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Forums Welcome Committee Hey ✧゚・: *ヽ(・∀・ノ) * :・゚✧

Voltie Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/05/4 20:08:37 )
He is now, don't worry! Bless you though~

Oooo Preston is fancyy! LOL that the weather was too much for you!
England is very well known for our mild weather. Nothing goes to any extremes it's always just ''cool''.
I assume Florida is really hot, right?
I've only ever visited New York during May and the weather was similar to an English summer, haha.

Donator — Female Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/05/4 20:19:35 )

Mines a Hebrew name my mother was going to name me but dad decided differently. I like the sound of it a lot so decided to use it as an art name!

Just wanted to butt in and say that I think this is awesome.
I get that names change and all, but I think it's wonderful that you're giving it some life in your own way~<3

♫Born of graves and left below ♪ Painted ashes, painted snow♫

Donator — UWU/ Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/05/4 21:10:38 )

Yeah the colored header means staff (depending what kind tho)

I met my art mentors from extremely random places to be honest. I have visited website forums (from dead to relatively active years ago). The start of my art fundamental journey started from Dec 2016. I had tried and meet random people in the span of 3 years since I started the fundamentals. Not gonna lie, its not a fun journey. My main 3 art mentors that I occassionally ask them their opinion.. two of them are self taught, while the other went to Master(?) degree in Arts. But all three have something in common: they wanted to pursue anime styles. They have each their own uniqueness on how they improve their craft too. I had toxic mentors in the past. I didnt regret it either cos it helped me learn about myself and who should I talk to since Im not as tough cookie as general crowd supposed to be. My trusted mentors are accessible in discord if you wanna know.

I do have a site. But its not reflecting what I really wanted tho in art goals. I myself dont know whats my next step yet but what I can do in the mean time is gather as much info on other art skill tree that interests me. Im not sure if you saw but my art signature will give you the username of my art accounts that will lead you to my site (still in the works). Otherwise, my profile can help you find the art gallery that youre looking for.

Theres so much stuff to do at the back end of voltra. If it helps, you can ask the admins which area do we really need help with.

Voltie Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/05/4 21:49:36 )
@amber lynne:
haha!! I'm so glad you think so! It made my mum happy too to see my using the name.
Poor dad didn't choose a great name so I kinda hate it xD

Voltie Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/05/4 21:59:09 )

Ah! I thought so! Glad to confirm it is a mod thing
well congrats! That's awesome you're an artist for the site :33

That's good to hear you have such luck and benefit a lot from an art mentor. At some points I guessed that might have aided my improvement but I'm a slow learner regardless, haha.

Ahh well I applied for the role of illustrator! I'm not sure I can help with any backend work unless they need the skills of an illustrator??
I'm no coder or designer tho, unless it's character work, haha!
I'm hoping they'll get in touch if they need me ;w;
we wait to see~

Donator — UWU/ Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/05/4 22:12:55 )

I dont do mod stuff. I dont have the moving powasssss -insert angy kitty-

If you need some mentor advise, I can let you meet them in discord if you want.

Im not doing any coding work in Voltra, just drawing illustrations (and help making some designs for avys)

Voltie Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/05/4 22:32:08 )
Oh nooo!! U have name powaa!!!
shinny blue name to blind us all with your artist glory!
* w*

I think I'm p solid for now on mentorships! I'm mostly just looking for artist peers now days, rather than mentors. I've had some luck on twitter as the community is super approachable~

Ahh exactly!! I just wanna potentially do some illustrations for the site if they ever do need another illustrator ~
here's to hoping~

Donator — UWU/ Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/05/4 22:36:44 )

nuuuu not trueeee

ah cool, discord is the popular platform to find artist servers these days ouo

I'd still recommend asking the admins if the new illustrator role is open. but there are other roles other than that.

Voltie Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/05/4 22:38:17 )
Haha yeah of course! The further up north you go the colder it gets!
( ಠwಠ)
Only by a few degrees but if you're used to heat then it can be p shocking!! Especially if it's somewhere costal.
Haha I don't think Preston is that bad! It's near Liverpool and the weather there is similar to London, just a few degrees colder most years. Tho in recent years England does have both colder seasons and hotter summers. It gets very confusing!

NYC was pretty fun, it's buildings are massive and it's like condensed London on steroids. We were only there 4 days doing activities each day to be sure we saw what we wanted and at the end of it I was exhausted!!
Have you ever been to London? what did you think?~

Voltie Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/05/4 22:40:37 )
In a good wayyy!!
I'm blinded by your blue... in a good way!

