@Valefor: I thought I started to reply to this but I think my closed the tab >x<;;
Again I am late to replying to this. However it goes along with what we are talking about XD;;
Life and things getting in the way or pulling you away from things like avi sites.
Very true but I hope maybe in later years people will get back to avi sites or they will be a trend again when everyone gets tired of twitter/snapchat/tik tok.
It is always changing and moving I think; the trends at least.
I dont wanna grow out of it ////ARGHH!!! < in a silly voice)
Awesome!! Eep > w < I will try!! Last three days I got really bad at going to bed on a routine and stayed up until 7am....eeps.
Never good at all and it took me 4 days to get back to some kind of normal bedtime. Or at least before 3am bedtime.
I love the cute face! The Kaoemoji? I forgot what the japanese term is for those faces!!
No....this past week I stayed at the home a lot and watched the dogs a lot or watched tv. Or just sleeping all day. Felt like doing nothing but on friday I got to go out with friends and family for thrifting. But I should make a day where I go out by myself for a bit. I am always with my parents or my mom going somewhere. I miss driving as well because either of them drive. S_S ;;
The Gem and Jewelry show was a lot of fun!! I found a lot of things to buy and picked out something for my friend's bday!
I am going to make her a mala.
Agreed. Sad but if they are not focusing on it like they want to or should then it needs to close until they can and I know keeping up a site like that for fun can be very pricey? Me too! Got me to through high school pretty good. Kept me sane too.
How was your week? I love your yin/yang avi!! 9 o9 So eerie cool!
@Shampoo: Nah, you're fine. xD It happens lol.
And don't worry about late replies. I really don't mind at all. Like I tell everyone else, I'm pretty patient. o uob
I'm sure there will be some people who will remember avatar sites and come back. Or maybe it will be trendy again. xD But for now, I like the small knit communities that we have. And same! I feel you with not wanting to grow out of it! I'm really glad I found avatar sites because it's another outlet and I can make friends with online strangers and not have to show my face (if i don't want to) LOL.
It can take some time to re-adjust your sleeping schedule again. Just keep at it and I'm sure you can go back to the routine you want. c:
And yea I have no idea what the japanese emojis are called. xD I just found this site that has all of them and use them occasionally. LINK
I hope you're able to take some time off and go by yourself. c: It's nice to hang out with others, but sometimes you just need some "me" time. xD
And glad to hear you enjoyed the gem and jewelry show! What kind of things did you buy if you don't mind me asking? And what's a mala?
And yep. Agreed. I think it's about time (although they should have done it sooner imo) to close the site for good. They aren't getting any revenue anymore since a lot of users aren't active anymore to donate. Same! It got me through high school too! Gonna miss Roli though.
And my week's been okay. Just finished my last final yesterday so now i have more time. I'll be on voltra more often too. c:
And thanks! I love making avis like these or headless ones. xD
@Valefor: I guess I am one of them! Someone who will remember avatar sites and come back!
I need to come back and check here more often! I am bad now and I don’t want to get on the computer or when I do, I get super distracted on other sites. Usually art sites or reading comic books 0o0;;
I do like the small knit community that we have and conmulated! Easy to know everyone and chat alot or easy to not miss anything. I agree!! Easy to chat on here over talking in person; I do find it harder to talk in person than online. Easier to be honest or say things you wouldn’t normally offline? Or even in person. I mean in the nicer way but I guess or sometimes it goes to the bad side OTL;;
I am working on it now! Getting on a better sleep schedule.
I am trying or been trying it to fit it all week. It is getting better now though!
I got up earlier today than I have in the last few days and that is a good start!
I need to keep it up and go to bed before 4-5am tonight! I should be able to do that!
I got this!! >D
Oh!! I know this site!! I forgot about it but thank you for reminding me again of it!!
ʘ‿ʘ ♡^▽^♡ ۹(ÒہÓ)۶ ୧☉□☉୨
I gotta use them more too!! >D
It is and I do miss hanging out with myself and going on ‘me’ adventures.
Its a while since I went to the library or to a cafe by myself; I just stay home and I am getting cabin fevered I think? Or not used to going out-nervous? I need to kick that as well! AGJHI*Y
Sweet!! Congrats on the final! How was it and what did you get on it? What are you doing now??
