Vontell simply didn't know how to process the events of the Reaping Ritual. All had been going well, the usual preparations had been in place, and then it was time for Trick and Treat to exchange their gifts. That had been the point at which all had gotten completely out of hand.
He glanced over at the menacing forms of Trick and Treat floating in the air that appeared to loom over the entirety of Voltra, accompanied by unnaturally darkened skies, with the odd bit of thunder or sparks. He noted that the grassy area closest to the stage was drained of color and life, and that the grey patch only seemed to be spreading further, if not slowly. The sight made his heart ache terribly. Vontell wondered what might happen if the immortal beings never stopped their feud - would Voltra become a wasteland no other realm dared to visit?
He sighed, and pushed his glasses up his nose. There had to be a way to stop it. With Trick and Treat both radiating ambivalent magic that threatened anyone foolish enough to attempt to get in their way, Vontell couldn't exactly go up to them. He saw Mayor Volkan standing right outside the perimeter of dangerous, trying to shout up to Trick and Treat, his attempt at peacekeeping unheard and unwanted.
How had this happened? Vontell wondered to himself, heading towards the backstage, where the gifts had been kept before the Ritual began. Perhaps there would be something there to help aid in his understanding of what had occurred.
art by ghost