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Forums General Chit-Chat I'm feeling so happy today, have some

Voltie — she/her Posted 4 years ago ( 2020/06/22 20:47:12 )

Besides a final I have to take online tonight (its open-book and not timed, so no stress), I have all of today to do NOTHING.
Its been so long,
It feels so good.
I keep having these moments where I want to habitually check the clock or my calendar. When I went to bed last night I actually lost my phone (and its perpetually on silent cause of my massage sessions) and I started to stress a little because I thought I needed the alarms. But. I didn't. xD
So I slept without knowing where my phone was and woke up needing to remind myself "ITS FINE I DONT NEED ALARM TODAY"

Then I realized I have time to read books so that's where my heart is ;v; <333
I feel so stable and comfortable today <3

I am leaving Voltra
Find my links here

08 22 22

Donator — She/Her Posted 4 years ago ( 2020/06/22 21:02:00 )
That sounds so awesome! It's so nice to have some downtime in between the regular busyness of life. I'm torn between feeling like I have too much free time and none at all because my schedule is up to me xD
returned 6/7

Voltie Posted 4 years ago ( 2020/06/23 18:07:16 )

Be a lazy couch potato today you deserve it! (*´ ˘ `*)♥


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