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Forums Role Playing Blood in Roses

Voltie Posted 5 years ago ( 2019/10/16 03:58:41 )
Zero didn't talk much as they walked, he mostly listened to the guy decribe Kaneko and her personality. He asked a couple of more questions before they reached their destination, where he once again apologized for not being more chuckled help and promised to keep an eye and ear out for his friend. Now he knew where to find him in case he 'heard anything'. He then box him goodnight and started to head back to the cabin.

Voltie — They/Them Posted 5 years ago ( 2019/10/16 04:10:17 )
Jax made sure to answer the questions as best as he could and when the stranger said goodnight, Jax headed inside the building. Would the stranger actually help? Or was he protecting Kaneko? He had to get into that cabin, but how?

Back in the cabin, Kaneko slept peacefully by Allen's side. She wasn't even aware that Jax had wanted to visit or that Allen was even awake. She stirred in her sleep, whimpering softly and reaching out to hold on to Allen's shirt gently. He was still there. He was still safe. They were going to be just fine. They were safe from harm.

Voltie Posted 5 years ago ( 2019/10/16 21:58:42 )
Zero took his time going back to the cabin, unsure of his to tell them someone was looking for Kaneko, though friendly enough he didn't trust people so openly. When he did reach the cabin, he was freezing since he could actually still feel the cold seeing how he wasn't a full vampire, and he didn't think to grab a blanket or something. But it didn't bother him as much as a normal human. Instead of sleeping inside, he climbed one of the trees nearby like he had been doing nearly every night, stretched out on a heavy branch like a cat and dozed off.

By morning, Allen was still awake and simply laying huddled next to Kaneko. He lightly kissed her forehead and rested his forehead against hers, closings eyes and relaxing until she woke.

Voltie — They/Them Posted 5 years ago ( 2019/10/17 08:10:43 )
The following morning, Kaneko stirred beside Allen. She was still tired but she was awake now. She didn't want to get up though, she was much too comfortable where she was. Plus, it was cold out so she knew that once she got out of bed she'd be cold. Kaneko opened her tired eyes and smiled softly when she saw Allen right there with her. It had just been a bad dream, he was perfectly safe. "Good morning." She whispered, refusing to move from where she lay. Her fingers reached out and lightly caressed his pale cheek. "I hope you're feeling better.." She whispered to herself, not sure if he was awake or not.

Voltie Posted 5 years ago ( 2019/10/17 20:13:50 )
Allen slowly opened his milky eyes when she stirred, a blurry and faded image of dark hair before him. Horribly faded and blurred, like an old photo from the 80's in a photo album, and out of focus. Maybe a old classic movie was a better description.. He smiled faintly when she spoke and moved his eyes to examine her face. "I see you.. Kaneko.." He murmured quietly. "Faintly.." He murmured softly, lightly kissing her forehead.

Zero woke right as he shifted on his branch and fell off, barely having time to grab into the branch to keep from falling. Thank God he had fast reflexes otherwise he'd be face first in the snow!

Voltie — They/Them Posted 5 years ago ( 2019/10/18 04:46:16 )
What? He could see her? Kaneko was confused. How was it possible? Was it a side effect of the tea? Or was it perhaps something else that was unknown to her? "You do?" She asked. Kaneko smiled, truly happy. His eyesight looked to be coming back and even though she didn't know why, she couldn't deny that she was thrilled. Would he still find her pretty if he did in fact see her? What if she wasn't like he imagined her to be? "I'm so happy to hear this, it's a good thing. Do you have any idea what might be causing it?" She asked him quietly.

Voltie Posted 5 years ago ( 2019/10/18 05:10:08 )
Allen was also confused, since he thought his eye sight would be lost forever but his herb book did say that the herb Kaneko was using in his tea could heal the eyes, so maybe that's what was happening. "The tea..maybe.." He murmured, though unsure of himself. He didn't want to move from cuddling with Kaneko. He was comfortable, and very much enjoying this time with her. "Remember the explanation of the one herb, from the book?" He asked curiously.

