We're doing a homebrew campaign where fairy tale beings are real and not just one variation of the story is real. But like all the variations are real. Our party starts off meeting at a cafe, and the owner needs us to babysit the cafe while he's off doing stuff for the prince. First day and we have this ass hat trying to get all handsy with one of the waitresses. Groping, tryin' to get a smooch, that sort of stupid. He gets his ass handed to him by the waitress, who is one of the Red Riding Hoods. Not sure which one. Well he's tossed out and told to never come back. Sometime passes. And this incel mother fucker comes back, steals an important item so the waitress will chase him down. We all run to help. Start our first encounter, and the dm hasn't really balanced things out well enough. We all squishy. I'm dead like in two hits. Two more party members bite it. DM is like 'oh shit' and quickly writes in that Red has a healing potion that heals all of us. Yay for deus ex machinas. My tiny little cat person bard is super pissed off at being downed like that. So as soon as she's back up she's cutting one of the opponents' head clean off. Then she rips the eyes out of another enemy. Everyone in real life is like 'damn you're pissed'. It was fun.