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Forums Role Playing Crystal x Amortentia(1x1)

Donator — Fox Lady Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/05/18 02:29:01 )

Emily stared blankly at the screen of her laptop as she sat at her sisters' dining room table. She had moved out of her parents' house, ready to take on college. However she registered late and all the dorms were full, so she currently was looking for a cheap place close to campus to live. She didn't care whether it was an apartment or a house she could share with someone. As long as the rent was good, she wasn't picky. She was scanning places online with her computer, hoping to find something cheap.

Her sister handed her a soda from the fridge as she passed by. "Any luck?" she asked sitting down across from Emily. Emily sat back and opened her soda. "Nothing really...a lot of these places are too expensive. I only work part time...I'd run my self ragged if I had to take more hours as well as doing classes..." she sighed and was about to give up, when she saw a new house pop up on the listing site. She clicked on it, not really expecting it to be what she wanted. However, the listing was for an old house, five minutes from campus....It belonged to an old lady, who got sick and passed away. The family didn't want it, so they were renting it super cheap. "Oh crap! Something just popped up! It's perfect! I need to call right away, before it's snatched up." she said grabbing her phone and dialing the number under the listing, leaving the kitchen for privacy.

An hour later she came back to her sister. "I can go see it today if I run over there now. I'll be back soon sis!" She said as she grabbed her keys and bag and headed out the door. She drove to the address listed on the site and saw a large, almost Victorian style house that was two stories. She couldn't believe her luck. She was to meet the current owner about renting it, so she got out of her car after parking on the side of the street in front. She waited by her car for the landlord.


Donator — She Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/05/18 09:48:12 )
@crystalkitsune85: good morning.. I like's left me wanting to read more xD I want to know what happens xD

Donator — Unholiest Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/05/18 10:08:10 )

Jade stepped out on the curb after handing the cabbie a crumpled twenty dollar bill. She threw her rundown duffel-bag over her shoulder and looked up the street at the rather impressive house in front of her. It resembled houses from the Victorian era, was two stories high and should by all standards go for quite a lot more money per month then what the landlord was asking. The jaded part of herself had instantly asked what the catch was, because no one was so charitable as to rent a damn mansion out for nickles and dimes.

It turned out that the old lady who'd lived there earlier had passed away and for some reason, fortunately for Jade, the family wanted nothing to do with the property. Even more fortuitous was the fact that the campus was a mere five minutes away. Less fortuitous, or so the young woman thought at the time, was that someone else was already parked on the street in front of the property, waiting by their car, and Jade Parr doubted that the young brunette standing patiently by the car was the landlord.

She let out a sigh and put her cerulean dyed hair in a ponytail to keep the breeze from messing it up. Strange, Jade thought to herself as she walked toward the other girl, the weather had been mild just a minute or two ago and now the wind was starting to get to peak annoyance level.

The landlord hadn't said anything about showing the property to someone else at the same time, or at all and frankly, she'd hoped no one would have been quick enough to pick up on the listing yet, given that it hadn't even been on the site for an hour. I need this, she thought solemnly. Her back was still sore from couch surfing, and the rest of her soul couldn't take another night at the cheap, pay by the hour motel she'd resorted to 'living' at. The walls were thin, the neighbors loud, the receptionist a creep and she was pretty sure someone had been murdered in her room at some, if not several, points in time.

Jade pulled her jacket on tighter and flashed the other potential renter a smile as she came up toward the towering house.
"Hey" she said "I'm Jade and I'm guessing you're not the shady landlord who rents this place out dirt-cheap and fail to mention the multiple people tour?"

Donator — Fox Lady Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/05/18 21:11:24 )

Emily waited patiently for the landlord to arrive and thought it strange when she saw a taxi cab pull up and a young woman, around the same age as her, with blue hair stepped out. She thought nothing of it though, until she came over with a duffel bag over her shoulder. Was she moving in? What about the listing and the tour she was supposed to get? She then figured she had been duped and frowned, almost on the verge of tears, but she sucked them back in and was about to head to her car when a voice stopped her. She turned to look at the blue-haired girl.

