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Forums Serious Talk Children?

Donator — - Posted 8 years ago ( 2017/09/5 17:37:59 )
They're like ignorant little asshole parasites who care for nothing more than themselves.

@Vii: Lol that's not solely a thing isolated with just children. Unfortunately, many many adults are the exact same way, my ex wife is a good example.

Donator — A.I. Posted 8 years ago ( 2017/09/5 20:40:46 )
@Shamrock Shamus: True, very true, and plenty of kids are precocious beyond their years, able to act maturely and with consideration. Those asshole adults were little asshole kids whose parents were way in over their depth and essentially reared a monster. c': Or rather, those adults are still children on the inside. Which, granted, there's nothing wrong with that; I myself am still a kid inside, probably always will be, but they'll never develop that emotional maturity.
[ often multitasking unsuccessfully ] | [ I may take a while to respond, but haven't forgotten you! ♥ ]
qu'est-ce que tu vas chercher?

Donator — Cat Mama Posted 8 years ago ( 2017/09/6 05:31:19 )
I'm honestly not much of a kid person and I tend to dislike most kids. Now, I don't wish ill on them or anything, I love my nieces dearly for instance. I just do not desire to have any nor do I want to babysit. I don't have the patience for them and I'm always worried something bad will happen to them and I won't be able to handle it. I can barely handle myself, let alone someone who is younger than me, and it's a sense of responsibility that I am not ready for. Not to mention that I am absolutely terrified of pregnancy and childbirth. The thought of having another being growing inside me just freaks me out to no end.

That being said, I understand completely where people who don't want children come from since I myself do not want any and I am in no place to judge them. On the other hand, I will also not judge people who have several children. As long as they can provide them with a life that fits all of their basic needs and the children are loved, I don't see a problem.

Voltie Posted 8 years ago ( 2017/09/8 06:09:14 )
I don't hate other peoples' children but I've never wanted any of my own. And of course like a lot of other girls I constantly got the "omg but all women want babies you'll change your mind someday!!" by nosy friends and work colleagues, but I honestly haven't changed my stance one bit. With all my mental issues and extremely introverted nature, it's a very good thing I have no desire to be around kids anyway tbh.

Donator — DirtyHobo Posted 8 years ago ( 2017/09/9 00:58:06 )
Currently, I don't have any children's but I have one on the way! So of course I want children :) Bringing a life into the world Is something I always wanted to do.

As for people who chose not to have kids it's their choice, some people don't want to have the responsibility of having s child, or they might not be able to support it finically and I'm not here to judge anyone

Voltie Posted 8 years ago ( 2017/09/9 03:14:57 )
i'm on the fence, but i might be leaning towards child-free. as much as i love kids, i don't want to contribute to our planet's human overpopulation. i also have some genetically inheritable disorders that i wouldn't want to pass on to the next generation. besides that, it's hard to say what kind of parent i would be. would i be able to provide the proper care and support for my child? am i capable enough of a person to take care of another life? it's hard to say since i can barely care for myself haha. i say i'm on the fence because the thought of having kids is still there, as selfish as that is. if the person who i'm currently with decides that they want a kid, i am still open to the idea. if anything, i would adopt.

so possibly no to biological offspring, but yes to adoption.

Donator — She/Buns Posted 7 years ago ( 2017/09/11 06:27:56 )
I do not want children.
I cannot deal with the mess they are for the first few years. The puke, snot, crying, and other bodily functions. I cannot deal with it. I get really anxious and angry when I hear crying. Pregnancy makes me nauseous. I do not want to go through it.
I have zero want to have children and raise them. I like being able to not have something else run my life and bank account like I know children would do.
As for kids in general, they're alright. If they can behave themselves. I HATE parents who try to be friends and arent parents. When they use empty threats to try to get their kids to behave or just let them scream or give them things to get them to stop.
But my own nieces and nephews i adore, though I can still only handle so much of them.

TLDR; no kids. pregnancy is gross asf and so are babies. also expensive. no thanks

ping me
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Donator — she/her Posted 7 years ago ( 2017/09/29 09:35:10 )
As I grew older in my 20s I had no intention of ever having children. I didn't want to bring them into this cruel world. When I met my husband in my late 20s my perspective changed completely. We agreed on so many things and the idea of children with him was a dream come true. We have 2 children now and are working on #3 (hopefully we are lucky enough to be blessed with a 3rd). I couldn't imagine my life without them in it. I'm not even sure who I would be without them at this point.

I have a few friends that have absolutely no interest in children, have already fixed themselves to not allow it to happen ever. One of them is made physically ill by being around children for any extended period (longer than a few hours). He bears no ill will towards me for having or loving my children, and I none towards him for not wanting children at all. I won't tell people their minds will change, for some it never will. I personally believe many of the people who are young and believe they don't want children, will change in time as they themselves change and grow.

Voltie — she/her Posted 7 years ago ( 2017/09/29 10:06:57 )
I actually like kids, but I have met children that I do not like because of the way they're raised / also I guess there's something innately spoiled about them (referring to my first niece mostly, who dangled my 3DS over an open toilet and threw my laptop on the couch when I couldn't play with her). I'm mostly terrified of pregnancy -- like the health concerns with it, but I do want to try being a parent when I grow older. I also plan to teach, so I'll be dealing with kids (teenagers, but who knows I can be moved to a different year level haha).

I think there's a particular mindset that people have to be in to stay with children. Like for example, when I relented and played with my niece with some bowling pins (but imagining that they were people) -- I don't think everyone has the patience or the willingness to do that for two hours. To make different voices and move around and do what they want you to do, and that's only a tiny fragment of the whole parenting thing. //applauds parents tbh

Voltie Posted 7 years ago ( 2017/09/29 10:10:55 )
I'd like to possibly have one in the future but I honestly don't know. Since I'm a gay dude I'd either have to adopt or something so I dunno. I just really don't know haha. But I don't think people who have kids or people who don't have kids are much different. I don't really care anyway.

