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Voltie — They/Them Posted 5 years ago ( 2019/09/23 00:49:16 )

@nebula: It's hard not to be nice. I agree though, we're only human and we can only handle so much before we reach our breaking point. Heheh

Mhm! I kinda worry when I'm out of the house, but at least he's not alone. My mom and younger siblings are there to help out so that puts me at ease a little bit.

Languages are no joke. They may look easy but they're pretty difficult. We may overthink things, but sometimes it's out of our control. You know? Oh, I use Memrise! I use it to learn Italian, although I haven't had the time to anymore unfortunately. Maybe someday I'll be able to get back into it. I think it's cool that you really want to learn it and stuff, very good to have your sights set on a good thing like that.

Well I don't think Nannies make much money. Or maybe they do, I don't know. You would have to be really patient with kids though. It may not be the best job but I think it's a good option if you are just starting out to look for a job. It's a good start. Aww that sounds so cute! Hahah you did? Ah, well as long as you were comfortable, that's what matters!


Donator Posted 5 years ago ( 2019/09/23 01:12:24 )
@Boss Rimi: haha i am an angry crier haha. i am like, i am so sad i am mad at you but dont let these tears fool you. xD

thats great! he sounds very well taken care of.

they arent, especially if you dont want to offend. if i was on the recieving end of my horrid attempt of speaking their language just think at least i am trying loll ^^;

yeah i havent had much time to play around with the memrise app. but it was a really good one and managed to learn and retain at that time. aha.

yeah it was in my babysitting days. i love children but i now could not be a teacher. i could deal with three at a time up to six years old. as much as i try to connect with my husbands fifteen year old niece, she is more interested in makeup, boys, and working. im like sheesh, i was playing videos games nonstop and drinking mountain dew. hahah

generations are wanting to grow up faster than we wanted too and not hearing the warnings of the dreadful adulthood. haha. it is really dreadful now xD

my hubbys mom gave them to me and they were my favorite. a little uncomfortable but it was well worth it. i dont think i could even manage these flat feet into heels of any kinds. bahahah /rolling

Voltie — They/Them Posted 5 years ago ( 2019/09/23 03:33:49 )

@nebula: Aww angry tears are the worst. Well to be fair, I just don't like when people cry. Period. I always feel guilty.

Oh yeah, he's very spoiled. Haha

That is true, but if you're just learning then the people should know not to take you so seriously. You know? They shouldn't get upset or anything if you mess something up because it's a learning experience and we all have to start somewhere.

Did you know Memrise has a Simlish language you can learn? I'm not even joking about it. xD

Omg, I love kids. I'm in that stage of my life where I desperately want kids of my own. I want to have babies already but I have school to deal with first and then I want to get a job. Afterwards I want to think about babies. lol But like, I really want kids. They're so precious!

Man, kids nowadays think they're so mature. They want to be adults and do whatever they want. I don't know why, being a child is awesome! You don't have the stress and responsibilities of the adult life.

Aww that's really sweet of her! o u o

Also sorry for the late responses. I keep getting distracted with things. Dx


Donator Posted 5 years ago ( 2019/09/23 05:13:41 )
@Boss Rimi: no worries, i got distracted myself xD we are watching brooklyn nine-nine. we love rewatching this show all the time.

lmao no way
simlish. i got to see it for myself later. thats great. my laptop is so weak but i am able to play the game until it crashes haha i need to get a larger memory drive. i dont have much room to play it in my room.

that is so awesome! i wish i were the same way but its ridiculous how expensive it is out here. we barely make it as is renting a small room >_ < we are thinking of going rogue for a couple of years living in a conversion van and have a good idea to have it work. ahahahhh. but its rough.

that would be the perfect time though having the extra schooling and landing a job that uses it, would be set for the next step. thatd be so exciting. love seeing videos like pregnancy reveals on my feeds. so cute.

Voltie — They/Them Posted 5 years ago ( 2019/09/23 05:38:54 )

@nebula: Oh I've heard of that show! Never actually watched it. I wanted to watch Supernatural today but clearly I didn't. :/

I play the sims 4 on my laptop from time to time but it sometimes glitches. I think that's normal though but I would like a better laptop someday. Although the one I have is fine for right now. It runs well for the most part and I'm able to get my homework done easily. So I have no real need to toss it out yet. lol

Yeah kids are expensive. I know that sounds super mean to say, but it's the truth! A child is an expensive addition to any home. So if you can't afford things for yourself, then having a child probably isn't in the picture for the time being. That's why I'm not having babies obviously, because I don't have a way to support them. You want to live in a van? o:

I think I'd be a good parent. I really want my own but I'm not opposed to adopting either.