"No, I'm not the landlord." she responded. "I came here, looking to rent the place. I've been looking forever for a cheap place to rent while I go to college and work part time. I've been living with my sister and I don't want to keep mooching off of her, when I can get a place of my own. I called to check the place out and they told me I could see it right now."

Just as she finished speaking, a white car pulled into the drive of the old house, and an older woman, probably about forty, stepped out. She walked over and looked at them both. "Are you Jade and Emily?" She asked. "I'm sorry for bringing you both out here at the same time, but I need to catch a flight tomorrow, and I was hoping to rent this place out before I left." She said. "Both of you called at the same time, so I apologize. The rent is $500 dollars a month, and that includes electricity and water. If you want internet you have permission to get it set up inside. The house is old, but my mother made sure to keep it up to date with plumbing and wiring, and the roof is new. You shouldn't have any problems, but the market for selling houses is horrid right now, and I don't want to deal with all that paperwork. So, since you both are here, and the house is big enough, you could rent it together. Plenty of room. There's three bedrooms, a small library/office and two bathrooms. A nice kitchen and dining room. But here, since you'll probably want to see the inside, I'll give you a tour."

The lady talked fast, and Emily could barely keep up. She honestly didn't care if she had to share the place, as long as she got one. The lady motioned for her and Jade to follow her to the door while she unlocked it. She did introduce herself as Mrs. Mary Kingston. Emily looked over to Jade as Mrs. Kingston was giving the tour. "If you want to go halvsies on the rent of this place, I don't mind. This place is big enough to where we don't even have to bump into each other much. What do you think?" She asked.


Donator — Unholiest Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/05/19 00:06:00 )
She seemed nervous, Jade noted as the other woman glanced at the army green duffel-bag over her shoulder.
She was just about to reply to the mooching comment as the actual landlord parked and came over. I wish I'd lived at a sisters house Jade thought amused at least then I wouldn't have to listen to some old pervert got jiggy with some barely legal prostitute luckily she had her noise cancelling headphones and the suspicious stain in the ceiling above the bed which was either mold, water damage or blood from the previous tenant of room 14 who'd grown just as tired of the ever changing
yet still the same neighbours.

Of course, there was family too. Not close in vicinity, thank god, but Jade Parr would resort to sleeping on a park bench before she ever did such a thing as to go home or ask them for help. She subly shook her head to get rid of the memories threatening to flod back. By then, the landlord and the other girl, Emily, had started making their way toward the entrance of the house.

Jade had heard enough to know to get a gist of it all and to know she wanted this place. She wouldn't mind sharing either. $250 a month for mansion with her own room, no perverts or suspicious stains or a creepy receptions who probably had hidden cams in all the rooms? Heaven.

"I'm all for it" Jade replied to Emily "as long as we can agree to some ground rules. Not saying you're necessarily a party girl, or that I am, but no parties before exams and we get Internet and split the cost?" she raised an eyebrow at the other girl as she awaited the response and then quickly turned to the landlord
"If we take it, can we move in straight away?" the older woman nodded and Jade turned her attention back to Emily.

Donator — Fox Lady Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/05/19 00:20:10 )

After a brief tour, showing off the rooms, the kitchen, bathroom and what not, she couldn't believe how lucky she was to have seen the listing on the site when she did. After the tour and the lady was waiting for their decision she looked at Jade. "I'm fine with that, I don't really party so there's no problem there. I'm pretty quiet and reserved, and I don't see me bringing anyone over much less a group of people.." she drifted off slightly. "So since we're both in agreement, what now?" she asked after she turned to Mrs. Kingston.

Mrs. Kingston opened a briefcase that she was carrying, that Emily didn't even notice she had, and opened it. She pulled out a long piece of paper and went over to the kitchen counter. "I just need you to both sign this lease. I know there's usually credit checks and all that, but I'm in such a hurry I'm going to go on good faith and trust you both. I won't even ask for a down payment. Whatever we could get for this place would be a loss, so that's why we're renting it so cheap." she fished a pen from her bag and then held it out for Emily. "So once you sign it, I'll give you a set of keys. You'll have to make a copy since there's only one." she said looking at Jade. "But as long as you send in the rent on time, we'll be golden. The address to send the rent is on the lease."

