((This is an RP between Xanthan and I, Please do not post any comments in this thread. We don't mind if you read in lurk mode))

Divorce. The dreaded word that Rayven never wanted to hear her parents say. Though she wasn't surprised they came to that conclusion, it still hurt that her parents decided to end their marriage. They were busy. The both had two separate jobs, that made Rayven comfortable with her living situation. They weren't millionaires but they did pretty well regardless. She lost count on how many times they had fought. Either about finances, or about Rayven, or anything....lately.
Music was Rayven's only way to get away from the yelling. She'd put on headphones and crank the music up until all she heard was music. With her parents always fighting, she felt like she didn't matter. Especially when they argued about her. The reason why, is because she started dressing differently. Where she used to have long brown hair, she cut it shorter and dyed it black. She practically went goth, just to see if they'd pay attention to her. Oh boy did they, but instead of yelling at her, they yelled at each other. Blaming the other for her sudden change in appearance.
Even though she hated the idea that they could never work out their problems, she was sort of relieved. She'd live with one, or the other and finally there'd be peace and quiet. Or so she thought. One evening while she was listening to music from her phone and on her laptop laying back in bed, her mother walked in. Abruptly she spoke as soon as her mother had her attention. "We're going to send you to your aunt Helen for a while." she said. Rayven blinked and then frowned "Why do I have to live with her? Why can't I just stay here?" she asked. Her mother heaved a sigh like she was tired of explaining things, but did so anyway. "I have to travel to Europe to work on an assignment and your father has no place to put you up at the moment. All your stuff will still be here, don't worry. We just need you to stay with my sister for a bit until the divorce is settled and I'm back from Europe. It's all square with Aunt Helen, you just need to pack a few suitcases with stuff you'll need for about a month. I got you a bus ticket to take you to her town."
With that, and no other explanations, her mother walked out leaving Rayven almost agape. She was pissed for sure, and she slammed open her closet and grabbed her two biggest suit cases and started packing up her stuff. She was 19, and sure she could have a job and move out, but she liked living at home with no responsibilities, but once she got to her Aunt Helen's house, she'd find a job there in town and then just move there permanently. She hated being tossed aside like she didn't matter.
The bus ride was cramped, stuffy, and loud. She had a seat by the motor in the back and it smelled with exhaust. She covered her face after a while since the fumes were giving her a headache. She rode for about two hours, and ended up in a small town by a forest. Her mother explained her Aunt lived in an old house located in those woods. Two story, and built ages ago. Wonderful...meant no internet or wi-fi. She sighed and waited by the bus stop, since she was also instructed that her Aunt was to pick her up.
She waited and waited and was getting very pissed. Helen should have picked her up by now, so she decided to ask if anyone knew her Aunt and where she lived. A passerby was friends with her Aunt and gave her instructions how to get to the house. Follow the road leading out of town, and turn onto a dirt road you come to, immediately to her right. Follow that road right up to the house. She followed those instructions, carrying her two suitcases and a backpack on her back.
The dark wood house loomed in front of her, once she turned a bend in the road. A clearing opened up and in the center of this clearing was the largest, and ugliest house she had ever seen. It might had been pretty at one point, but all the paint had come off (If it had any at all) and it was now just an ugly grey/brown color. The front porch had steps leading up to it, so she went up and walked to the door. She saw there was a doorbell...so yay..electricity at least. She rang the doorbell and waited.
A woman looking a bit frazzled but not too much different looking than her mother answered. "Yes?" she called out. There was a screen door between them and she opened it. "Rayven?" she said tilting her head...and then the look of recollection hit her face. "Oh I was supposed to come pick you up in town wasn't I? I'm sorry dear, I got my days mixed up. Come inside." she said holding the screen door for her.
Rayven was given a brief tour of the house and was led upstairs to the room she'd be living in. An old four poster bed was in the room, as well as a beat up wooden closet. Not much else but a bookshelf and a nightstand with a lamp. "I will leave you to get settled in." Her Aunt said and then was gone like she poofed out of the room. Rayven shrugged but sat on the bed and went through her bags. When she got bored of that, she decided to go explore the surroundings of the house.
She went out through the back of the house, going through the trees, where there was a tiny path. She crossed over a small brook by a very small wooden bridge, and eventually trees broke away to another clearing. However in this clearing was an odd stone archway. "What the heck?" she exclaimed to herself. "What is this thing doing out here? Maybe whatever was left over from who lived here before the town took over."
She shrugged a shoulder and walked closer to the archway. As she approached, the center of the empty archway seemed to warp and distort. Like a clear whirlpool. She felt an odd tugging sensation and then she was yanked from her feet through the center. She didn't land on the other side, however. Instead she was ported to another dimension, not unlike her own.
"Ouch!" she exclaimed when she landed unceremoniously on her butt in a patch of grass. "What the hell was that?" she grumbled as she stood and brushed herself off. Behind her was an archway, yes but it looked like now it was falling apart. The frame was cracked and chunks were missing. When she looked around she noticed she was in a different clearing. "I get sucked into some magic portal like a freaking Fantasy book...what the hell is going on?" she asked to nobody but herself. "I must be dreaming. Yes, I fell asleep on that ugly bed upstairs and I'm just wandering around in a hell of my own making. Surely I didn't really get sucked into a portal into some other world other than my own." she kept talking to herself as if someone would answer besides herself.

