@mdom: Ooh, fancy, but we'll see how well you can fare against me, the marvelous Doctor Vin~!
@inatlaka: You can create an avatar you like in your inventory, and you must include a Vreg item, the newest of which is Vreg is King, available in OMG Imports for 1k Volts until the 15th October, so there's a Vreg item that's available for your use even though you're new.
Once you've made an avatar, you can save it to your device and upload it to an image hosting site such as imgur, then post the image link in this thread as your entry.
Sorry for the late response.
@Deaa: Looking cozy, hmm? Let's see if that can thaw my heart enough to let him go.
@Queen of Trash: Queen of the Rats, I see. A mighty army you have there, actually, I must admit... I need to watch out for those rats...
@Priestess of Pie: Oh my, I called the wrath of the gods down upon me? Maybe this wasn't such a good idea after all...
@Storybook: Another cute addition to the mass of Volties clamouring for Vregory's return. Very well, let's see how this plays out.