*edit* never mind I found advice elsewhere <3

I joined this mail-in sticker exchange that one of my favorite artists is hosting!
I already ordered my batch of stickers to send out. Figured I'd just wing it when it came to finding the best way of mailing them around the country.
But I have probably only dealt with postal services (outside of normal letters that inevitably get lost) once or twice so I'm a hella newb.

What would you recommend if you know the best manner of sending these things out, while also ensuring they reach their destination?
Like should I pack them in a normal envelope and (if its even a thing) pay extra for insurance on it?
Or should I buy some of those bubble-lined envelopes for better security of the stickers, and insurance on that?
do they even make those small enough for a simple 3" sticker :vanora_xd:

I'd ask my post office but people in my town more often tend to get cranky af, so the internet peeps are nicer..