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Forums General Chit-Chat I think I know what I want to do

Donator — Any Posted 4 years ago ( 2020/06/21 12:01:43 )

》::: ✿・`.*
..with my life.
I'm just sorta scared of college and responsibilities lol.
I wanna help domestic violence victims. I am thinking about maybe social worker or counselor?? I've been through a lot in this aspect and it's a really important topic for me. I've always wanted to do something psychology based but didn't really know what. Im also scared that I'd be doing a lot of schooling for nothing considering my past.. idk. Ive talked to lots of nurses and counselors who have mental illnesses or past addiction issues though? Honestly I'd even settle for a nurse who helps on psychiatric units-- I know a few that were amazing and made all the difference in my stays there. Im really passionate about mental health too
Does anyone have any info or suggestions on where to look? Or just encouragement lol. Im kind of lost on where to start here..

*.`・✿ ::: 《


Donator — She Posted 4 years ago ( 2020/06/21 13:32:20 )
@milkshake: people always tell me i would be a good counselor because ive been through alot and have a lot of experience... i think you should go for it.. youd help alot of people because you yourself have been through alot .. where im from they dont do enough for people who have mental health.. some people get turned away cus they dont fit certain criteria.. if feeling suicidal isnt enough to get help then i really dont know what is.. its sad..thats why i reach out to people alot when they're having a hard time because even a few words of advice or to let someone know they're not alone.. can make a big difference.. goodluck with your journey <3

Voltie — He/Him Posted 4 years ago ( 2020/06/21 15:30:10 )
"You've had too much of the digital love..."

I think you'll do great with it!!! You can definitely help a lot of people if you go through this career path !!

"You want everything live, you want things you can touch."
I quit Voltra. Read my profile.

Donator Posted 4 years ago ( 2020/06/21 15:48:35 )
You'll do amazing in that field! You can definitely do it.

I would recommend calling the local college or one you are interested in and asking the counselor questions about what classes you'll need or if you qualify for financial assistance. c :

Donator — Any Posted 4 years ago ( 2020/06/23 00:40:11 )

》::: ✿・`.*
thank yall for the encouragement ;w;
im totally waiting until covid dies down tho bc online schooling is def not for me.

@Totalanimefan: i love ur avi

@koneko: ooh i did graduate so maybe starting in a position like that while i do college would be cool

*.`・✿ ::: 《

Please ping me!

Donator — She/Her Posted 4 years ago ( 2020/06/23 00:55:57 )
I think that would be a very rewarding career to pursue, so go for it!
Both of the job titles you mentioned in your OP sound good, but you may also consider being a victims' advocate. I have a supervisor who did that for many years with our local justice system, where she helped victims of violent acts through their court appointments by being their source of support, emotional or otherwise. It involves a lot of networking for resources to provide the victims, but I believe it can be a very rewarding job in the end because you can make a positive impact on a lot of peoples' lives, and not just from one type of clientele.
I like one of the above post's idea of looking at job descriptions posted online. It'll give you a framework for what that career path will expect of you, not only in education level, but also what personal skills and abilities that you'll need to have.
Good luck!!!
Goodbye, Voltra.
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