— she/they
Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/04/27 18:23:28 )
@Hachi: This avatar please! I won't change it for a bit.
What image hosting do y'all use to post in the forums? It's been hot minute since I've used one and looks like photobucket makes you pay now. >:(
@Lilykin: ah yeah photobucket's down the toilet
I think most people use imgur, I've seen some use postimg
personally I just use dropbox bc it's also my cloud storage (two-in-one), haha
(I use a private tumblr for things I dont care to keep around, like... memes)
— Sha/female
Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/04/28 04:47:32 )
@Hachi: how about my avatar? :D I'm not going to change it cause I just don't have the time to right now lol. ^^ obviously... By how far behind I am with posting.... T.t I missed voltra I've been away to long!!!!