Emily took the pen from Mrs. Kingston and then signed her name on the bottom of the lease. She read through the agreement making sure that there were no hidden things that'd screw them over later. Once she was done she handed the pen to Jade. "Here you go."


Donator — Unholiest Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/05/19 03:02:29 )
Jade didn't miss a beat, signing the papers on the spot. Whatever downside there might be to this deal, she thought to herself, couldn't be worse than the last couple of years.

"Me neither, so we should be five-by-five" she replied Emily. Five by five meaning they were square. She couldn't wait for Mrs. Kingston to leave, something about the older woman was... Off.
She blamed the market for why they rented it out and at that price, but there were studio apartments further away from college that went for double the cost. None the less, for once Jade wasn't going to look a gift horse in the mouth.

With her part time job as a bartender at Glitz, the partial scholarship and the dirt cheap rental she might even be able to pay the rest of the tuition this year.
"How do you feel about pizza, Ems?" the smile on her lips the first happy one in nearly a year "can I call you Ems? Or do you prefer Emily?"

It had been a long time since she felt at ease. At sixteen, she'd run away from home. The dreams had started a year prior to that, and then the visions shortly thereafter. Suddenly Jade seen things when she was awake.

She could walk by a mirror and swear, that for just a second, she'd looked different. Worn different clothes, had scars.
With time, whatever it was that made it all possible changed, as if the ability grew.
It was as though the fabric of time had become odd and translucent, that things at certain times or around certain people shone through. Her family was convinced the young woman was delusional.
She overheard them one day, talking about what to do with her and that was it.
Jade wasn't sticking around.
Bartending had been a good way to make money, as jobs could be found just about anywhere. Housing was harder, hence her current experience with motel hell.

"I'm Jade, by the way, Jade Parr. Majoring, or will rather, major in paranormal psychology" she reached out her hand to the other girl "nice to make your acquaintance, roomie."

Donator — Fox Lady Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/05/19 03:39:34 )

Mrs. Kingston smiled at them both and took the paper. "Well that's all done now! Thank you ladies for helping us out by renting the place." She said as she put the signed paper back into her suitcase and handed Emily the keys. "Enjoy the house. You guys can move in immediately." she told them both and then headed out of the house.

Emily looked at the keys and was elated and slightly worried. It seemed too easy, but there was no deposit and if anything bad happened she could worse case scenerio go back to her sister. She pulled out her phone and was about to call her sister when Jade spoke to her. "Pizza? Oh I still need to grab my things and come back. I probably won't be back tonight, I need to pack up my things. I've been living with my sister for a while. You're welcome to stay here though while I'm gone. And Emily, please." she said referring to the name Jade gave her.

"Nice to meet you. I'm Emily...well as you know. Emily Rivers. I will be majoring in English Lit, with a minor in art. I love reading and writing, so I hope to learn from the greats to possibly write a great novel some day." She said. She smiled slightly. "Since you're going to be here tonight, is it ok if I go ahead and take the keys with me? I'll stop by the hardware store and get a copy for you. Let me call my sis and tell her what happened."

Emily pulled out her phone and called her sister. She told her she got the house, and how she was going to be rooming with another college student. She gave her all the details and then told her, she'd be home soon. "Okay that's done." she said coming back over to Jade.


Donator — Unholiest Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/05/19 05:01:06 )
Jade shrugged "more pizza for me then. Or possibly sushi. Do you want to pick a room before you head out? Anything will be an upgrade compared to where I've been staying." Hell, the bathtub would be an improvement compared to motel murder.
She'd miss coming up with nice new names for the motel although to be fair it had become a nice excersise in creativity.

She'd have to make a list of things tonight that needed to be bought tomorrow. Sheets, pillows and covers. It would be nice to own more than one shower towel. Luckily Jade had been able to store her box of books for the semester at work, so that needed to be picked up. The mental list in her head made her realise just how much of a nomad she'd become.