Voltie — They/Them Posted 5 years ago ( 2019/10/18 05:37:23 )
The tea? Kaneko was silent, she thought about the tea she had been making and then nodded slowly when she heard him. "Oh you're right! Right the tea is supposed to help heal the eyesight." She agreed. Right, because it was actually the herb taking effect. She didn't think it would actually work though but she was so happy and impressed that it seemed to be working. Of course it wasn't instant, but that was okay. It was best that it took its time to fully work properly. She hadn't heard Zero around, maybe he was still sleeping? "I'm really happy to know it's working. You must be quite happy too aren't you?" She asked and chuckled.

Voltie Posted 5 years ago ( 2019/10/19 00:04:04 )
Allen nodded lightly when she spoke and and kissed her forehead gingerly. Despite the picture being unfocused and faded, he could faintly see. He had no words for how he felt, especially how captivated he was by Kaneko. If he couldn't see anything but her in this moment, he'd be rather content. "I'm delighted I can see how beautiful you are, lady Kaneko." He murmured softly with a small smile.

Zero carefully climbed down from the tree and knocked on the door before entering the cabin, shaking the snow out of his hair from sleeping in the tree and nearly falling out of said tree. "Allen, Kaneko, we need to talk!" He called.

Voltie — They/Them Posted 5 years ago ( 2019/10/19 19:45:40 )
He thought she was beautiful? Kaneko felt her face get warm when she blushed. She smiled softly, her heart fluttering just knowing that he found her beautiful. No one had ever called her that before. Well of course her father, but no one else. "Oh Allen, you say the sweetest things." She said quietly. Her hand caressed his pale cheek and she was going to move in and kiss him but stopped and sat up when she heard Zero. He sounded serious, so whatever they needed to talk about had to be very important.

With a soft sigh, she leaned down and kissed Allen's forehead then climbed out of bed. She was wearing some warm pajamas and slipped on her fuzzy slippers then helped Allen out of bed. When they were both ready, she walked with Allen out to the living room so meet Zero. "What is Zero? You sound pretty shaken, is everything alright?" She asked.

Voltie Posted 5 years ago ( 2019/10/19 21:28:13 )
Allen found himself gazing into her beautiful dark eyes as she spoke, and then felt her hand caress his cheek. Settling for being kissed on his forehead when their house guest called for them, he sighed softly and thankfully accepted Kaneko's help in getting out of bed. Then he followed Kaneko out into the living room.

Zero went to open his mouth until he noticed Allen's eyes. They were flickering with a dim light, unlike the blank eyes he had previously. He briefly shook his head and his expression turned serious. "Kaneko, you know a guy named Jax?" He asked.

Voltie — They/Them Posted 5 years ago ( 2019/10/19 21:34:42 )
When Zero mentioned Jax's name, Kaneko looked surprised. It had been so long since she heard of him. Was he okay? "I do. We were always really close friends. My father never liked him though, so I stopped inviting him over to the house. Sometimes he would visit me at work but then he stopped. I guess my father must have told him to leave me alone." She answered and looked at Zero with a raised brow and hands on her hips. "Why? Is he alright?" She asked.

Voltie Posted 5 years ago ( 2019/10/19 21:45:27 )
Zero chuckled and nodded. "He's fine, in fact he's been looking for you. I found him wandering around last night. He asked if I had seen you, but of course told him I hadn't. I don't know him, so I hope you don't think ill of me. Why would he suddenly be looking for you so far from home?" He asked. Something didn't feel right about meeting him.. He was uneasy.

Allen frowned some at the news. Great. Not only had a hunter nearly found their cabin, but now there was someone else to keep an eye out for. The hunter was sent by her father, so who was to say Jax wasn't bait for Kaneko?

Voltie — They/Them Posted 5 years ago ( 2019/10/19 22:12:59 )
"He has?" Kaneko was surprised to hear this. Of course he'd look for her if he couldn't actually call her. "Well...maybe he just wants a way to keep in touch?" She suggested. Although, she did find it odd that he'd look for her so suddenly. Had something happened back home? "Or maybe something bad happened and he wants to see if I'm alright? Maybe it's about my father?" There were a few possibilities but none of them were good. Though, she thought it would be nice to at least have one friend from back home to keep in contact with.

