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Voltie — she/her Posted 4 years ago ( 2020/05/14 23:37:38 )

to get ice cream
but DQ was closed so I went to cold stone
forgot how messy their ice cream cups are
also forgot I'm single now so no one can carry my ice cream, and I got online class to attend soon so I had to gooo



tried to tell myself "its fine its ok, driving safely is more important than reaching for the ice cream"
but then I looked at the ice cream again, and it was crying all over my passenger seat
and full panic hit me

I made it home safe.
ice cream in hand, oozing all over my school uniform
I think this was a test to see how I can handle adrenaline in a car
I dont think I've ever seen my dad look at me with so much sadness when he saw the spilt ice cream lol

(also yes, I'm still gonna eat the ice cream, even though its probably filthy...)


Voltie — she/her Posted 4 years ago ( 2020/05/14 23:40:48 )

hhhh maybe I can get the car clean in 15 minutes until class starts
but I also need to eat the ice cream
I should've ate it at the shop I didn't think I had time


Donator — Fox Lady Posted 4 years ago ( 2020/05/14 23:58:12 )
I thought Coldstone gave you lids...maybe I'm thinking of Yogurtland....I used to work at Coldstone years ago. Sorry your ice cream got messy. When I would go to Yogurtland, I'd hold the cup in one hand, drive with the other and take bites when I was stopped at a stop light. But then Coldstone usually piles on the ice cream, so I can see it totally leaking. What flavor did you get?

Voltie — she/her Posted 4 years ago ( 2020/05/15 00:15:42 )

I cant drive one handed ;A;
I'm still a newb
but, I had to try anyway cause it kept falling, and I almost hit a curb lmao ;;;;;;


Donator — Fox Lady Posted 4 years ago ( 2020/05/15 00:35:19 )

Oofies. Yeah I remembered when I first learned to drive. I was a nervous wreck and I hated it. But now that I've been driving for like...over ten years now it's super natural. I still hate backing out of drive ways/parking lots because of the other idiots out there, but as far as going from point A to B, it's like breathing.

Voltie — she/her Posted 4 years ago ( 2020/05/15 02:21:22 )

Yeah I think most people are like that by my age lol
I had some trauma issues I was trying to sort out, so I'm not sure if I will ever become so comfortable with driving that it could be like breathing?
But I also never thought I would be able to drive at all, and here I am. So maybe one day I'll see myself FULLY overcome my biggest hindrance!
The fact that I DIDN'T hit the curb while turning one-handed already says a lot for me lmao cars behind me were probably like wtf she on?


Voltie — she/her Posted 4 years ago ( 2020/05/15 02:21:45 )

ice cream didn't taste the same after such a betrayal T^T


Donator — Frog bless Posted 4 years ago ( 2020/05/15 02:23:55 )

Tragic... TnT A lesson learned though perhaps? I'm sorry for your loss.

Mallow Tumbleweed
My Sons

Voltie — she/her Posted 4 years ago ( 2020/05/15 02:32:27 )

@priestess of pie:
yea T^T dont get ice cream that doesn't fit in the cup holder


Donator — Fox Lady Posted 4 years ago ( 2020/05/15 03:15:49 )

I accidentally rear ended an old lady slightly with my old hand me down car, that made me super anxious about driving, but I got over it. You may think you'll never get the hang of it because you're still new to it, but believe me, it will get easier. Just keep doing it and watch how you drive and you'll be a pro in no time.

Voltie — she/her Posted 4 years ago ( 2020/05/15 03:29:19 )

Speaking of rear ending, I almost got ran down by this massive truck this morning from behind. I was on the highway, which didn't have many cars on it at that time, and this truck is probably going 80 and doesn't think to slow or go around me. Instead comes up behind me SO FAST and got so close that I really thought I was about to feel it on my tail. They had to slam their breaks and seemingly barely missed me (or maybe just really close, hard to tell distance).
I'm going 50 on a 45, chill

Gave me a huge spook. Not a fan of those ginormous pickup trucks that are so common here


Donator — Fox Lady Posted 4 years ago ( 2020/05/15 03:39:11 )
@Jolly: I've not had that happen to me, but I do get ass holes that like to come up very close behind me and I'm like...any closer and they'd be in my trunk. I purposely go slower until they either back up or pass me.

Voltie — she/her Posted 4 years ago ( 2020/05/15 04:21:18 )

Yeah its always the big trucks with the biggest attitudes here. But they always end up in the ditches because they're too reckless.
I'm really not a fan of them because they always scare me so much lol


Voltie — she/her Posted 4 years ago ( 2020/05/15 04:24:24 )

Now my stomach is very upset. Maybe the ice cream was a bad idea all around
stupid waste of $10...

except the tip, about the only thing not wasted about it :vanora_xd:


Donator — Fox Lady Posted 4 years ago ( 2020/05/15 04:44:27 )
@Jolly: Munch on some saltine crackers if you have any. That can help settle your stomach.

Voltie — she/her Posted 4 years ago ( 2020/05/15 06:43:51 )

Thanks! I actually have some, too. I've just been drinking water
might have been dehydrated lol

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Donator — Fox Lady Posted 4 years ago ( 2020/05/15 07:04:19 )

It's like an age old remedy. Saltines and ginger ale or flat 7 up for upset tum tums. I usually just suffer since I don't really have either and I hate 7 up, period lol.

Donator Posted 4 years ago ( 2020/05/15 14:40:38 )
I'm so sorry! D: Glad you made it home safe and you did well under pressure driving.
I hope the ice-cream was still yummy.
Coldstone is one of my favorites.

The first adrenaline rush while driving was when a spider dropped down in front of my face and I had to be calm in middle of town.

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