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Forums Role Playing Looking for Compatible Partner (1x1)

Donator — Fox Lady Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/05/16 08:30:02 )


Okay, so to start off: Hi I'm Crystal. Or Kitsune, whichever. I'm looking to RP. I've been doing RP for years (off and on) for about 15 years or so and I do admit I'm a bit picky when it comes to partners. This is why I normally lurk and I don't RP much on these forum sites. So! Read through my preferences before you reply. Thanks! Also please @ me, so I know when you've replied. Sometimes I may not reply right away if I don't know you've posted.

Since I have been RPing for a very long time I have improved with my post style and I've become accustomed to certain protocols while RPing. Below I'll list some things that I require from my partner.

▶ I'm a Semi Para RPer. I expect my partner to be the same. Usually my first posts are longer since they are intro posts, but anywhere to 3-4 good chunks of text are usually what I go for. I want a nice quick story, I don't like wall-o-text either.

▶Good grammar and spelling are a must. I'm not for abbreviated words or 'text' speak in stories.

▶ Pleeeeeeease, don't expect me to lead the story. I've had too many partners just follow along with what I do. Have ideas of your own! I don't mind directing the story in a certain direction, but throw in some ideas of your own to make things interesting!

▶ If you are uninterested in continuing with the story at an time, please let me know. I don't want to bother you with messages if you aren't into the RP anymore. If I know you aren't into it, I'll find another partner to RP with.

▶Try to post as frequently as possible. I know RL comes first, but just don't leave me hanging with a post a day. If I'm really into a story I want to keep going as much as I can each day.

▶I'll only take on 1-2 RP's other then the one I'm doing with a friend. So if I'm full up, don't fret! I'll keep you in mind in case something comes up and I need a new partner.

Story Ideas

Each idea will have hearts to represent how much I really want to do that type of story. Fandoms will be included and are subject to change/fluctuate as I go

Fantasy- This can be anything between modern fantasy (think mythical creatures hiding among humans in a modern setting) or even a Lord of the Rings type fantasy with Elves and Dragons and such. Or Just dragons or Gryphons or anything else four legged. Stories can be similar to Lord of the Rings (just not as extreme) or the Valdemar universe of Mercedes Lackey. ♥♥♥

Slice of Life- School/Work/Daily type of life such. This can go along with the mythical creatures among humans. This genre is limitless meaning anything can happen. ♥♥

Modern(Fantasy)-Could be adventurous, mysterious, modern life with or without fantasy elements.

Magic School-(not HP) Magical school similar but not Harry Potter. A whole new world, magic, can include magic creatures as well. ♥♥

Stranded on an Island- Sort of self explanatory. It can either be friends stranded together, strangers stranded together, one person stranded and a merperson helps them, or if you are familiar with Dinotopia, a sort of stranded on a inhabited island having to 'start over' in that way of life (dinosaurs not necessarily included) ♥♥♥


Harry Potter - IF we do this fandom I really rather it be set apart from Harry Potter's generation. But not Mythical Beasts era either because I've only seen the first movie. I much rather just have it either be an AU or have it be set beyond Harry Potter so he can be mentioned but not in the actual story. I have a Hufflepuff OC named Nemara that I can use for this story. ♥

Pokemon- I've not really done Pokemon in AGES, so I may be rusty. Another problem is that I'm not super familiar with newer generation Pokemon. I'm more old school. Gen 1 and Gen 2 are ones I know more then any of the others. Also if we RP Pokemon we're not going to have super rare and OP Pokemon we can just whip out. We'll be normal trainers. We can talk more about this if you're interested. I'm hyped about the new movie that came out. Detective Pikachu. If you've seen it I'd love to do a story based in this universe. If not, lets just figure out our own thing. ♥

Next Gen Alice in Wonderland or Wizard of Oz - Basically stories set in either of these universes but without the original characters. So our own characters and our own story in Wonderland or Oz. ♥♥♥♥♥

Next Gen Peter Pan Something involving the future generations of Wendy/Peter Pan etc. Kind of like beyond the movie Hook. So grandkids of Peter Pan or something.♥♥♥

Steven Universe OCs in an AU or future setting I have a couple characters that can be used for this universe. ♥♥♥

IF any of the above things haven't scared you off, feel free to post. Hopefully you've read through the whole thing. If you have and you're interested let me know~ First come, first serve, so don't be discouraged if I get full up on partners, I'll poke you later to see if you're still interested. Thanks for reading (bow)


Donator — Voltie Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/05/16 19:29:49 )
I love how organized you are, it brings me joy.
Seems like we may have similar taste, too. Fanatsy and slice of life I enjoy so much (kind like the sabrina the teenage witch zany vibes, ahh another 90s tv classic. Lol).

