Are ya ready, guyz?!
In mom's experience, going Teacher-Mom Mode likes to do it
will do pose with your brother, and you
will smile nicely, and you
will keep that middle finger down or I
will make it so it has to stay up
Meanwhile before mom did that the girl kept flipping the camera off despite all the bribes her parents offered
Mom was the one with the camera, and I think between her tone of voice and the threat of breaking her finger made the girl behave
I had to threaten to duct tape a kid's mouth shut at work once, when I worked the antique photo booth. Kid kept running his mouth and making it impossible to get any pictures in. He thought I was bluffing until I pulled out the bright orange roll. Then he behaved
His parents? Would've been perfectly fine with bright orange tape breaking the feeling of it being the Wild West if it kept the kid shut up
Put ya guns awn!