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Forums Serious Talk my girlfriends dad wants to "fix" me

Donator — He/She Posted 5 years ago ( 2019/10/22 21:31:34 )
vent/discussion feel free to throw in your two cents
It took me a long time and a shit ton of bullying for me to figure out who I am. I am bisexual, genderfluid, and proud of it. I'm lucky enough to have a mom that supports me (even though she has pushed me toward men that I don't like). However, I am fully aware that not everyone can come out and be themselves. One of those people is my girlfriend.

I don't really speak to her family, I'm kind of awkward and shy about that whole thing. But I hear enough about her dad that I know I never want to be home when he is.

When she was young and questioning she mentioned to her dad and uncle that she likes girls. They stopped the car somewhere and turned around to hammer in the idea in her head that being gay is wrong and a sin. She spent a lot of time suffering and hating herself because of that.

When we started dating, sometimes she would come home and he would say that she smelled "like sin", even if all we did that day was sit around. He also told her that if she ever adopted a kid, he wouldn't accept it as his own grandkid. He also keeps trying to convince her to break up with me, even going so far to say that she's being a burden on me.

The last straw was on Sunday I brought her home, he asked if I was still around because he wanted to talk about LGBT stuff. I was thinking, okay, I'm always down to teach someone to chill. But after a little prying my girlfriend found out he wanted to "fix" both of us, and that we're spending too much time together.

I'm pretty solid about my identity. The only thing wrong about being LGBT is the people who think they have any say about it. But I can't help but be constantly pissed about this.

Look at you strawberry blonde!

Donator Posted 5 years ago ( 2019/10/22 21:41:02 )

You have every right to be pissed. It is not of his business. I found a post that had some people responding in a funny way to anti LGBTQ people. here you go. Maybe you can throw a joke at him?

Donator — Frog bless Posted 5 years ago ( 2019/10/22 21:43:21 )

That's really disheartening. I don't understand why people can get so worked up about something that doesn't affect them at all. I'm sorry you both have to deal with that. The thing is, you can't change a person, they have to choose to change themselves. If he's unwilling to have a real discussion then the best thing to do would be to remove yourselves from the situation. =( Not sure if that's possible atm, but maybe something to work toward.

Mallow Tumbleweed
My Sons

Donator — He/She Posted 5 years ago ( 2019/10/22 21:46:51 )
@vengeance: These are hilarious. Thank you.

Look at you strawberry blonde!

Donator — He/She Posted 5 years ago ( 2019/10/22 21:48:07 )
@Priestess of Pie: I honestly don't think he'll change. He's a pretty toxic person who has done and said worse. Right now my girlfriend is trying to move out but it's hard to find a job that pays enough.

Look at you strawberry blonde!

Donator — PomePome Posted 5 years ago ( 2019/10/22 21:50:03 )
omg he sounds like a fanatic christian....... i even get pissed if i read the word sin! dear just fight for your love and try to avoid this dumb human being! you are you and she is herself and if he couldnt accept that he isnt a loving father wich supports his daughter! he just want to control her and her life and this isnt the definition of love!
~Pls Ping me~
Nothing fancy to see here!!!

Donator — Fujoshi Posted 5 years ago ( 2019/10/23 00:07:00 )

@Jockteleg: It must’ve been rough for your gf growing up around that. Unfortunately, bigoted people like that will rarely change. Are you both under 18? The best thing your gf can do is move out when she can and go no contact. ): It might be hard since that is still her fam, but it will be so much better for her mental health and for your relationship.


Donator — He/She Posted 5 years ago ( 2019/10/23 00:23:39 )
@Tsundererra: We're over 18. There's a lot more into it but she just now got a job after months and months of applying to places, which won't be able to cover rent unless she wanted to live in a really sketchy place.

It sucks and moving out of there will 100% improve her mental health but as of right now she can't.

Look at you strawberry blonde!

Donator — Fujoshi Posted 5 years ago ( 2019/10/23 00:48:35 )

@Jockteleg: I’m familiar with that money struggle. T^T I hope she can save up enough or gets a better paying job eventually that will pay enough to maybe move in with people looking for a roommate. Stay strong you guys.

It might help if you don’t go to her house and hang out at your place or somewhere else instead... I feel like he’s just getting triggered each time he sees you both together, and it’ll just add more fuel to his hatred. I’m worried that this will lead him to do more stuff to compromise your relationship or “fix” your gf. Ugh, I really can’t stand people like him. )x


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