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Forums Reaping Ritual 2019 Chapter Eleven: Velvet

Npc — She/Her Posted 5 years ago ( 2019/11/7 20:07:51 )

Vontell found Velvet in a rather sour mood, angrily pacing around her dressing area. Her irritation was such that his approaching footsteps didn’t register until he had cleared his throat with a slight cough. Velvet turned abruptly to face him, equally shocked and displeased at Vontell’s apparent interruption.

“Good evening, Velvet. I was wondering if-“

“Look, whatever it is you’re here for, I’m not in the mood! Why do things HAVE to go wrong at the WORST of times!? Just WHAT is going on with Trick and Treat anyway?” Velvet cut him off before he could finish, her frustration obvious. Things just weren’t going right and it was clearly getting to her. Vontell tried to speak, but Velvet just wasn’t listening. Eventually, Vontell had to get to her somehow. He gently took hold of her shoulders, his eyes level with hers.

“Velvet, please. I have a few questions regarding what happened with Trick and Treat. What information I can glean from you may very well help me solve this problem and bring this chaos to a close. However…” Vontell trailed off as he let go of Velvet, placing a hand on his chin and adopting a curious look.

“…something seems to have gotten under your skin, and your distress shows it extends well beyond the current state of affairs. Perhaps we can start there?”

Art by Saeyra

Npc — She/Her Posted 5 years ago ( 2019/11/7 20:09:19 )
Vontell finds Velvet to ask her some questions.
However, she's much too annoyed to speak to him.
Maybe Vontell can help Velvet calm down by letting her vent to him?

Unscramble the words to find out their meanings.
This is a group activity. Working together will help make it easier to find all the answers.
But feel free to work alone as well!
Make sure to put your answers under a spoiler to give others a chance to play.

Once all the correct answers have been found, and at least 15 people have attempted to answer,
the EI Cherry Witch Sundae will be added to Joyful Jamboree.

All participants in this thread will be granted a free Cherry Witch Sundae tomorrow at noon.
(Note: Participation includes any form of posting in this thread. Even if you don’t want to join in the game, show your support!)

Npc — She/Her Posted 5 years ago ( 2019/11/7 20:10:21 )

Current Progress
Participants Playing: 12
Correct Answers: 3


Npc — She/Her Posted 5 years ago ( 2019/11/7 20:12:45 )

Velvet let out a breath, having calmed down a bit, and started recounting how she’d gotten to this point.

“Well, the biggest thing that really got to me was how all this chaos ended up taking the spotlight! I spent way too much time and effort on my costume only to lose my chance to show it off, so of course I’m livid…” She sighed, scratching her cheek as she looked up in contemplation.

“…Before all that though, I got Vanora to help me fix up my costume. Torn seam, would’ve pulled it apart if I didn’t spot it! We were fixing it in the bathroom when the whole exchange went down, so we weren’t around to see what happened next...”

Upon recalling what had happened, it seemed like Velvet’s temper was going to flare up again. Vontell made sure to give her a reassuring pat on her shoulder.

“Your help is greatly appreciated, Velvet. This can only bring us closer to solving this problem.”

Velvet, though still feeling somewhat frustrated, gave Vontell a nod and smile. He let go, but not before she came up closer and lightly slapped his shoulder, her eyes twinkling in amusement.

“Well, good luck getting to the bottom of this. I’m still itching for the chance to get out there in my costume after all…can’t let it go to waste!”

• Found at the scene: Paint Supplies, a Bucket with a Bandage, and a Hairdryer with a Tangled Chord
• The letters "V F" were carved into the base of the statue
• Vanora was backstage (two witnesses confirm)
• Vivienne was backstage, and was with Treat
• Volkan was never out of anyone's sight
• The hairdryer belonged to Vivienne, and was not working correctly. Its chord was not tangled when she left it
• Vyctor delivered the statue and was backstage alone
• Virgil was the artist that created the statue
• Virgil claims the statue was a lifelike replica of Treat when he created it, he doesn't know what happened
• Virgil specifically told Vyctor not to remove the sheet, so Vyctor never saw it. Virgil claims this was to keep it protected.
• The statue was fragile
• Vanora left a mess backstage with paint, Vyctor cleaned it
• The Voltra Police Department was working security and kicked Vyctor out
• Vanora claims to have been with Velvet, who had an emergency
• Valentina should have been at the event, but was not and has not been answering her phone
• Violet helped Virgil with the statue, and had photographs to prove their innocence
• Violet used magic on the statue to help keep it from breaking
• Vichard went to Joyful Jamboree to buy candy said he had a big plan for it. It was to prank his brother.
• Vregory has a big sweet tooth, and was kept away from the statue while it was in the shop
• Vregory and Vichard were too busy distracting each other to interfere with the statue
• Vichard had no knowledge of the exchange or the statue
• Officer Milly and Officer JC guarded the doors entering the backstage, while Officer Garry was patrolling inside
• Officer Garry says it's impossible that anyone got to it with him around
• Officer Garry had a wound on his knee he has no memory of
• Officer Garry has a disorder that causes him not to feel pain, and is a klutz