I will admit I was a little annoyed that my BFF from college seemed to change so much after she had her kid but then I realized that she literally had to, and it wasn't a bad thing. She's more mature now and that's just how it has to be. It's a good thing. Just sucks we can't party as much anymore haha.

Voltie Posted 7 years ago ( 2017/09/30 15:04:16 )
I have one 3 year old and am currently 20 weeks pregnant. I have always been someone that has wanted children, but on the other hand am very much aware that some children can be very obnoxious. I totally understand why some wouldn't want to have them and I try to take a live and let live kind of attitude.
At the end of the day I totally appreciate that for some its not an option for various reasons and I'm fine with that. What I cant stand are the people that feel the need to interfere and I think those kinds of people exist on both sides. Either the ones that are telling you (childfree/less people) you'll change your mind etc or the ones that tell you how to raise your children. They are just as bad as each other.
I also had someone turn round to me after I had come back of maternity leave with my first, and say that she'd love to get paid to sit around and do nothing for a year. I was gobsmacked, but I think that's probably a whole other can of worms.

Voltie — she/her Posted 7 years ago ( 2017/09/30 15:07:01 )
Clearly that other person has never experienced parenthood. It's certainly not just sitting around for a whole year, wow. I think it's good that more people nowadays are able to choose whether they want children or not, since not everyone is really equipped nor wants to be a parent.

Voltie Posted 7 years ago ( 2017/09/30 15:20:11 )
No, she hadn't - what makes me laugh now is that she is a nanny/childminder so she while still doesn't necessarily have the full 24hr child experience, I hope the amount of work/ effort involved was a good lesson for her.

Agreed, it wasn't til I started trying for a baby/ fell pregnant that I realized how difficult even that whole process is, how terrifying it is. Like the constant fear that something would happen or go wrong. I admit though that I am doubly paranoid because my sister already lost one. And just for those reasons I can totally understand not wanting to go through with it. Children and babies are difficult enough, but I think it doesn't occur to people sometimes about the whole emotional side of things as well.

Voltie — she/her Posted 7 years ago ( 2017/09/30 15:31:24 )
Oh wow, that's interestingly came her in full circle xD

I actually fear the whole process as well, but I also do want to have a child (thinking of two, like my sister and I). And well, the very thought that you have someone else's life completely dependent on you for a while is also a huge thing and stuff

Voltie Posted 7 years ago ( 2017/09/30 15:52:59 )
yeah I mean I don't think about it day to day but yes I spent most of my pregnancies worried and that is reasonably normal considering how much can go wrong, and I hear 90% of women do worry about the health of the pregnancy at some point during. However originally I thought oh it will be okay once shes here coz then I can watch her and etc etc, but realistically even after birth there's the worry of things like SIDS and all sorts of other problems. But like I said I am paranoid, I think once a family looses a child it warps your whole experience of these things.

Donator — She/Her Posted 7 years ago ( 2017/10/1 05:44:55 )
I absolutely love kids. I realized that when I tutored last year. Elementary school kids are so (brutally) honest, it's kind of funny. But I love their natural curiosity. Many of them are still really sweet and haven't been introduced to mean people quite yet, which is a pleasant sight. Sometimes high school is such a negative zone, it's nice to experience something different. I will probably never have any of my own, though, because I don't think I have what it takes to care for another person for an extended period of time. Still, I love to be around them and might make a career about it.
returned 6/7

Donator Posted 7 years ago ( 2017/10/3 10:41:35 )
I love kids but I don't want my own. I like my freedom.

I really hate people who choose to have kid and won't or can't afford to take proper care of them.

Voltie — He/Him Posted 7 years ago ( 2017/10/3 22:26:14 )
I have two kids that were both a surprise, but I can't even imagine my life without them in it.

And I don't really care if other people decided if kids are for them or not.... Just do whatever feels right for you I guess.

My typos have tyoos at this point.

I am a MAN
∠( ᐛ 」∠)_

Donator Posted 7 years ago ( 2017/10/4 03:54:24 )
How do you feel about children? Mostly I just feel indifferent to them. I am at jobtraining at a schoollibrary, where I also moslty dont have much to do with the kids, but when I do I tend to feel a bit awkward for some reason. Think it might just be my lack of selfesteem that bothers me there.
Do you intend to have any? No, not unless I find a partner I love very much that have a kid/kids, or want kids. I have always said that if I should want a kid it shoould be a partners child, or an adopted child.
Do you already have any? No, and I most likey wont ever. At least not of my own genes, as getting pregnant can litterally kill me. Thanks to me having suffered 2 strokes in the brain.

How do you feel about people who choose not to have them, or choose to have several? I dont mind people haing children, as long thy can afford the child and I feel they can take proper care of it. My own sister just a week ago told me that she is expecting a child due April, which had me in tears of joy for her sake, as she before had had 2 miscarriages/abortions ( the fosters died, but was to far evolved for the body to want to get rid of it itself, so had to go the hospital way... at least from what I understood on her. ) I'm sure she will be a great and supportive mother, as she really rally wat a kid of her own.

Donator — ILOVEPUGS Posted 7 years ago ( 2017/10/4 15:34:43 )
I definitely want children but there is absolutely nothing wrong with choosing not to. If anything if you know you don't want/can't take care of kids then I applaud your mature choice to say fuck society standards, especially with how many people have kids that can't take proper care of them, a life is a huge responsibility <3

eeee ee eeee smoke weed everyday
(legitimately googled if this was pg-13 appropriate because I try to be a respectful stoner. So like you're welcome teenagers)
Working on a new signature.

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