Sorry for the late reply >//<;;; I just got overwhelmed with things so I had to take a step back and now I feel better now. Me too!! Let’s be active on voltras more together!!
Me too!!
I love yours still! I can’t seem to get a good avi so far GRRR!
@Totalanimefan: It has?? Its almost the same here but it is still super long.. 7-10 years when said sound so long now! 0o0!!
I need to come back and check here more often! I am bad now and I don’t want to get on the computer or when I do, I get super distracted on other sites. Usually art sites or reading comic books 0o0;;
I do like the small knit community that we have and conmulated! Easy to know everyone and chat alot or easy to not miss anything. I agree!! Easy to chat on here over talking in person; I do find it harder to talk in person than online. Easier to be honest or say things you wouldn’t normally offline? Or even in person. I mean in the nicer way but I guess or sometimes it goes to the bad side OTL;;
I am working on it now! Getting on a better sleep schedule.
I am trying or been trying it to fit it all week. It is getting better now though!
I got up earlier today than I have in the last few days and that is a good start!
I need to keep it up and go to bed before 4-5am tonight! I should be able to do that!
I got this!! >D
Oh!! I know this site!! I forgot about it but thank you for reminding me again of it!!
ʘ‿ʘ ♡^▽^♡ ۹(ÒہÓ)۶ ୧☉□☉୨
I gotta use them more too!! >D
It is and I do miss hanging out with myself and going on ‘me’ adventures.
Its a while since I went to the library or to a cafe by myself; I just stay home and I am getting cabin fevered I think? Or not used to going out-nervous? I need to kick that as well! AGJHI*Y
Sweet!! Congrats on the final! How was it and what did you get on it? What are you doing now??
Sorry for the late reply >//<;;; I just got overwhelmed with things so I had to take a step back and now I feel better now. Me too!! Let’s be active on voltras more together!!
Me too!!
I love yours still! I can’t seem to get a good avi so far GRRR!
@Totalanimefan: It has?? Its almost the same here but it is still super long.. 7-10 years when said sound so long now! 0o0!!
@Shampoo: Me too. xD Oh, Pantheon Online opened today! Are you on there as well! I just joined a while ago. c:
You're fine. Don't feel obligated to reply when you're busy. And it's understandable if you get distracted because same. xDD
It is easier to know everybody and chat more with a small community. It's definitely harder to miss anything honestly.
I see what you mean though. It's easier to lie or keep some info since we don't know each other irl. We're basically talking to strangers online. ^^;
I'm glad you're working on your sleep schedule and trying to make it work. Take it slow! Don't feel like you have to force yourself and stress yourself out!
And haha yes! I joined toyhouse waaaay back but never used it. I decided to make use of it to organize all my ocs with its handy features.
Ooh, I know what you mean! I currently don't have a car so i can't really go anywhere by myself unless I can borrow one of my parent's car. But that means having to drive to work and then picking them up later (which i really don't want to do xD). It does suck staying home all the time because there's only so much you can do.
It was so stressful, but I'm just glad I passed my class. ; u; Right now, I'm taking a summer biology class and working on art. xD Don't remember if i asked you this before, but do you have any plans for the summer?
Your avis are so cute tho! <33
@Valefor: I totally missed it but I just joined the site now!! I got super busy with doing chores and being super depressed but I am doing better and handling my emotions so far after my Florida work trip.
How is Pantheon Online so far still? Is it still exciting and active still?
All good news and still trying to get out of the house more but now that it is cold outside it is getting harder but I am doing good and I have to organize my mess that I started to clean up during the summer time.
I let it get out of hand and now I have to dust and organize things again xD
How are your classes going? What kind of classes? Is it finals time already since we last talked?
@Totalanimefan: It’s been a long time!
How is Pantheon Online so far still? Is it still exciting and active still?
All good news and still trying to get out of the house more but now that it is cold outside it is getting harder but I am doing good and I have to organize my mess that I started to clean up during the summer time.
I let it get out of hand and now I have to dust and organize things again xD
How are your classes going? What kind of classes? Is it finals time already since we last talked?
@Totalanimefan: It’s been a long time!