In hopes of discovering what caused this tiff between Trick and Treat, I've taken it upon myself to investigate this mystery. I began by searching the backstage, where the statue had been stored prior to the exchange. My search yielded:

- Paint supplies
- A bucket with a bandage
- A hairdryer with a tangled chord
- The letters "V F" carved into the statue's base

Perhaps these are important clues... Or perhaps it is just rubbish left behind. We'll have to search further.

Questioning the mayor, who was closest to the scene, I discovered the following information:

- Mayor Volkan was busy all day and was never alone at any point
- The statue was being watched all the time it was backstage
- Vanora, Vivienne, and security were backstage, at least that Volkan knew of

Perhaps Vanora or Vivienne may be able to shed more light upon this situation...

My poor friend Vivienne appeared to be under a lot of distress when I visited her. It seems she was having some technical difficulties with her equipment. After I calmed her, we discussed her experience backstage:

- Her hairdryer stopped functioning properly when she was styling Treat's hair
- She was with Treat the entire time, the entered and left the backstage together
- She confirmed Vanora was there
- She mentioned that Vyctor was also there, and potentially delivered the statue

Vyctor was an ordeal to speak to, due to the large influx of customers he had been faced with. However, once they had cleared out our conversation yielded a surprising amount of leads and information:

- Virgil was the artist behind the statue, and has asked Vyctor to transport it for him
- Virgil was very clear that Vyctor was not to remove the sheet at any time, so Vyctor never saw it before the reveal on stage
- Vyctor had time alone backstage, as there was nobody around when he delivered the statue
- There was a mess of paint left by an unknown person, which Vyctor took the time to clean up
- Vyctor was eventually escorted out by the Voltra Police Department, who were acting as security for the event

After having to go on a bit of a chase to capture Timberland, I managed to have a little talk with Vanora. She was able to verify some information, as well as offer a few interesting leads:

- She left the mess backstage when she was painting props and displays
- She was called away in the middle of it by Velvet, who claimed to have an emergency
- Claims she never saw Vyctor or the statue, but she did recall passing Vivienne
- Valentina should have been at the event, but Vanora never saw her and cannot contact her

Virgil was in a worse mood than usual when I paid him a visit, seemingly because of the sorry state Joyful Jamboree was in. After helping him clean up, he was open to a conversation:

- He admits to creating the statue, stating that it was a commission from Trick
- He denies tampering with it, even going so far as to state he wishes he did because of the reaction it caused
- Virgil stated that the statue was fragile and needed careful handling
- He state that Violet was with him during the creation, and that she may have useful evidence

To follow up Virgil's claims, I ventured to speak with his sister Violet. Unfortunately when I arrived, she seemed to be tied up with her work. After helping her organize, she revealed to me:

- She did help Vigil craft the statue, and had photo evidence to prove they were innocent
- The statue was made of candy
- She had cast a spell on the statue to strengthen it and keep it from breaking
- Vichard had been to the store, and mentioned having a "big plan" in store. it required a lot of candy
- Vregory was seen as an obstacle, as he can't help himself around candy

Finding Vregory King, greatly upset by the chaos that is currently ruling Voltra, I helped him calm down somewhat, after which he told me:

- He found goodies on the ground and made to collect them
- He didn't go backstage at all
- He arrived to watch the Ritual in the audience and didn't seem to realise that anything was off with the statue
- He thought the statue smells good, which ties into it being made of candy like Violet said

Vichard King seemed to be in a foul mood and not willing to communicate at first. After playing his little game, he spoke to me:

- He bought the candy to lead his brother Vregory into a trap, which failed
- He's been so focused on trying to prank his brother, he missed the entire exchange and had no knowledge of the statue or the fighting
- He suggested we speak to the guardians