"I'll have to talk to him next time he shows up. You did good though Zero, in keeping my location a secret. He may be an old friend, but with everything that has happened I don't blame you for being extra careful. So...he didn't tell you why he was looking for me?" She asked.

Voltie Posted 5 years ago ( 2019/10/19 22:52:39 )
Allen didn't particularly like the sound of her wanting to talk to him the next time he came around. "..I want to be with you if you do talk with him.. Or at least close by.. If he tries to take you, I don't want you to be alone." He explained calmly.

Zero briefly thought back to the conversation with the man last night. "He said he visited your house and it was empty, then he tried calling your disconnected phone. He claims he's growing worried about you since he hasn't heard anything about you leaving home."

Voltie — They/Them Posted 5 years ago ( 2019/10/19 23:05:28 )
Kaneko looked at Allen and hugged his arms with both of hers. "Of course. Both of you can be nearby just in case. I'm sure he means no harm though. He's always been a good person." She assured.

"Hmm, well it's true. I never told him anything about me leaving. I didn't think I had to because we had drifted apart. I always assumed he didn't want to know anything about me anymore. I guess I was wrong." She answered softly. So Jax had gone to visit her? Maybe he knew about her father being in jail and just wanted to see if she was okay. How sweet.

"I'll have to talk to him and reassure him that I'm okay." She told Zero. She did want both men nearby though just in case Jaz was followed. With everything that had happened, she didn't trust anyone. Even though she wanted to trust Jax, she was still concerned that something was going on. "Well, let's not worry about it. How about I make some breakfast?"

Voltie Posted 5 years ago ( 2019/10/19 23:13:43 )
Allen smiled and nodded to her words, noticing Zero had nodded in agreement as well. He would be there as well, if that's what she wanted. There was no way of knowing if there they could trust this friend of hers or not. Allen gave her a quick kiss on her cheek. "Breakfast sounds great." He said.

Zero smirked some. "I'll set the table." He said, before gathering the plates and doing just that.

Voltie — They/Them Posted 5 years ago ( 2019/10/20 04:00:12 )
Kaneko grinned, giggling at the quick kiss. It was enough to make her heart melt. "Alright, I'll get started on breakfast then." She said then made her way to the kitchen and began to grab things she needed. In the back of her head, she thought about what Zero had said. If Jax had found this cabin, had someone told him about it? Had he been followed? Did this mean he was staying nearby?

Starting to cook in silence, she couldn't help but glance towards the back door of the house. They were fine. Surely Jax wasn't here for poor choices. Maybe he honestly was worried about her. After all, they had been pretty close growing up.

Voltie Posted 5 years ago ( 2019/10/20 18:55:07 )
Allen wandered back into the bedroom as Kaneko began to cook, looking over the books and picking up one of the herb books. He then sat down on the edge of the bed and examined the obviously aged cover,taking in every detail he could see before carefully opening the book and studying the pages of the antique.

Zero glanced at Kaneko as Allen wandered off and chuckled quietly. "You know, if his eyes are starting the heal you shouldn't stop making that herb tea for him." He said casually, making a metal note to make sure he keeps feeding regularly as well. It was a combined effort.

Voltie — They/Them Posted 5 years ago ( 2019/10/20 20:35:17 )
Kaneko gasped when she heard Zero suddenly speak, but chuckled and placed a hand on her chest. "I plan on making him some more tea. I just need to double check and make sure we have enough of that herb left. It's winter and I can't remember if it grows in winter. But...I'm sure I can go to the city and buy some of the herbs from the shops." She answered softly. Lowering the heat, she pulled down a mug for the tea and started rummaging through the pantry to see if any jars were labeled as the herb she needed. "Hmm.." She hummed to herself as she searched, the sounds of clinking glass could be heard. "Here we go."

Kaneko had pulled out a glass jar with a few herbs inside. "Not many, but this is enough for a few more cups. So I think we will be okay for the time being. I'll make a list and go buy some later this week." She informed, getting some water into a kettle and setting it over some flames on the stovetop.

And I thought saltine crackers were salty.
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