@Shampoo: You're totally fine. Better late than never i guess! xD But I'm glad to hear you've joined! <33 I'm also glad to hear you're doing better with your health too. Take care! And take breaks if you need to! You're health is more important! c:
And Panthon is doing fine. It's active and also a small community so exciting is subjective. xD We did just finished the Halloween event so the activity may have died down a bit. I'm still a bit new to staff and work as an item handler (meaning i prep and save items so they can be uploaded by the admin). But if you have any questions, feel free to ask me or any other staff.

Oh no, it sucks that it got out of hand. But sometimes, it happens. And it's best to clean up and start again. I hope it hasn't been too overwhelming for you! How is that coming along for you?
My summer biology course went well. I'm currently taking an abnormal psychology course, stats, and organic chemistry class (which is kicking my butt). xDD It's close to finals. There's about 4 weeks left, and it's going by FAST! D8
@Valefor: True that and I would be sad if it was never or I missed you or the party! > x <
Me too! I needed a new place to hang out at/in since Roliana closed. I need to check another place!
Let me look up that one (it’s called) avalyss! I need to check on all of my old places i used to go online and my online things i just let sit for. A while.
In the last couple of weeks my mental health has been getting better and not so unstable or easily rise and fall. Right now I am trying to get back to my routines after being away from home for two weeks. I was in Florida with my mom the last two weeks for a family working trip. We were helping her mom and my dads mom with house things.
I will take breaks and I need to make sure I don’t get lazy again!
Sweet!!! For a site starting out is going to be small for a bit! Gotta get the word out! Well I guess not too soon thou! Or it’ll be crazy!!
<333 It is a little hard to see things on my iPad/mobile but the mobile is doing pretty good and I can change my avi pretty good; I’m still getting the hang of it still and which colors i like! I will have to make a note in my quest thread once I make one! I like the number 72!
When I have question I will defiantly ask! <33
True about getting out of the hand and I will clean it up so I can work again and get back into my art. I was too busy on my trip to even journal or make art. I tried to start ink toner but got a little behind in the beginning but never caught up. I will caught up thou! ^ w ^
At the moment I need to figure out where I will put books I have that can’t go on my book shelves... I need to go through all of my books and decide which ones to sell vs. keeping ones. I have dvds to go through as well! As well as dolls. My dust has a small pile on it before I can work on traditional art but I just need to get too it but I am feeling lazy and I just want to sleep all day. Sometimes I get overwhelmed because it doesn’t have a place to live at the moment and needs a place to sit for a while....until a place is made for it. I live with my parents so I have to ask them or make sure I don’t invade their space with my stuff but my dad’s stuff invaded my things all the time! 🤦♀️
HOLY MOLY!!! Which one is your favorite or the fun one out of those classes? Only 4 week.....????
Me too! I needed a new place to hang out at/in since Roliana closed. I need to check another place!
Let me look up that one (it’s called) avalyss! I need to check on all of my old places i used to go online and my online things i just let sit for. A while.
In the last couple of weeks my mental health has been getting better and not so unstable or easily rise and fall. Right now I am trying to get back to my routines after being away from home for two weeks. I was in Florida with my mom the last two weeks for a family working trip. We were helping her mom and my dads mom with house things.
I will take breaks and I need to make sure I don’t get lazy again!
Sweet!!! For a site starting out is going to be small for a bit! Gotta get the word out! Well I guess not too soon thou! Or it’ll be crazy!!
<333 It is a little hard to see things on my iPad/mobile but the mobile is doing pretty good and I can change my avi pretty good; I’m still getting the hang of it still and which colors i like! I will have to make a note in my quest thread once I make one! I like the number 72!
When I have question I will defiantly ask! <33
True about getting out of the hand and I will clean it up so I can work again and get back into my art. I was too busy on my trip to even journal or make art. I tried to start ink toner but got a little behind in the beginning but never caught up. I will caught up thou! ^ w ^
At the moment I need to figure out where I will put books I have that can’t go on my book shelves... I need to go through all of my books and decide which ones to sell vs. keeping ones. I have dvds to go through as well! As well as dolls. My dust has a small pile on it before I can work on traditional art but I just need to get too it but I am feeling lazy and I just want to sleep all day. Sometimes I get overwhelmed because it doesn’t have a place to live at the moment and needs a place to sit for a while....until a place is made for it. I live with my parents so I have to ask them or make sure I don’t invade their space with my stuff but my dad’s stuff invaded my things all the time! 🤦♀️
HOLY MOLY!!! Which one is your favorite or the fun one out of those classes? Only 4 week.....????
