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Forums General Chit-Chat 1 hour before bedtime

Donator Posted 5 years ago ( 2019/09/25 13:37:48 )

@Miss Sandman: Haha no I watched many XD But that's the first movie I tried found on that app. I also wanne watch Wall-E. I have seen most old disney movies.

Donator — PomePome Posted 5 years ago ( 2019/09/25 13:39:28 )
@vengeance: oh okay i was surprised xD ^^ yeah wall-e is really nice as well with a nice meaning! totally recoment this or if you dont watch it yet you should watch baymax ;_; such a cute and great and sad movie!

Donator Posted 5 years ago ( 2019/09/25 13:50:19 )

@Miss Sandman: Up was sad enough already XD So no Wall-E soon.

Donator — PomePome Posted 5 years ago ( 2019/09/25 17:01:32 )
@vengeance: they are all sad at some point xD

Donator Posted 5 years ago ( 2019/09/25 18:07:21 )

@Miss Sandman: And I have to watch it downstairs. Don't wanne cry in front of my parents.

Donator — PomePome Posted 5 years ago ( 2019/09/25 18:13:41 )
@vengeance: your parents saw you cry alot as a kid i wanna bet ^^ but thats okay

Donator Posted 5 years ago ( 2019/09/25 18:17:15 )

@Miss Sandman: They did. But as an adult now I rather cry alone.

Donator — PomePome Posted 5 years ago ( 2019/09/25 18:19:00 )
@vengeance: yeah i know this feeling but sometimes ou have outbreakes..... the last time i had one my BF told me i should go eat cake alone because he dont eat cake (hormones + rude BF = a nono)

Donator Posted 5 years ago ( 2019/09/25 18:23:24 )

@Miss Sandman: Bad boy. Just eat cake right in front of his face XD

Donator — PomePome Posted 5 years ago ( 2019/09/25 18:31:46 )
@vengeance: i did and he really dont like cake sadly xDD a friend of mine started to cry over a plate of beets because she didnt like the taste of the beets and they mix them with noodles.... so she started crying for the noodles XDDD i love pregnant woman its so hilarious XD

Donator Posted 5 years ago ( 2019/09/25 18:42:49 )

@Miss Sandman: Yeh pregnent woman cry over the weirdest things.

Donator — PomePome Posted 5 years ago ( 2019/09/25 18:46:00 )
@vengeance: mainly over food stuff xDD or babys.......... or baby dolls that look damn realistic...... or dead babies... its wierd

Donator Posted 5 years ago ( 2019/09/25 18:54:51 )

@Miss Sandman: My mom wanted nothing else but milkshakes. Each day.

Donator — PomePome Posted 5 years ago ( 2019/09/25 18:58:36 )
@vengeance: so let me guess you like milkshakes :D? i want sweets the shole day so that i eat more healthy i bough me some figs and they are awesome also i should eat more nuts my therapist said.... iam not mad with this diet :D

Donator Posted 5 years ago ( 2019/09/25 19:06:12 )

@Miss Sandman: I never had a milkshake XD

Donator — PomePome Posted 5 years ago ( 2019/09/25 19:30:16 )
@vengeance: really why not??? sorry i was away doing the laundry for me and my dad xDD

Donator Posted 5 years ago ( 2019/09/25 19:38:30 )

@Miss Sandman: No particular reason why.

Donator — PomePome Posted 5 years ago ( 2019/09/25 19:45:59 )
@vengeance: thats wierd but i bet if you try one you will find it delicious! ^^

Donator Posted 5 years ago ( 2019/09/25 19:59:23 )

@Miss Sandman: Hmm our dishwasher already says for 2 minutes that there is only 1 minute left.

Donator — PomePome Posted 5 years ago ( 2019/09/25 20:00:43 )
@vengeance: thats normal i also have this with the washing mashine alot xDDD
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