"Sure thing. See you tomorrow, maybe we can buy food and shit when you get back, celebrate with some coffee and get to know each other. You can tell me all about your dreams of being a writer. Been a while since I lived with someone, so I should probably apologise for any bad habits in advance" Jade laughed.

{{Sorry if mine are too short or too long, writing on my phone from work ^^}}

Donator — Fox Lady Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/05/19 05:17:39 )

"I feel bad for deserting you on the first night, but I won't get anything done if I don't go tonight and come back tomorrow." she said putting her phone into her pocket. "I wouldn't mind the room to the left of the landing upstairs. It has a great shape and it's since it's facing North I won't have to worry about too much sun." she said thinking about curtains.

When Jade replied about seeing her tomorrow she nodded. "Oh yes, we should definitely celebrate. This will be my first time living with someone besides family, so I admit I'm a bit nervous. You seem pretty cool, so I hope we can get along." she smiled. "We plan more when I get back tomorrow." she said finally and then she left Jade alone to get settled for the night.

She got into her car and drove back to her sisters' place. Her sister helped her gather things into boxes and pack them into the back of her car and trunk so she wouldn't have to load them the next day. Luckily her bed was easy to disassemble. There was the issue about the mattress, since it wouldn't fit in her car, so they asked her sisters' neighbor who owned a pick up truck if he could help her move her bigger things. She had the long bed pieces, a dresser, a nightstand and a desk that all needed to be moved to the new house. The neighbor agreed to help so, they carried all of her things to the back of his truck and tied it down to be ready to go the next morning.

For that night, Emily slept on her sisters' couch, since her bed packed up. She didn't mind though, the couch was comfy enough. As she laid back in bed, she thought about how Jade was doing at that moment. She knew sometimes big empty houses could be spooky, though Jade looked tough enough to not be scared about being alone. She planned the lay out of her room in her head, until she fell asleep.

{{You're fine. Later posts are usually shorter anyway so it's ok}}


Donator — Unholiest Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/05/19 08:02:38 )
"Sounds good to me. I'll grab the one on the right. But yeah, I don't think getting along will be a problem, you seem like a chill person Emily. I'll see you tomorrow."
She watched as her hopefully new friend left the house and went home to pack.
Grabbing her phone from the backpocket of the distressed denim jeans, she used the device to order herself a pepperoni pizza, soft drinks and online order some furnishings for the room she'd chosen. It was a pretty good sized room, with a cute alcove by the window and a custom made window seat, but like the other bedrooms it was devoid of any other furnishings.
Good as place as any to crash tonight Jade noted as she placed her bag beneath it, waiting for her pizza to arrive.

A few hours later she awoke dazed, the vivid dream she'd had disappearing from her memory. Her body felt heavy and time felt as though it was moving in slow motion. Jade was sitting on the window sill, wondering why she wasn't lying down and why it felt as though she was moving in the space between one slow breath and the next. The young woman decided she needed to get some water on her face in the hopes that it would jolt her body from this weird place between dream and reality.
No, that was wrong. This was something else.

She shook her head, the slower motion making her stomach turn. When she got put to the hallway she stopped dead in her tracks. At the end of it was the blurred outline of a female figure. Every second that passed and painful breath Jade took while she stood there, immobile made the figure come more into focus until she could see it clearly.

It was the not her her. The one she'd seen for passing moments as she'd passed mirrors and windows for these past years.
The one who aged along side her. The one with the scars. Scars which faded more every month and which new ones sometimes appeared.

The thought that struck Jade Parr the most as she stood there, facing off a version of herself which wasn't her, was the sadness and pain which radiated from it.
The other her opened her mouth to say something and then, just like that, Jade was released from whatever had taken ahold of her and time sped back up.

She promptly threw up the pizza from earlier on the landing leading up to the attic where her shadow self had just stood staring at her.

