@Totalanimefan: Let's see... I rand to the store for some groceries (two different places). Brought the younger son to a lesson. And that's it. It really seems like there should be more on that list, but there's not. That has been pretty much my entire day so far.
Are you doing anything in particular while chillin'?
Posted 5 years ago ( 2019/11/22 20:44:10 )
@Wildfire: Both. I had a resume check today and some little things could be changed. But I had already decided like a week back it was time for a new design.
Posted 5 years ago ( 2019/11/22 21:07:30 )
@Wildfire: Yep. And after showing my mom I will use the 4rd one for my design job applications. And based on the colours I think the 3rd one would be suitable for everything else.