@inatlaka: thank you very much :D
TSUN ★ TSUN ★ TSUN (≖︿≖✿)
@Miss Sandman: I was working in Japan, and you can’t take off once you use all your paid time off days. The crappy part is we’re SUPPOSED TO get sick days, but they make it extremely difficult to use those, and I was sick a lot in my last year there. ): I missed going on a trip to Hong Kong with friends too because of it, and now it might be a while before it’s safe to go to Hong Kong. I hope I can get a break next year too. ^^ I really want to go to Hawaii, it’s so pretty!
A hat and swim diaper is just as cute! I don’t blame you for still buying clothes. They’re so small and cute! What’s your favorite baby item you’ve bought so far? And I’m sure your BF will love those gifts. :3 It’s perfect timing to get him those gifts too.
Ahhh, noooo! ToT I’m going to be buying two bundles, and I’ll wait until you buy and open yours in case you want to trade. I know I’m going to be getting doubles. xD
(✿ ♡‿♡) DERE ★ DERE ★ DERE
@Tsundererra: oh damn japan is a really hard working country!but now your back in the us right?? is it there hard too to take vacation?? in germany you have 20-30 days vacation a year depending where youre working and you can plan them the whole year. most of the peepz want to go on summer vacation so you dont probablyy get the vacation time you want.
well for me the cutest i already buy her are rompers with little fox feet! and a cute dragon snuggle cloth >w< my BF and i both choose this as her first toy ^^
you can see here ^^
and i got so many cute rompers, socks, hats, jackets gifted that i cant count them XD
aww iam sure if i open some orbs i will get many doubles too =)
well for me the cutest i already buy her are rompers with little fox feet! and a cute dragon snuggle cloth >w< my BF and i both choose this as her first toy ^^

and i got so many cute rompers, socks, hats, jackets gifted that i cant count them XD
aww iam sure if i open some orbs i will get many doubles too =)
TSUN ★ TSUN ★ TSUN (≖︿≖✿)
@Miss Sandman: In America, it depends on the benefits of your job, and a lot of jobs don’t give paid time off days or sick days. At my current job, if I take off for vacation, I won’t get paid. ): In America, we live to work, in every other first world country, they work to live. More than 50% of Americans can’t afford to not work for more than 2-3 weeks. T~T
Omg, Germany is NICE. In Japan, I got 17-20 paid days off to use for vacation a year, and that was 10 more days than most other foreign workers in my field.
I looooove foxes, so I approve the romper with fox feet. That dragon is also so adorable. :’3 I hope she drools on it a lot and snuggles it all the time. She’s not even here yet, and she has enough clothes to be a baby fashionista. xD
I just hope there aren’t any items like the Dramatical or flame dancer. Those items kept popping for me so much. xD I finally gave away half of them.
(✿ ♡‿♡) DERE ★ DERE ★ DERE
@Tsundererra: oh lord........ this sucks so hard! how is it even possible to live that way!? i just had one workplace 2 years ago they cheated with the vacationdays..... you just get 20 vacationdays a year but need to work saturdays! thats forbidden in germany..... and the owners also were pretty annoying and stalking every move i make! i just work there for 3 months. obvious reasons!
she will drool on it if she gets teeth i fear this phase the little one will so much be in pain! ;A; and yes foxes are adorable >w<
dramatical annoys me to its so plain and i got it alot too XD
she will drool on it if she gets teeth i fear this phase the little one will so much be in pain! ;A; and yes foxes are adorable >w<
dramatical annoys me to its so plain and i got it alot too XD
TSUN ★ TSUN ★ TSUN (≖︿≖✿)
@Miss Sandman: I don’t know how we’re still living. It’s so stressful, and everyone knows it’s stressful, but we can’t do anything to fix it. T~T
Ooof, that old job of yours sounds sketchy. Did you report the business for breaking the law like that? I don’t blame you if you didn’t and just wanted to quit and leave as soon as possible.
I remember when my little cousins were teething, just so much crying and biting on cold toys. I hope that phase moves fast for your little girl when it happens.
Omg, I feel that way about lonesome hero too. xD And SO MANY lonesome heroes dropped for me, meanwhile I only got a handful of the newer rare item and I really like that one. T^T
(✿ ♡‿♡) DERE ★ DERE ★ DERE
@Tsundererra: yes yes you definetly deserve a new president wich isnt trump........ *nods*
no i dont report them but i block my boss on my social media accounds and my phone because she wouldnt stop massaging me after i dropped out! and call me a bad person and so on.... this woman lives in her own world where she and her husband (not a nice person as well) are the ultimate kind and caring people.....
i will get her through this though! ^^ i just hope she will be healthy >_<
yes lonesome hero is an item as well i dont really apprecate! i also saw noone ever wear it
no i dont report them but i block my boss on my social media accounds and my phone because she wouldnt stop massaging me after i dropped out! and call me a bad person and so on.... this woman lives in her own world where she and her husband (not a nice person as well) are the ultimate kind and caring people.....
i will get her through this though! ^^ i just hope she will be healthy >_<
yes lonesome hero is an item as well i dont really apprecate! i also saw noone ever wear it
TSUN ★ TSUN ★ TSUN (≖︿≖✿)
@Miss Sandman: These are problems have been around since before Trump, but there is hope of change if we elect the right people in 2020. )x
Omg, your old boss and her husband sound like crazy people! You did the right thing to block them. I’m glad that was enough to keep her away.
You have mama bear instincts now, so I’m sure you’ll help her get through ok. ^^
I wish Lonesome Hero had more to it. It’s not an ugly item... but it’s hard to use. Wish it at least had a background or face to make it special.
(✿ ♡‿♡) DERE ★ DERE ★ DERE
@Tsundererra: yes but it will depend on wich people you can choose... and i thinkg the last time you just can choose sodom and gomorra..... it dosent take much diffrence
they are crazy old ppl they never had kids, and i think she compensated this fact with stalking her workers and wanted to be a part of theyre life.
as long as i can do anything to protec her i will do =)
yes its jus plain a plain fighter item.... why arent the orbs still no out xD
they are crazy old ppl they never had kids, and i think she compensated this fact with stalking her workers and wanted to be a part of theyre life.
as long as i can do anything to protec her i will do =)
yes its jus plain a plain fighter item.... why arent the orbs still no out xD
TSUN ★ TSUN ★ TSUN (≖︿≖✿)
@Miss Sandman: Tbh, Clinton was bleeeeh, but she is not as bad as Trump. ): We’ve never had a president who idolizes dictators until now... or one who openly does whatever Russia asks them to do. But 3 of the candidates now are waaaay better than Clinton and want to fix our healthcare, minimum wage, and climate change. It can end up like last time’s election if Biden wins the nomination because he is bleeeeeh like Clinton. =3=
Hahaha, that’s what it sounds like. Maybe their lives were boring, and they wanted to get excitement from trying to stalk you and the other employees too. Dx
Yoooooo, I’m wondering the same thing! I waited until 3 and got only 3 hours of sleep because I had to wake up early for work. x__x
Hopefully they will be out in a few hours.
(✿ ♡‿♡) DERE ★ DERE ★ DERE
@Tsundererra: i just heard she wanted to start war imidiatly! omg i hope that trump dont get elected again! this would be the worst ever!!!
well i wish you luck folks!
well yeah its bad! iam sorry you waited so patiently! i dunno whats the problem its still no orb time! but maybe the items are just so awesome that the wait is okay =))
well i wish you luck folks!
well yeah its bad! iam sorry you waited so patiently! i dunno whats the problem its still no orb time! but maybe the items are just so awesome that the wait is okay =))
○○❀ @Miss Sandman: Could I bother to bum a Libra off ya? :>
@Hobovampire: sure thing pls send a trade ;)
○○❀ Thank you :>
I like porple | Art shop | Art Gallery if ya wanna see my scribblins