She hugged herself and started rubbing her arms in hope of getting warm before cleaning up the evidence of the episode with cleaning supplies she'd found underneath the kitchen sink. Before proceeding to take a long, scaldingly hot shower to try and ease the cold feeling inside her and then headed to the back garden, not once looking towards the attic landing. And there she waited until the sun rose from it's own slumber.

{{ Oh goodie :3 }}

Donator — Fox Lady Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/05/19 09:11:55 )

{{ I'm going to skip to the next day}}

Emily woke up at 9am the next morning. Her sister was already up, getting ready for work. Her sister worked as an assistant at a law firm, so she did pretty well for herself. She was actually studying to be a lawyer like their mother, so she was learning while on the job. Emily grabbed a quick shower and then grabbed a banana and downed a glass of milk before she went over to the neighbors' house to get him to follow her to the new house. She drove her loaded car to the large house and pulled up front while the neighbor backed his truck into the driveway.

Emily unlocked the door, and mentioned she had a room mate, so try and be as quiet as possible in case Jade was still asleep. Emily and the neighbor managed to get the boxes and furniture up the stairs somewhat quietly. She then thanked the neighbor and he drove off. Emily grabbed her tools and started to put her bed frame back together quietly as she sat on the floor with a screwdriver. She had put her ear buds in, listening to music from her phone as she worked.

Once she got all the furniture placed where she wanted she placed the mattress onto the bed, made the bed then started going through her boxes. Most of her clothing was in her dresser, but some in boxes went into the closet. She hummed to the music as she went to and fro, putting things away. Putting posters on walls, decor in corners, there was a bathroom in the middle between the two rooms upstairs so she placed her bathroom toiletries on one corner of the counter and then she grabbed a notebook and a pen to write out stuff that she'd need aside from food.

She went downstairs to access the furniture situation. They'd need a couch, a TV, and call to get internet hooked up. Luckily there was a fridge already, and a stove. There was a microwave, but it looked old, so they'd probably replace it. When she went upstairs she noticed at the end of the hall, a rectangle slit in the ceiling. There was a loop at the end so she found something to pull it down, and a set of stairs slid into place leading into the attic.

Slowly she stepped up into the attic. It was dusty and dirty, and in one corner there was a grouping of old furniture. "Oh, they must have moved the landlord's mothers' stuff up here...well some of it anyway." she said to herself as she went over. The furniture pieces were covered with sheets but she could make out a sofa, and a coffee table. There was also a tall, standing mirror with a sheet on it. She slid the sheet off and for a moment she thought she saw the surface shimmer, but she chalked that up, to a trick of the light coming in from the window. "I'll have to show Jade this stuff when she's up." she said. Then she remembered she was supposed to go make a copy of the key the landlady gave her so she went back down to the second floor and pushed the attic stairs back into place before grabbing her car keys and bag and driving off to the local hardware store.


Donator — Unholiest Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/05/19 10:06:49 )
Jade woke with a start, nearly falling off the wrought iron bench she'd sat on since before sunrise. The sun was up now, shining ever so brightly and the bad weather they'd spoken on the news about yesterday was no where to be seen, luckily, as the rays had kept her somewhat warm.
When did I fall back asleep? The young woman pondered as she stood up, wiping a tiny speck of drool from the corner of her mouth and headed inside.

She headed back to her room, to search the duffel-bag for a clean top to wear when she and Emily would head out. After a few minutes she'd settled on a cropped t-shirt with a baby Yoda motif and the text "this is my cute side". Jade made a mental addendum to buy more clothes to the ever growing list. When she left she saw that Emily's bedroom door was closed.
Knocking gently on the door and calling out the other girls name didn't get a response, so she cautiously open the door. No Emily, but her room had more furniture than before, so she must have been by already.

Should have given her my phone number
Jade closed the door and headed downstairs to wait await Emily's return home.

Donator — Fox Lady Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/05/19 10:29:45 )

Emily returned shortly, after getting a copy of the front door key. She went into the house, an saw Jade waiting for her. "Oh hello!" she said as she put her bag by the door since they'd be going out later. "I got my stuff moved upstairs. I figured you were sleeping so I was quite as possible. OH! also, here." she said handing the extra to Jade. "Now you have your own key, so you can come and go as you please and not have to worry about being locked out.' She smiled.

