Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/05/20 22:48:24 )
=== A wanderer wanders from place to place ===
@MoodyBats: Ah, true. True. ^^ Oh, I see. To each own, I suppose. I understand some artists are good at half bodies or full bodies and well as depending on their preferences. For me, I prefer both bodies (half and full) because why not? xD
I see. That's alright. Hmm... There's Dreamwidth but I don't think anyone is into it either and DeviantArt is quite of a mess lol, I don't like its current theme as they should've kept their old one. AO3 (Archive of Our Own) is the only thing that's NSFW friendly but it's mostly filled with fictions (well, fanfictions) and sometimes (fan)art. Tumblr used to be one until that ban happened which is a shame because I was considering planning to go to that site but didn't in the end. Not sure if I wanted to go to Twitter and I'm not exactly fond of seeing drama there :viosweat: