
[Note: The Ace of Swords fell out of the deck while I was shuffling, so I've included it in the reading.]
Situation - Eight of Cups; You have experienced a setback, or perhaps you are hung up on a failure from the past. Whichever it is, it has created disappointment and you are reluctant to try again.
Obstacle - King of Pentacles; There is a lot of self doubt and you may not use your talents completely in fear that you won't succeed. This card suggests that if you show confidence in your work and act as if you are already successful, you will find it much easier to work.
Advice - Wheel of Fortune; Don't resist your urges or impulses, and don't doubt when you come up with a new idea. Changes are happening and it's best not to fight them. Look at your previous mistakes as lessons to learn from, and don't be afraid to fail again before succeeding.
Additional Advice - Ace of Swords; Don't hesitate, you are about to reach a goal! You should set aside worries and hesitations so you can focus on your work. If you put all distractions aside, there's a good chance you will succeed.