She then remembered about the furniture she found in the attic. "While I was checking the house, making a list of stuff we'd need, I discovered the attic. There's some stuff up there under sheets, we might be able to use. That'd save us some money if we can bring it down and clean them off. There's also a really old, standing mirror there. It's so ancient! It's like one of those ones that can be adjusted by pushing backward or forward. It might be worth something, if you don't want to use it." She prattled on. "Did you want to go shopping for some food now?" she asked.


Donator — Unholiest Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/05/20 17:32:45 )
((Sorry for the wait, had kid awake all night and a workplace meeting straight after my shift ended))

Jade took the key and added it to her a lone ring on the otherwise cluttered key chain, next to a small fake gold crescent moon she'd got at a fair in some state she'd just been passing through two years back. Was it sad, the young woman pondered, that all the other keys were for work, save this one house key? She pushed the thought away, last night had been weirder than normal and pondering over what had been would do no good. Jade Parr had made her choices, and no matter how much some of them were regrettable, they'd been her choices at the least. Not her father's, not her wicked step-mother, not a doctor or a stranger on the street. Hers. She might regret a lot of things, but in the end that was the thing that had truly mattered to her.

"Hm?" Jade felt a embarrassed that her mind had wandered for a few minutes and thus she had only grasped the basics of what the other young woman had been saying. "Sounds interesting, anything to save a few bucks I suppose. What do you want to do, check them out now or when we get back?" There was something different about Emily. Jade had noticed it yesterday when they'd met outside the property while waiting for Mrs Kingston, but it was as though just beyond her grasp and the more the young woman tried to focus on her, the more out of focus she became.
I'm just tired, she told herself and gave her new friend a weary smile. Last night upset me more than usually, stop reading to much into it Jade.
"What did your sister say about you sharing a house with a complete stranger? She must have been thrilled about that"


Donator — Fox Lady Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/05/20 20:52:42 )

Emily wanted to show the furniture to Jade, so she took her up to the attic first. Shopping could wait. She slid the sheets off the rest of the stuff that was stored up there. The sofa was still in pretty good condition, it just was dusty. Everything else, the coffee table, and she noticed another low table, perfect for a TV to sit on, as well as a bookcase against the wall she missed last time. "What do you think?" she asked brushing her hand over the fabric of the sofa. "It's not too worn down or dirty, I think it'll do for now until we absolutely need to replace it." she said.

She then went over to the mirror she also mentioned and motioned for Jade to come over. "Look at this mirror. I don't personally want to keep it, but it might be worth something..." she said brushing a hand over the hand carved wood that was holding the mirror in place. "Antique stuff like this can be worth a lot if it's in good condition and really old....and this looks really old." she mused quietly. If Jade noticed the surface of the mirror, she too would see the ripple across like Emily did earlier. Emily was behind it, inspecting it for scratches or any imperfections.


Donator — Unholiest Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/05/21 11:33:51 )
Jade followed Emily up the steps to the attic, noting the condition of the items stored up there. She'd been right, a lot of the things stored up there were in pretty good condition. Wonder why they decided to store it all up here rather than rent the place furnished, she mused as she let her fingers run along the edge of the bookcase. "I think you're on to something" Jade replied with a smile "most of it looks pretty good and we could save a chunk of change on using these rather than order new stuff"

The second the got to the mirror the Jade woman stopped in her tracks, Emily's voice drowned out by the thoughts racing through her mind. The surface of the mirror had moved, like ripples had been sent through a pond. Her fingers brushed against the carved wooden frame, static electricity shooting through the tips of her fingers and up her arm. "We shouldn't sell it, the family might want to keep it, if they stored it up here."

It was an excuse, a valid one, but an excuse nonetheless and she knew it. Just like she knew there was something about this house and this antique mirror, hidden away in the attic where the young woman had seen herself standing in front of the night before. What the hell is going on with this place? Jade wondered if Emily had sensed the strangeness here too, but past experiences made her afraid to ask.