@Hobovampire: youre welcome enjoy the new item ^^
@Tsundererra: honey honey look the new orbs finally arrived *___*
TSUN ★ TSUN ★ TSUN (≖︿≖✿)
@Miss Sandman: I just got home from work and bought my bundles. xD Haven’t opened them yet, but will in a moment.
And whaaaat? D: That’s some misinformation because Hillary and her party are the ones who try not to start wars unless something bad really happens. If Trump wins again, I’m pretty sure it will be the end of America. Our foreign relations is worse than when Bush was president...
Okkkkk, time to go open my orbs and see what I got! xD
(✿ ♡‿♡) DERE ★ DERE ★ DERE
@Tsundererra: those items are adorbs especially cancer and aries! what sign you are??
iam aries iam proud my sign make it to rarest :DDD
really? in germany we though she was a war machine =O! so why the most ppl elected trump??? no this even make less sense to me!
i cant imagine he will win again! everyone hates him!
good luck dear ^^
iam aries iam proud my sign make it to rarest :DDD
really? in germany we though she was a war machine =O! so why the most ppl elected trump??? no this even make less sense to me!
i cant imagine he will win again! everyone hates him!
good luck dear ^^
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Nothing fancy to see here!!!
Nothing fancy to see here!!!
TSUN ★ TSUN ★ TSUN (≖︿≖✿)
@Miss Sandman: I am a Pisces. My sign’s item is so cute!!! I really like Virgo’s, but I only got one of that one. D: I didn’t get any Gemini’s! Can I buy both of the ones in your shop? x__x Would volts be ok this time?
Omg, I wonder why she has that impression. D: And Hillary won the popular vote, which means most of America voted for her, but our voting system is archaic and shitty because of the electoral college. 🙃
(✿ ♡‿♡) DERE ★ DERE ★ DERE

The truth behind Reaping Ritual 2019

Art by the rightful Mayor, Kiwi
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