Are ya ready, guyz?!
Think they both erred? Think they're both in the wrong? Don't think either side is better? Can't decide who to go with?
Join us at Team Neither! An unofficial team for those of us who cannot decide and/or don't have mules to be on both sides with who is less in the wrong
Chose a side randomly for event currency? You're allowed here too! Chose the one you think is in the right? Post here anyway we don't discriminate
I think most to all of you know the general rules of a hangout and such
In the interest of all teams, I have made BANNERS with codes so y'all can get the links immediately. I blame being tired for not doing this earlier

Join us at Team Neither! An unofficial team for those of us who cannot decide and/or don't have mules to be on both sides with who is less in the wrong
Chose a side randomly for event currency? You're allowed here too! Chose the one you think is in the right? Post here anyway we don't discriminate
I think most to all of you know the general rules of a hangout and such
In the interest of all teams, I have made BANNERS with codes so y'all can get the links immediately. I blame being tired for not doing this earlier






Put ya guns awn!