@Totalanimefan: It is good to be back!!! > w < I missed you and everyone!
GASP!!! You spoil me!!! O o O!!
I will be posting a lot of and what can I do to thank you??? 0 u 0
GASP!!! You spoil me!!! O o O!!

I will be posting a lot of and what can I do to thank you??? 0 u 0
@Shampoo: I'm still glad you remember to log back online. xD I mean we have each other's twitter so we haven't totally lost contact. c:
Ooh, Avalyss's staff new site route sounds interesting! A game huh? I've heard of the avatar forum website but never joined. But I'll definitely keep an eye out when they open!
Oh wow, that trip must have taken a toll on your mental health, huh? I'm glad to hear that your mental health is getting better and is stable now that you're home, right? At least, now you can rest and recuperate on your own time! Take it slow and don't feel the need to rush anything! <3
I have tried getting some friends to join Pantheon (and voltra too). But they haven't said anything else, and I just don't want to keep bothering them about it. xD But yeah, it would be nice to have more people join and get the word out too.
Haha, yea...i have a hard time seeing the site when i use my phone...which isn't optimal since the screen is so small but it works like normal. And i'm glad to hear you can change your avi just fine on your iPad/mobile consider the amount of dyes and the custom layering system. xD Lol, can be a the signature Shampoo avi if there isn't that blue in there. o uo
Oh man, good luck with catching up with inktober! It's a lot of work trying to draw every day or almost everyday! I skipped it this year because i got so stressed thinking about it and only did two days last year. :(
Sounds like you have a lot of work ahead of you! And it definitely would help you get rid of, sell, or donate things you don't need anymore. Oh no, I definitely understand what you mean when it comes to parents not respecting your space or privacy. I still live with my parents and used to have that problem. We've talked about it and thankfully, they've backed off. But I've never been a messy person so I never gave them a reason to constantly check my room all the time like my younger siblings. xD
Right now, the abnormal psych class is my favorite because I find the subject interesting (plus i understand it and my professor isn't boring LOL). And yeah! University/college students get out earlier than other students, but we also start the school year earlier xDD
Ooh, got any plans for the upcoming holidays?
(ง •̀_•́)ง
@Valefor: I am on the roliana discord and someone posted their avi and it made me remember about voltras while I was in florida but it wasn't until now that I actually login but i had to google it to get the name right XD ;;;
I need to make it a routine or something calming to do everyday so that I can check and know what is happening here and on other sites.
I got out of the habit of getting on my laptop or even tablet computer. OTL ;;; I need to make it easier to use and work with!
I feel a little overwhelmed in my surroundings at the moment near my desk right now. I need to clean the floor around it from books, stamps, and ink pads I have right now that do not have a home at the moment. I want to organize them but i need to clean a spot in the basement to do that/ koijuhgyft ARGHH
Please do!! I think it was a little quiet but the leader/owner is very active and working out the details and issues with the site right now.
I am wishing them( the team) all the best and the best vibes and cheers!!
The trip was fun with my mom but i think it has? My Dad's family, my grandma is hard to talk to and my aunt never wanted to actually meet with us or hang out at ALL the whole four days we were there. That is a whole thing that will take up too many post to explain. My Mom's side was pretty good and fun but after the grandma's visit and painting a door it was hard to get into a nice working groove to finish things because the unexpected things happened. Like the washing machined needed new parts, my grandmie's stop light brake light switch stopped working and we need to fix it. We got super sleepy and had to keep going out to the hardware store to get all of the items we needed to finish the job;;; my great aunt had a small stroke in Sept about two weeks after my Dad's dad died (He died the last week of Aug) So its been a wild ride for both sides of the family and when it rain, it pours. My Great-aunt is doing pretty good and she can talk, drive, and basely as normal but there is moments where you can notice what happened to her after the stroke.