So true!!! I'm in a few art discords and sometimes it's super intense and other times super inspiring to be around so many artists at once, haha! I love being able to post my work for feedback at almost any time of the day and know quite a few artists on first name basis in most of the servers I'm in.~

Ahh Is that something you can do? just ask an admin?
Is it worth asking even though I've already sent my application in? ;;;

Donator — Female Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/05/4 23:24:29 )

Awww, that's no fun at all =(
Oh well? Onlien you can have *any* name!

♫Born of graves and left below ♪ Painted ashes, painted snow♫
My Youtube. I upload Tuesdays

Ping me. always
ALWAYS looking for art of my Characters
If you do art, PM me

Donator — UWU/ Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/05/4 23:36:29 )

blinded by text color is bad for teh eyes rip

ah thats good, discord to me is the easiest to chat with people these days. (non avatar) forums have been dying the most. RP forums kept the forum style alive tho.

There are item techs and pixelists. More info about the roles are in this thread: Voltra Staff(Accepting Applications) @ Forums->Help & Support
月の兎 ☆★☆ 鹿の光

Donator — She/Her Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/05/4 23:45:23 )
Hi, fellow newbie :3 Nice to meet you, I'm SZP. Hope you're having a super time :D

Voltie Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/05/5 12:20:52 )
London is massive!!! It's why I was so surprised at how small Amsterdam was when I went a few years back. You could almost walk it in under an hour if you wanted!
I'm very bias when it comes to London as it's my home town 8)
I live in the east and my fave part is probably the big ass free museums, national history is probably my favourite but always so busy! There is a side entrance and if you have a ticket for ANYTHING inside you can just walk right in. There's always exhibitions on (obviously outside of corona) and new things to see. My friends always so good at finding out where to go and eat as well, haha! We had tickets to a yayoi exhibition that was meant to be next week but I assume it's cancelled now as non essential travel is banned!! ;;;_____;;


Voltie Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/05/5 12:23:44 )
@Amber lynne:
It's so bad when I used to use OC names as usernames and then grew out of the OCs LOL
I try to avoid and just use generic names or funny puns like 'it was super effective' is my gaia xD

Omg yeah it's so sad a lot of avatar forums are dying!!
I grew up on them and love the design of so many of them, It just sucks the general audience of young teens no longer use sites like these.

I know there's other roles!!! I'm only interested in the illustrator role. A role I've already applied for;;
No point asking about other roles I don't even want.

Voltie Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/05/5 12:24:58 )
Nice to meet you, fellow nooby!~
The sites very different to the ones I'm used to be I loveee the items

I need to open an art shop or something and ask for more items as rn I don't know how anyone even affords new items as a new player outside of the shops

Donator Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/05/5 14:27:40 )
Welcome! Voltra is an awesome avatar site and I think you'll love it!

Donator — She/Her Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/05/5 15:57:05 )
@keturah: This site has a homey feel to it, so like it a lot. Hope you're having a good time :D And it has suuuuuper pretty stuff
Ya the only way I can see of getting items is events, donating or buying and trading on the exchange. So ya I'd totally visit your art shop, you should definitely set one up!

Voltie Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/05/5 16:06:34 )
Thank you so much!!!! I've seen so many amazing avatars and items so far! i can't wait till I finally work out hows the best way to get them xD

I am so far! The only down side is I seem more active at a time where not many people are due to my time zone, other than that everyone's been so sweet to me!
So are items either event items or monthly items?
Sorry I'm still trying to grasp the websites set up ;w;

Oooo Maybe I will!! I don't have a lot of free time but maybe a doodle one?
How do artists decide how to price their art? also how do you know what an item is someone is offering??

so sorry so many questions ;w;
( ✧≖ ͜ʖ≖)
art dump ll instagram ll twitter

Donator — She/Her Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/05/5 16:24:25 )
@keturah: Saaame! Usually my day time is everyone's early morning. And everyong is most active when I'm sleeping. But I tend to sleep quite late these days so it works out not too badly :)

So I gather that its monthly items (crates), orbs that come out per season/3 months, event items, daily chance items and like knick knacks which are once in a while for special reasons. Everything else is shop stuff :3

I love doodles!! \o/
I'm not sure as I've never had a shop before :/ Maybe look at a few other shops and see how others price things. I do know that older items = more expensive. Have a look at the price guide here! That might be helpful. Sory I don't no much more /o\
And that's okay! Don't have to feel bad for questions <3

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