The police station was in chaos when I arrived, but after helping Officer Garry deliver coffee I was able to ask him some questions:

- He confirmed that he, Officer JC, and Officer Milly were acting as security at the event
- He claims JC was at the front door, Milly at the back, and he was inside the backstage on patrol
- He claims nobody would have been able to bypass him without notice
- He had a mystery wound on his knee, but he seemed unbothered by it
- He revealed that he falls often and struggles to keep track of them for it
- He also has a disorder that causes him not to feel pain, so he never noticed it

I found Velvet in quite a fit, but after she calmed down by speaking to me, I discovered the following:

- Velvet's upset Trick and Treat's feud pulled the spotlight away from her and her costume
- She pulled Vanora away to help her with her costume in the bathroom
- She and Vanora weren't present for the exchange


You have unlocked the chance to vote for who Vontell interviews as a potential witness/suspect next!
To vote, simply ping Vontell with: @Vontell: I vote for [NPC name]
The NPC that receives the highest votes will be the thread unlocked tomorrow at 1 pm.

Suggested Witnesses:
Valentina. Reason: She didn't meet with Vanora after making plans, and is MIA.
Voltra's Guardians. Reason: They may know what happened to the statue.


Donator — They Posted 5 years ago ( 2019/11/7 20:36:09 )

ohhhhh no my brain doesnt like this but i will try my best


Donator — Fujoshi Posted 5 years ago ( 2019/11/7 20:39:12 )

You have impeccable style.


Donator — she, her Posted 5 years ago ( 2019/11/7 20:40:49 )

Currently trying to unscramble the first and my brain can’t wrap around the m and c word at all.

Foever in my heart
Spookums 11/25/18
Angus 6/23/19
Mom 6/29/19
Dad 11/29/2021

Donator — Fujoshi Posted 5 years ago ( 2019/11/7 20:43:30 )

This costume is incredibly unique.


Donator — Fujoshi Posted 5 years ago ( 2019/11/7 20:51:32 )

I got the last one, but I’m going to wait and give everyone else a chance. Good luck~


The truth behind Reaping Ritual 2019

Art by the rightful Mayor, Kiwi

Donator — They Posted 5 years ago ( 2019/11/7 20:53:34 )

Everyone deserves to see your work.


Donator — Frog bless Posted 5 years ago ( 2019/11/7 20:56:55 )

I got the first two right away but the last one killing me lol.

Donator — Frog bless Posted 5 years ago ( 2019/11/7 21:02:42 )

you have impeccable style

this costume is incredibly unique

everyone deserves to see your work


Mallow Tumbleweed
My Sons

Voltie — Sha/female Posted 5 years ago ( 2019/11/7 21:04:00 )

oh dear...

You LivE _ M_ _ C_ _ _ _ _ _ T _ _ _

ok... struggling

Currently recovering from large amounts of PTSD. I'll post when I can, please ping for replies. Things are very difficult for me right now.

Voltie Posted 5 years ago ( 2019/11/7 21:14:08 )

1- You have impeccable style

2- This costume is incredibly unique

3- Everyone deserves to see your work

... just copying today. My brain is elsewhere... but what has been posted works. Thanks guys <3
┤▒├ Hangout with me! ┤▒├

Donator — She/Her Posted 5 years ago ( 2019/11/7 21:24:25 )

1. You have impeccable style.
2. This costume is incredibly unique.
3. Everyone deserves to see your work.


Donator — he/him Posted 5 years ago ( 2019/11/7 21:27:34 )

velvet looking FINE
you have impeccable style

id do the rest but i just,,, cant be bothered today akshdhd


Shop | Art Thread | used to be cowboy belphie, buggaboy, kairosama | forum bunny by kouenli

Voltie Posted 5 years ago ( 2019/11/7 21:29:36 )
Good luck guys!

Imma try to solve the puzzle before I got to bed

Donator — They Posted 5 years ago ( 2019/11/7 21:36:31 )

@nemesis: join us.


Donator — She/her Posted 5 years ago ( 2019/11/7 21:58:46 )
◦ ☆ ◦
I think Ill try these out. Ive been super sick so I havent had energy for anything
◦ ☽ ◦

Donator — PomePome Posted 5 years ago ( 2019/11/7 22:35:47 )
you have impeccable style

yaay velvet is here!!
~Pls Ping me~
Nothing fancy to see here!!!

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