Donator Posted 5 years ago ( 2019/09/23 05:44:27 )
@Boss Rimi: my eyes are getting droopy bahaha it was very nice chatting with ya. i will get back with ya later. hope you have a good evening! ou o

Voltie — They/Them Posted 5 years ago ( 2019/09/23 05:48:19 )

@nebula: Hah of course no worries! I had fun chatting with you too! Hopefully we can chat again soon. If I manage to finish homework after class I'll be sure to pop on. If not I'll probably hop on either Tuesdays, Thursdays, or Fridays after class. For sure the weekends. Have a goodnight! Thank you!


Donator Posted 5 years ago ( 2019/09/24 15:19:10 )
@Boss Rimi: hiya! hows your classes going?

Voltie — They/Them Posted 5 years ago ( 2019/09/24 20:14:09 )

@nebula: Yo! Classes suck. lol
I'm staying at home today and working on some English homework. Already finished one assignment so I'm taking a small break before working on the second one which will be the last one. Then I'll be all caught up!
How are you? I love the avatar. Simple but really good.


Donator Posted 5 years ago ( 2019/09/24 21:12:29 )
@Boss Rimi: haha yeaaah i am not looking forward to going back to college. but i love me some english!

woot to being closely caught up (unless you did so in the last hour xD) ! whatcha gonna do when youre caught up?

i am well! it is baking hot outside ugh but im only out here for lunch break. aw thank you! im really liking it - slenderman feel to it. c:

Voltie — They/Them Posted 5 years ago ( 2019/09/24 21:39:30 )

@nebula: English is great I love it so much. ; u ;

Nah I'm still thinking about how I want to answer these questions. They really make you think, which is obviously the point. They're questions you never hear in regular conversations. Or at least, I've never heard. lol I'm probably just going to chat more or maybe I'll play the sims 4? I don't know. Maybe I'll just watch Supernatural on Netflix. So many options. Haha

Yeah I can totally see that! Very nice! I'm still thinking what I want to do for my birthday avatar.


Donator Posted 5 years ago ( 2019/09/25 00:24:08 )
@Boss Rimi: ooo, could i read a question they presented you?

haha that is a lot of selections to pass the time. i want to do and learn so much but i just add them to my notes on my phone and maybe ill get to them when im retired xD

i do a lot of writing but not reading and i feel like my vocabulary and reading too many poorly made articles online that im forcing my characters and theyre not flowing anymore. i have the first book of the game of thrones starring at me on my night stand xD

i tried to get my hubby into watching supernatural cause i love it but it was a fail.

thanks! ooo, your birthday is coming up? im not familiar with all the times so i cannot be of any of help

Voltie — They/Them Posted 5 years ago ( 2019/09/28 07:12:21 )

@nebula: Heya! Oh sure! Here you go:
What does it mean to be a human? What does science say it means? What does economics say it means? Does your culture have any say in it? Your religion? Your upbringing? What else does this topic bring to mind? Can you use examples to explain your answers?

Well I have the weekend off to chill. I might end up listening to my favorite podcast actually. I really need to make some more progress because the story is so strange but it's so interesting too. Hahah trust me, I think we're all like that. We will have plenty of time to do what we want once we retire. xD

Oh man, I don't read as often as I used to. I blame school for this. I suppose I could read in my free time but there are many other things I want to do so I have to choose from the options. Sometimes I'll read a few hours a day, but other times I'll just laze around and chill. I have so many books just waiting to be read in my bookshelf. Heheh My nightstand is covered in all sorts of junk. I have tea packets I've been meaning to try. I should get on that soon. :/

Awww, well at least you tried.

Mhm, the 5th of October. :D I'll probably go out to eat and then laze around at home. = w =
It's okay, I'm sure I'll figure something out. And if not then oh well? xD


Donator Posted 5 years ago ( 2019/09/28 20:59:56 )
@Boss Rimi: damn, those are deep too! a few of those stumped me aha

i been listening to a lot of dave ramsey lately. trying to suck in all the information and be jelly of others annually income. loll whatcha like listening to on podcasts?

we were suppose to go to storage and check out everything to see if we can sell anything. but i went to kaiser for a pointless appointment and caught something. i been sniffling and cough up stuff. throat is a bit scratchy. like great more stufff xD

ooo, i like lazy days especially stressfree birthdays without planning and making sure its nice. i am a simple lady myself haha cake and wine, yes please. my is coming up as well! november 9th ^^

i am sure you can come up with something awesome!