Donator — Fox Lady Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/05/21 20:46:02 )

Emily popped her head around the edge of the mirror from behind. "I...guess maybe they stored it up here as mementos of their mom. Perhaps we shouldn't use any of this stuff...if we break it Mrs Kingston might get mad..." she said looking at all neat stuff. "We should cover it back up and just go on with our original plan." she said getting ready to recover the furniture with the sheets. She left the mirror for last, covering it with sheet with some effort, since it was taller than her.

"Why don't we check out the thrift store? We might get lucky and find a couch or something there? Better then picking up one brand new or off the side of the road." she said with a slight laugh. "Come on, we can use my car to go into town, and get some groceries and check the local thrift store."

Emily started back down the attic steps and waited for Jade to follow suit, so she could close the staircase back up into the ceiling. She brushed off some dust from her clothes as she went to grab her bag and car keys so they could head out. "Lets make a list of what kind of food we'll need." she said picking up her small note pad and a pen. The same one she used when she surveyed the house earlier on what they'd need furniture wise.


Donator — Unholiest Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/05/23 16:04:54 )
((Sorry for the late reply, been crazy busy with Cae artisan work :) ))

"I don't think they'd mind if we used it, if we took care of it" Jade replied as she followed Emily downstairs. She hadn't mean to make the other girl change her mind. The ideas she had were great. The young woman watched as Emily covered the mirror again, this time the ripple seemed more intense somehow. "But it's up to you what you want to do, either way I'm way down for driving into town, god knows I could use a decent cup of coffee. Hell, I'd settle for a cup of coffee period" it was nothing short of a miracle that Jade had been able to go on for this long without her falling flat on her face due to lack of caffeine. Especially given her lack of sleep last night. The two or so hours on the bench did not count she told herself.

"Well, first off, are you allergic to anything?" the girl followed suit and brushed some dust of herself as well, it was clear no one had been walking around the attic for a awhile until the two of them went poking about. "I'm lactose sensitive, so while I can eat and drink dairy products, I'd rather not. Is that okay with you or should we have our own milks and such? We never discussed if we'll share things or not. Also, deathly allergic to pineapple, of all things" Jade grabbed her jacket, patting it down to make sure the cardholder was still in there. Her cellphone was back in her room, being charged. She decided against getting it. Worst case scenario, if there was a work emergency they'd have to solve it without her. Other than work and the occasional salesman, no one ever called.

((Should we do the town/coffeshop scene and then when they get back home and notice strange things for a few days before the "Narnia" bit or fastforward to that day?))
Ping me for chitchat, potential rping or general madness

Donator — Fox Lady Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/05/23 21:20:32 )

(( I didn't want to get into the "Narnia" world thing until a bit later. Gives us time to 'bond' as room mates and develop characters))

As they drove to the store she thought a moment. "I'm not really allergic to anything really. I don't really care for milk, like to just drink but I don't mind it if it's in stuff. Like cereal." she said and then while they were at a stop light she handed Jade her pen and notebook. "Here write down what you want to get from the store, so we can get everything. We can get separate food if we rather just be two entities sharing a house but nothing else. I usually get the staples. Cereal, bread, peanut butter and jelly, milk for the cereal, and like whatever food I want to eat that week. Since I'll be starting school, I really won't have much time to cook like my mom did. So probably a lot of take out or TV dinners I guess?" she said looking at Jade.

When they arrived at the grocery store, Emily suggested they take two separate carts and meet at the car. "You go ahead and get what you need." She said tearing the list Jade made from her note pad. "And I'll do the same. Meet at my car and then we'll head back home." she smiled as she took off in the direction of where she needed to go. She hummed to herself again as she went down her list and proceeded to grab the things she could use. Ramen, instant mac n cheese, TV dinners with low calories, some fruit and veggies to snack on. She wasn't big on junk food, she only splurged once in a while, for like Oreos or potato chips, but aside from that she kept to being somewhat healthy.


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Having you as a Voltie would be awesome.