Divorce. The dreaded word that Rayven never wanted to hear her parents say. Though she wasn't surprised they came to that conclusion, it still hurt that her parents decided to end their marriage. They were busy. The both had two separate jobs, that made Rayven comfortable with her living situation. They weren't millionaires but they did pretty well regardless. She lost count on how many times they had fought. Either about finances, or about Rayven, or anything....lately.
Music was Rayven's only way to get away from the yelling. She'd put on headphones and crank the music up until all she heard was music. With her parents always fighting, she felt like she didn't matter. Especially when they argued about her. The reason why, is because she started dressing differently. Where she used to have long brown hair, she cut it shorter and dyed it black. She practically went goth, just to see if they'd pay attention to her. Oh boy did they, but instead of yelling at her, they yelled at each other. Blaming the other for her sudden change in appearance.
Even though she hated the idea that they could never work out their problems, she was sort of relieved. She'd live with one, or the other and finally there'd be peace and quiet. Or so she thought. One evening while she was listening to music from her phone and on her laptop laying back in bed, her mother walked in. Abruptly she spoke as soon as her mother had her attention. "We're going to send you to your aunt Helen for a while." she said. Rayven blinked and then frowned "Why do I have to live with her? Why can't I just stay here?" she asked. Her mother heaved a sigh like she was tired of explaining things, but did so anyway. "I have to travel to Europe to work on an assignment and your father has no place to put you up at the moment. All your stuff will still be here, don't worry. We just need you to stay with my sister for a bit until the divorce is settled and I'm back from Europe. It's all square with Aunt Helen, you just need to pack a few suitcases with stuff you'll need for about a month. I got you a bus ticket to take you to her town."
With that, and no other explanations, her mother walked out leaving Rayven almost agape. She was pissed for sure, and she slammed open her closet and grabbed her two biggest suit cases and started packing up her stuff. She was 19, and sure she could have a job and move out, but she liked living at home with no responsibilities, but once she got to her Aunt Helen's house, she'd find a job there in town and then just move there permanently. She hated being tossed aside like she didn't matter.
The bus ride was cramped, stuffy, and loud. She had a seat by the motor in the back and it smelled with exhaust. She covered her face after a while since the fumes were giving her a headache. She rode for about two hours, and ended up in a small town by a forest. Her mother explained her Aunt lived in an old house located in those woods. Two story, and built ages ago. Wonderful...meant no internet or wi-fi. She sighed and waited by the bus stop, since she was also instructed that her Aunt was to pick her up.
She waited and waited and was getting very pissed. Helen should have picked her up by now, so she decided to ask if anyone knew her Aunt and where she lived. A passerby was friends with her Aunt and gave her instructions how to get to the house. Follow the road leading out of town, and turn onto a dirt road you come to, immediately to her right. Follow that road right up to the house. She followed those instructions, carrying her two suitcases and a backpack on her back.
The dark wood house loomed in front of her, once she turned a bend in the road. A clearing opened up and in the center of this clearing was the largest, and ugliest house she had ever seen. It might had been pretty at one point, but all the paint had come off (If it had any at all) and it was now just an ugly grey/brown color. The front porch had steps leading up to it, so she went up and walked to the door. She saw there was a doorbell...so yay..electricity at least. She rang the doorbell and waited.
A woman looking a bit frazzled but not too much different looking than her mother answered. "Yes?" she called out. There was a screen door between them and she opened it. "Rayven?" she said tilting her head...and then the look of recollection hit her face. "Oh I was supposed to come pick you up in town wasn't I? I'm sorry dear, I got my days mixed up. Come inside." she said holding the screen door for her.
Rayven was given a brief tour of the house and was led upstairs to the room she'd be living in. An old four poster bed was in the room, as well as a beat up wooden closet. Not much else but a bookshelf and a nightstand with a lamp. "I will leave you to get settled in." Her Aunt said and then was gone like she poofed out of the room. Rayven shrugged but sat on the bed and went through her bags. When she got bored of that, she decided to go explore the surroundings of the house.
She went out through the back of the house, going through the trees, where there was a tiny path. She crossed over a small brook by a very small wooden bridge, and eventually trees broke away to another clearing. However in this clearing was an odd stone archway. "What the heck?" she exclaimed to herself. "What is this thing doing out here? Maybe whatever was left over from who lived here before the town took over."
She shrugged a shoulder and walked closer to the archway. As she approached, the center of the empty archway seemed to warp and distort. Like a clear whirlpool. She felt an odd tugging sensation and then she was yanked from her feet through the center. She didn't land on the other side, however. Instead she was ported to another dimension, not unlike her own.
"Ouch!" she exclaimed when she landed unceremoniously on her butt in a patch of grass. "What the hell was that?" she grumbled as she stood and brushed herself off. Behind her was an archway, yes but it looked like now it was falling apart. The frame was cracked and chunks were missing. When she looked around she noticed she was in a different clearing. "I get sucked into some magic portal like a freaking Fantasy book...what the hell is going on?" she asked to nobody but herself. "I must be dreaming. Yes, I fell asleep on that ugly bed upstairs and I'm just wandering around in a hell of my own making. Surely I didn't really get sucked into a portal into some other world other than my own." she kept talking to herself as if someone would answer besides herself.