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Forums General Chit-Chat Happy Saturday my friends! Let's chit and chat~

Donator — They/She Posted 4 years ago ( 2020/04/19 00:34:26 )

Hey everyone!

Gosh I keep coming and going from this site but I do think about it often. Though, do not be surprised at this, it is kinda like a roller coaster for me! I get social then quiet, social then quiet. Though tonight I am here for a bit!

How have you been? What kind of things have you been able to accomplish during the quarantine and social-distancing? Any funny stories?

How are you enjoying the event? Oh my gosh I may have teared up a little at Velvet's today, I get emotional easily!

Fun fact, the Stay at Home act in Wisconsin was extended until my birthday (May 26th), happy bday to me???? LOL

ANYWAY! Come along! Let's create a Saturday thread full of laughs and positivity <3 :D



Donator — Fujoshi Posted 4 years ago ( 2020/04/19 03:21:09 )

Oh wow, your state extended the stay at home order longer than mine (May 13th). I honestly think it should be longer, but eeeeeh, we’ll see.

I also bounce from being social to anti-social, so don’t worry about that. :3


The truth behind Reaping Ritual 2019

Art by the rightful Mayor, Kiwi

Voltie Posted 4 years ago ( 2020/04/19 16:28:05 )

I'm like that too (*´ ˘ `*)
I lurk a lot expecially since there's an event going on right now but join in too whenever I feel like it.

I got a lot of artwork since the qurantine but I need a break from it right now. I have to do some cleaning around my home and it doesn't help that it looks so gloomy outside (=.= )


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