I wil try and keep my mind stable and calm; I almost got into the loop of feeling doubt and feeling bad about my skills in art and other things I am good at. So I needed to stop that moment or row. I stopped it while playing animal crossing and post here! Reading you post helped as well. I just need to get out of my mind and get to work! get my hands busy. <3
I miss the avi sites and I feel like even gaiaonline is having a hard time keeping active or having people on their site for a long time compared to when it was a few years old. Only about 4k people online at this time a few hours ago when I looked. So quiet. It's eerie. I know now or probably joining a new avi site is a lot of work trying to get gold for items or talking to new people can be hard? I know it is very easy to just lurk and never post much! I have a few new sites like that but never got a lot of users;; I know the feeling about not want to bug or nag them like that or bother bother bother them like Potter Tales! It can be others mad or not want to talk to you >//<;; I have bad experience with that. But those people weren't really close to me in any way.
I can't use my iPhone with Pantheon but i can see it pretty good with my iPad. I tired to get on the website with my laptop but it wouldn't load for me at ALL!!
So I had to use my iPad instead. WEIRD.
Oh!! I checked and went through all of the blues ;3 I think it is number 72(Sapperine) or there another blue I could use! I just need to use it on my clothes;; Hehe --
I still need to try out the custom laying system but I wanted to post a bit more before buying things! I think I bought too many things before I knew what I wanted! > w<
I did two watercolors pictures a day and I changed the brand of watercolors too but I stopped around the Day 8/9?? But I want to get back to it and try to do something small for each day or just do one a day so far. I started it this year because a rp group I am in was having a two month event that is like Art fight and I thought it was a good chance for me to work in watercolor and use all of my sets to see if I can get rid of a few or find one I like more than the others.
However a lot of things came up on the 10th day and I got sad and didnt have enough time to set up everything up.....also there was some arguments that set me off on a blue mood too. That is gone or is better now.
Hugs!!!! I know that stress and I had it as well!! I felt guilty for feeling behind and the gap got wider and wider;;;;
Same here but sometimes my Dad doesn't want a thing anymore, he will put it in my room or near my desk and it drives me up a WALL!! My mom will clean a spot in the basement and get to clean a spot open to clean more but my dad will fill it up again with things and we both are like......naw it'll stay that way so we dont need to clean the more mess. jiuyftd HAHAH poi ///feeling nuts.
Woooo~! That one definitely intrigued me as well! When the professor isn't boring or their voice isn't monotone is the best!!!
When they are excited or their voice is nice makes it easier to learn! True that!! I remember my college days XD;;; Always different to school to school too!
My upcoming holidays is .....sort of not holiday feeling or thats what my mom said. We dont have the feeling yet but we might have a small meal for Thanksgiving and might shop if there is something that the whole family wants or its a good deal. At the moment it is trying to organize the house and make sure that we can stay clean and vacuum things XD;;
I still havent unpacked and I got back on the 14th OTL
I need to make it a routine or something calming to do everyday so that I can check and know what is happening here and on other sites.
I got out of the habit of getting on my laptop or even tablet computer. OTL ;;; I need to make it easier to use and work with!
I feel a little overwhelmed in my surroundings at the moment near my desk right now. I need to clean the floor around it from books, stamps, and ink pads I have right now that do not have a home at the moment. I want to organize them but i need to clean a spot in the basement to do that/ koijuhgyft ARGHH
Please do!! I think it was a little quiet but the leader/owner is very active and working out the details and issues with the site right now.
I am wishing them( the team) all the best and the best vibes and cheers!!
The trip was fun with my mom but i think it has? My Dad's family, my grandma is hard to talk to and my aunt never wanted to actually meet with us or hang out at ALL the whole four days we were there. That is a whole thing that will take up too many post to explain. My Mom's side was pretty good and fun but after the grandma's visit and painting a door it was hard to get into a nice working groove to finish things because the unexpected things happened. Like the washing machined needed new parts, my grandmie's stop light brake light switch stopped working and we need to fix it. We got super sleepy and had to keep going out to the hardware store to get all of the items we needed to finish the job;;; my great aunt had a small stroke in Sept about two weeks after my Dad's dad died (He died the last week of Aug) So its been a wild ride for both sides of the family and when it rain, it pours. My Great-aunt is doing pretty good and she can talk, drive, and basely as normal but there is moments where you can notice what happened to her after the stroke.