Here's an idea that was inspired based on your ideas.
School friends are on a field trip with an attached assignment. They get in a *mysterious* accident and end up stranded on an island. They try to finish their assignment and get back to submit it on time. Mean while, one of them is secretly magic... Lots of blanks to fill.
Ping me

Donator — Unholiest Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/05/17 20:01:46 )
Been looking for a good rp buddy on several sites and your info sounds like we're pretty close in genre tastes and preferences. Would love to get something going, Urban(modern) fantasy would be a ton of fun. You didn't write your preferences on romance, personally not so much for it, but what are your own preferences with that?
Would love to hear from ya, have a great weekend!

Donator — Fox Lady Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/05/17 23:35:24 )

@Eruca: That'd be one crazy field trip if they end up on stranded island. It'd be like a boat related trip or something then? A storm happens and they get thrown over board and both end up on the same island?

@Amortentia: I'm okay with romance, if the story naturally leads to it. I'm more for story and growing the characters then basing it on a romantic end result. If it happens, it happens. Were there any ideas you had story wise?


Donator — Unholiest Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/05/18 00:06:51 )
@crystalkitsune85: Sounds good :) Hm, how about:
The Psychic Hospital; After being involuntarily committed into the psych ward for being delusional, a patient has desperately tried to convince the doctors her/his dreams/visions are real. She/He is not crazy – and neither are the other patients. Especially the one in the room opposite, who has had the exact same visions/dreams. One day, a doorway opens up to a parallel universe where magic etc is real.

Donator — Fox Lady Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/05/18 00:18:57 )


Hospitals freak me out, so RPing a story set in a hospital or insane asylum would really make me uncomfortable :/. I like the fantasy aspect, but I wouldn't be able to RP anything in a hospital. If you have any other ideas, throw them to me, if not, I'm going to have to decline on that idea.


Donator — Unholiest Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/05/18 00:47:30 )
@crystalkitsune85: Fair enough. How about the same vision/dream thing but two college students move in to the same rental property and we put a narnia-esque spin to it, by having a way through to the parallel universe in the house?

Donator — Fox Lady Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/05/18 00:51:03 )


Oooh what if, an old house goes up for rent because the previous tenant died, so it was super old and super cheap. Two college students both see the house for sale and both want to rent it. (Not knowing each other) and then they agree (since the house is big enough) to go halvsies on the rent. Some old furniture from the previous owner was left in the house. Like could be a wardrobe or an old mirror, up in the attic or something.


Donator — Unholiest Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/05/18 00:53:18 )
@crystalkitsune85: Ooh, I love that! That mirror thing could be pretty cool. Maybe they even hear weird sounds for a few days and stuff and eventually make their way up to the attic where the mirror/wardrobe is?

Donator — Fox Lady Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/05/18 01:06:00 )


Sweet! Do you want it MxM or MxF, and if MxF, which gender do you want to be? And we'll be about...20 somethings just starting college, yeah?


Donator — Unholiest Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/05/18 01:08:13 )
@crystalkitsune85: yeah 20 something sounds about right :) I'd love to be female, you?

Donator — Fox Lady Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/05/18 01:12:36 )


I can be either. I usually like being female myself but I can be a guy if you prefer. Or we can both be girls and just have no romantic stuff happening lol.


Donator — Unholiest Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/05/18 01:14:00 )
@crystalkitsune85: That would work too ^^ Can always add npc romantic interest/s later if nothing else?

Donator — Fox Lady Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/05/18 01:23:46 )


Anything else you want to hash out before we create a thread? Oh! do you want to at least show an image of our character for reference? I usually don't do full on profiles for 1X1 except a picture, that way you at least have visuals and learn about the character through the story.


Donator — Unholiest Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/05/18 01:27:32 )
@crystalkitsune85: Nah, I think we got the skeleton of it pretty good, can always discuss more in OOC if we'd think of something? I'd love to do a picture of our characters, just need to find a good ref :)

Donator — Fox Lady Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/05/18 02:06:25 )


Do you want me to make the thread or do you want to?


Donator — Unholiest Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/05/18 02:06:58 )
@crystalkitsune85: You can do it if you want :)

Donator — Fox Lady Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/05/18 02:14:16 )


I'll go ahead and make it, and add the first post too, then I'll link you to it.


Donator — Unholiest Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/05/18 02:20:43 )
@crystalkitsune85: Sounds great :vivihappy:
Ping me for chitchat, potential rping or general madness

Donator — Fox Lady Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/05/18 02:30:15 )


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