt just says she loves them and wants them happy. we are like to what extent, cause obviously theres nothing shown back... its terrible. i feel for her and text her often cause its harming her health. my adopted parents are fairly older than my bio. parents so i got a lot of both worlds. i used to have a good size family to a very small one where a lot of them are gone. i get to heard stories which are nice.

oh man, four months - that is rough. would he be able to do cardio type stuff?

i forget what exactly he was going for but i do know he wants to be a priest. teach the bible in different countries. i cannot imagine all he has to put into it. plus he has been going on trips to like japan, south korea, mayan pyramids. im like damn, go you! he is younger than i.

i work with adults with disabilities in the employment aspect. we have gotten a handful of deaf individuals. i have learned on the job but becoming an interpreter would make some good dough. and it looks like fun. spanish would also be very useful, i can kinda pin point words but trying to wrap my head around okay this word means this, now use it in a full blown spanish sentence. i can understand the gender and letters having different sounds. i can singly roll my r but not in the middle of a word, haha

ooo italian would be fun! i have seen a few shows using it.

the nanny is a good show! riiight, im like she loves it, let it be. mother is like omg its hideous. or it shows too much skin or something. i can understand the nonwhite dresses but hey its their wedding. haha

Voltie — They/Them Posted 5 years ago ( 2019/09/23 00:17:14 )

@nebula: Thank you very much, that's very sweet!

Hmm, I see. Well I can understand her wanting for them to just be happy. I'm a peacemaker, so I don't like conflict. Which results in me being a pushover which isn't a good thing. If you can avoid conflict, then you should probably do that. At the same time though, I think those people causing her pain should get a good talking to.

I'm not sure. He's going to be doing physical therapy after 1 month. c:

Oooh so he's like going on pilgrimages. That's so cool! And does he enjoy it? I hope he does, becoming a priest is such a noble act, I applaud him.

Yeah it would really come in handy then for you to learn sign language. I've been told I should be an interpreter because I speak both English and Spanish so well. But I'm already deep into the business career, no room to change ideas right now. lol I can't write Spanish all to well. The accents or whatever the lines on top of the letters are called, they always mess me up. I don't know the placements for them in the words. I know that not all words have them, but I don't know what words do or don't.

Italian is similar to Spanish, so if you master Spanish then you should be able to master Italian. I wouldn't ever use it though because I've never met a person who speaks it. xD

Yay another fan! o u o Right? I understand the nonwhite dresses too, but at the end of the day it's the girl's wedding. It's her big day and she should be able to get whatever she likes.


And I thought saltine crackers were salty.
Chat with me on Discord if you wanna! My username is: thebossrimi
Just tell me who you are when you message me there.

Donator Posted 5 years ago ( 2019/09/23 00:30:32 )
@Boss Rimi: ^^ of course

im a big pushover too until i reach my last straw. watched too many crime videos and other children, to be wary of having my own. especially my mothers side is batshxt crazy ahahhh

oh thats good and he will have you two around for help. definitely wish him a very speedy but thorough recovery!

my hubby thinks i overthink the language stuff but theres a lot to it when you try. i used an app for the longest time. think it was called memrize. was useful on spanish and sign language. we see interpreters when these individuals come for meetings. they always inspire me. and then im like i need to add this to my many things i want to learn hahah

i wanted to be a nanny growing up but my adopted parents were like nooo. that is not realistic. not gonna lie, i really wanted to wear a really pretty yellow sundress for our wedding. it was just a small court office room wedding. i freaking wore black and white hightop horror (had beetle juice, scissorhands, and a few other characters in black) shoes, could been seen a little under my white dress. my parents werent happy haha thought it was childish.

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