Alicethemadhatter - Ribbon Candy, Sour Candy & Trick's Victory
Colan - Chocolate Coin, Dad Fashion, Holiday Gifts, Holiday Lights, Holiday Mistletoe, Holiday Voltra Globe, Vregory Hair
Booderdooder - Skullie Helmet, Queen Of Hearts, Virgil’s Jacket, Virgil’s Hair & Beanie, Virgil’s Memories, Solstice Spirit
Erebus - Solstice Spirit, Land separating ocean and sea
keo - Candy Corn Witch Broom, Candy Corn Witch Hat, Candy Corn Witch Shoes, Reaper Smile, Reaper Jacket & Vigilante Gear
cuttlefish - Vregory's Friends, Violet's Curls, Violet's Dress, Leo, King Brothers & Team Treat
Aisukohi - Reaper Smile, Survivor Crafted Pants, Cyberon, Cyberonica, Team Trick, Team Treat
Kairie - Candy Cane Staff, Holilday Lights, Holiday Mistletoe, Hiliday Gifts, Holiday Voltra Globe, Solstice Holiday Socks
Fraynos - Candy Cane Staff, Holilday Lights, Holiday Mistletoe, Hiliday Gifts, Holiday Voltra Globe, Solstice Holiday Socks
Rocker - Reaper Boots, Survival Crafted Armor, Skullie Helmet, Chocolate Coin, Team Trick
Kawaii - Caramel, Mom Fashion, Ribbon Candy
Whimsy - Ribbon Candy, Velvet's Memories, Twin's Spells, Violet's Memories, Solstice Spirit
Castiel - Pride Cardigan 2k19, Papa's Lil Angel
elwyse - Candy Corn Witch Stockings, Candy Corn Witch Shoes, Violet's Curls, Summer Fox, Solstice Spirit
astonishingly bland - Viv's Flower, Cool Duck Floatie, Beach Background, Land Separating Ocean and Sea, Vreg is King
Junko7 - Reaper Scythe, Bernard, Acrobat, Blossom, Cool Mint
Galaxy - Candy Cane Staff, Holilday Lights, Holiday Mistletoe, Hiliday Gifts, Holiday Voltra Globe, Solstice Holiday Socks, Holiday Gingerbread Earings
Koah - Vibrance Day Bundle
SuperZombiePotatoe - Team Treat, Team Trick, Gummy Bear, Oracle, Land Separating Ocean and Sea
lycheeforest - Vyctor's Horns, Reaper Scythe, Heart Bubble (V-day 2k18), Mom Fashion, Caramel
Lilykin - Summer Fox, Twin's Spells, Missing Spell Book
LilMissKushy - Holiday Gifts, Holiday Lights, Holiday Mistletoe, Holiday Voltra Globe, Soliste Holiday Socks
Gossip - Vanora's Belt, Valentina's Tool Belt, Reaper Jacket, Skullie Belt, Caterpillar
marupiter - Violet's Curls, Virgil's Hair & Beanie, Team Trick, Ribbon Candy, Caramel
Marley - Hula
Evilcupcakecat - Suprise Party, Wounded Wildcat
GoblinsAndTea - Vyctor's Horns, Vregory Hair, Moonflower, Sunflower, Wonderland