... at one time before! For my art, that is. ;A;
I keep getting excited about it like when I first opened my RLC again in march due to financial problems, I honestly didn't expect the support that I got, considering my small following. But even while I was out of work for 3 weeks, I was still able to meet all my bills. Its not anything to live off of, my bills aren't huge atm, but damn if that wasn't a huge relief. It really made a difference for me and I couldnt be more grateful <3
This isn't meant to be a brag post, just that, I'm so happy when it comes to this. People can be truly wonderful. Beyond just ordering from me, they've all been extremely sweet and wholesome to talk with. They remind me what I really love about drawing.
And every time I look at something and am like "crap I'm running low/can't afford this" one of my clients keeps coming back, or bringing me other people to order from me. Or other randoms find me and orders and I'm just sdkfhdgh

This time I have already got my essentials worked out, my job hours pick up next week, so now I can afford to support the other artists in my life who need it. Especially my hair stylist! Ive been wanting to pitch in for her donations for a couple weeks now. ;v;
Anyway, what's good with you? <3