Voltie — They/Them Posted 5 years ago ( 2019/09/28 21:21:31 )

@nebula: They really are. Haha

Well this podcast is about a fictional town but the town is so strange with it's rules and stuff. It's really interesting though and the voice of the guy speaking is so chill and relaxing. It's called 'Welcome to Nightvale' if you ever want to check it out. I listen to it on Spotify.

Oof, that sucks. I hate it when I go to Kaiser for whatever reason and end up coming out all sick and gross. It's like the worst thing.
I hope that you get to feeling better soon though.

Lazy days are awesome. I wanted to sleep in today but ended up waking up at 8am anyway. sigh Oooh wine, yes please! Wine is really good. I don't drink often though. Actually, it's super rare when I drink. Hmm, maybe when I go out to eat I can convince my mom to buy me a drink. Although I don't think they have wine where we're going.

Happy early birthday to you! Have any plans?

Thanks! I'm messing around with my inventory right now, trying to figure something out.


Donator Posted 5 years ago ( 2019/09/28 23:06:17 )
ooo, that sound awesome! reminds me of when i used to have syrus radio (i forget the name xD) and it had story-like channels. my foster dad loved it.

i need to redownload spotify, pandora is getting annoying. i listen to music on yt haha

thanks! trying not to get the hubby sick but thats already a done deal xD there was a looong line for the flu shot too. shoulda got my shot

i managed three hours extra of sleep than the hubby. but i woke up a bit crabby and stuffie. definitely lazy day today and probably gonna fall asleep loll

ahh i reside in the wine country of california. anddd it sucks. i barely drink too but hubby gets wine as tips sometimes xD ooo, maybe you can get one to chill on!

no real plans besides maybe camping but i got a four day weekend and he has his normal two day weekend. sadly he doesnt get pto


Voltie — They/Them Posted 5 years ago ( 2019/09/28 23:34:27 )

@nebula: Syrus radio sounds so familiar. lol

I never liked Pandora. Then I tried iheart radio but I didn't really like it either. Spotify is where it's at. It's not annoying like the others. Haha

Oh yeah, I listen to music on YT too. Or on the actual radio if I'm in the car. Though I flick between stations every 5 seconds. xD

Hmmm, trying to get people sick is pretty tough. They're bound to get sick just being around you. Oof yeah, you should have gotten the shot. I hate shots, I get so tense every single time so it hurts more. I hope I can sleep in tonight, but I'm sure I'll just wake up at 8am again. Like always.

Ooh you live in Cali too?! o: If I can't I'll just sip on some Horchata and call it a win. lol

Camping! Man, I don't think I could ever survive with camping. Too many bugs and stuff. D: I hope the two of you can just spend some time together anyway in those two days he has off. ; u ;


Donator Posted 5 years ago ( 2019/09/29 01:58:16 )
@Boss Rimi: oh yeah i fell asleep. apparently slept longer than i asked my hubby to wake me. he didnt want to.

it has millions of radio shows and some of the cars come with it. used to love to listen to it when i was younger. barely ever use the car radio haha

ugh, i hate needles too >n <

mhm! i dont like it though. way too expensive but i have a very good stable job. we are due to a house drop here soon. we would move quicker but i am three more years for my tenner.

we love camping but yes hate the knarly bugs. ahh i love the cool air, sleeping in a tent, possibly deal with bears and poison ivy. all the fun stuff. my hubby wants to go fishing which im down for.

Voltie — They/Them Posted 5 years ago ( 2019/09/29 02:49:15 )

@nebula: D'awww how precious! I wouldn't want to wake my partner either if they were sleeping. I'd want them to sleep as much as they needed.

I don't like Cali either, way too hot. But it's all I know, so I don't see myself ever moving to be honest. Which is totally fine with me since I'm afraid of traveling anyway. lmao

That all sounds so relaxing though. I'd probably just chill in the car the entire time. Maybe read a book. xD

I am sooo lame. I know.


And I thought saltine crackers were salty.
Chat with me on Discord if you wanna! My username is: thebossrimi
Just tell me who you are when you message me there.

Donator Posted 5 years ago ( 2019/09/29 03:03:56 )
yeah he is a doll to me. i love him to the core!

i am from all over. from being taken from my parents to two sets of grandparents, to foster care, to adoption. i moved around a lot. but i am incredibly anxious about leaving cause it has some good benefits but i know i will be able to land good jobs elsewhere with what i am doing and the location if we go to a smaller town outta state.

we actually spend a lot of time in the car because we smoke and are medical so we are not allowed to do so inside which is totally understandable. we get lost in what we do meanwhile smoking but it is fun and we binge watch movies and stuff.

we are actually gonna do something pretty lifechanging but it is going to be a lot of fun.

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