I wil try and keep my mind stable and calm; I almost got into the loop of feeling doubt and feeling bad about my skills in art and other things I am good at. So I needed to stop that moment or row. I stopped it while playing animal crossing and post here! Reading you post helped as well. I just need to get out of my mind and get to work! get my hands busy. <3
I miss the avi sites and I feel like even gaiaonline is having a hard time keeping active or having people on their site for a long time compared to when it was a few years old. Only about 4k people online at this time a few hours ago when I looked. So quiet. It's eerie. I know now or probably joining a new avi site is a lot of work trying to get gold for items or talking to new people can be hard? I know it is very easy to just lurk and never post much! I have a few new sites like that but never got a lot of users;; I know the feeling about not want to bug or nag them like that or bother bother bother them like Potter Tales! It can be others mad or not want to talk to you >//<;; I have bad experience with that. But those people weren't really close to me in any way.
I can't use my iPhone with Pantheon but i can see it pretty good with my iPad. I tired to get on the website with my laptop but it wouldn't load for me at ALL!!
So I had to use my iPad instead. WEIRD.
Oh!! I checked and went through all of the blues ;3 I think it is number 72(Sapperine) or there another blue I could use! I just need to use it on my clothes;; Hehe --
I still need to try out the custom laying system but I wanted to post a bit more before buying things! I think I bought too many things before I knew what I wanted! > w<
I did two watercolors pictures a day and I changed the brand of watercolors too but I stopped around the Day 8/9?? But I want to get back to it and try to do something small for each day or just do one a day so far. I started it this year because a rp group I am in was having a two month event that is like Art fight and I thought it was a good chance for me to work in watercolor and use all of my sets to see if I can get rid of a few or find one I like more than the others.
However a lot of things came up on the 10th day and I got sad and didnt have enough time to set up everything up.....also there was some arguments that set me off on a blue mood too. That is gone or is better now.
Hugs!!!! I know that stress and I had it as well!! I felt guilty for feeling behind and the gap got wider and wider;;;;
Same here but sometimes my Dad doesn't want a thing anymore, he will put it in my room or near my desk and it drives me up a WALL!! My mom will clean a spot in the basement and get to clean a spot open to clean more but my dad will fill it up again with things and we both are like......naw it'll stay that way so we dont need to clean the more mess. jiuyftd HAHAH poi ///feeling nuts.
Woooo~! That one definitely intrigued me as well! When the professor isn't boring or their voice isn't monotone is the best!!!
When they are excited or their voice is nice makes it easier to learn! True that!! I remember my college days XD;;; Always different to school to school too!
My upcoming holidays is .....sort of not holiday feeling or thats what my mom said. We dont have the feeling yet but we might have a small meal for Thanksgiving and might shop if there is something that the whole family wants or its a good deal. At the moment it is trying to organize the house and make sure that we can stay clean and vacuum things XD;;
I still havent unpacked and I got back on the 14th OTL
@Totalanimefan: Whoa!! I gotta step up my game!!
Sounds about right thou!! Probably more!
Sounds about right thou!! Probably more!
@Shampoo: heyyy welcome to voltra! Nice avi you already have!!!!
@Miss Sandman: Heyy!!! Hello Miss Sandman!! Thank you! It is from a lot of help from Total and when I get lucky to post a lot!!
Also luck on the daily ship on the front page > w <
Also luck on the daily ship on the front page > w <
@Shampoo: hehe nice yeah the peez on here are really awesome and generous =)
@Miss Sandman: They are and Total is one of the biggest generous beauty of them all!! > w <
I do not know how I will ever repay them! Art or something!! Talk to them all of the time and not leave them hanging as well 0 o0
I do not know how I will ever repay them! Art or something!! Talk to them all of the time and not leave them hanging as well 0 o0
@Shampoo: i learned everyone is happy if you just stay at the site and being active ^^
~Pls Ping me~
Nothing fancy to see here!!!
Nothing fancy to see here!!!
@Miss Sandman: Very true and a good way to change your mood too?
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Having you as a Voltie would be awesome.