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Forums Camp Breaker 2020 Noctem de Magia: Bump In The Night

Voltie Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/07/27 09:55:11 )
Noctem De Magia Academy: Bump In The Night
"Things have been happening down at Breaker Beach. During the day things are perfectly normal, but at night...that's when the odd things start happening...."

"Headmaster Geist clapped their hands. The gathered students stopped chatting, and looked to where the headmaster was standing. They were flanked on either side by several faculty, and while this was supposed to be a light-hearted event they all looked...serious. 'Students! Your attention please!' Geist said. 'I have an announcement for you all, and I'd rather not have to repeat myself.'

The last of the chatter died down, and Geist cleared their throat. 'As you all know, Camp Breaker is celebrating its re-opening. While this is definitely a good thing, the main reason NDMA staff and myself are here is because of

'You see, there have been odd things happening after dark at the camp. There have been several instances of seemingly-fine Voltrans go missing outside during the night on camp grounds, only to be found unresponsive the next morning. The staff members here--Lyceriata, Artcus, Silph, Erika, Deukhalion, Rilaz, and Ignis--and I are here to investigate what is causing these comas, and protect campgoers should anything...arise.

'As for the victims, Dr. Iceheart and professors Iris, Lapis, and Dara are doing all they can to pull them out of their comas. So far they haven't found anything, though if any of you feel as if you could be able to help, report to them at the medic station we've set up near the nurse's station. If they have anything for you to do, they'll tell you.'

Geist paused, then let out a sigh. 'And while I know it goes without saying that you should not go looking for the culprit--who- or whatever it is--I know that some of you no doubt will.' They said, reluctantly. 'In those cases, I implore you to inform a teacher so they may go with you, and not to take on anything that attacks you--after dark or no--alone. Ideally I'd prefer it if none of you were out at night, given the circumstances, but I know that is unlikely to happen.

'Aside from that, the rest of Camp Breaker is going off as planned. Go off, have fun at Camp Breaker with your fellow students and Voltrans, and try not to get lost in the woods. And if you encounter anything dangerous, let off a stream of sparks, like so.' They held up their hand, and several bright purple sparks shot high into the sky. 'One of the faculty will see it and come to your aid, though we'd all prefer it if it wasn't needed.'

Geist waved their hands. 'Now shoo, go enjoy yourselves! Have a last bit of summer before the school year begins!'"

Voltie Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/07/27 10:14:10 )
Bump In The Night: RP EVENT!

*clears throat* Welcome to NDMA's first-ever RP event! This is something I've been toying with for a while when it comes to event threads, and I've decided to take a crack at it. So, here goes.

Normally, Noctem de Magia Academy is a heavily-themed hangout that you don't necessarily have to RP in. It's got all the theme of a magical school RP, without any of the obligation to remain in-character the entire time...that being said, there's just too much atmosphere to not RP, soo I'm opting for adding a bit of story with the events.

I suppose you could think of this first event thread as an experiment, of sorts. Something to work out what works, and what doesn't.

Now the RP isn't mandatory, but encouraged. For those of you RPing, the format you'll want to use is either italicize your RP text, or quoting it. Here's some examples:
"This is an example of an RP block," Geist said. "Just make sure you don't italicize what isn't part of your RP text."

"Quoting works too." Geist added. "It's already nicely partitioned from the rest of the text, no need to add a separation line or the like."

I'm going to be using the quote method, so if you see something quotes, that's the Headmistress (or another NPC), speaking.

The following posts are dos and don'ts, as well as rules and how the game is going to go--yes, there is a game.

Voltie Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/07/27 10:14:21 )

I know I said this was an RP event, but there's a bit of a combat game hidden in the RPing. For those of you who wish to go out after dark--and I know there will be--you'll periodically be asked to use the dice roll function in posts to determine if there's an encounter, and if there is how the combat goes.

Getting into combat at all will earn you points, and successful combats (ie, anything that doesn't result in you getting knocked out) will earn bonus points. At the end of the event I'll be giving out prizes to the participants and winners, depending on who racks up the most points in the event.

As the hoster of this RP-hangout hybrid, I'll be running all the NPCs--the faculty--and encounters during RP combat. In effect, I am the DM of this little show, which means all your fates lie in my hands...well, RP-wise at least.

How do I get in on the RP?

The easiest way is to head over to the main thread and fill out the student sheet. Be sure to keep in mind what kind of role you're planning on having in the event; if you want to be a combat caster, keep that in mind when choosing what classes your character-self is taking. If you're running support or healing, keep that in mind as well.

Do I have to do combat if I'm in the RP?

No, you don't. You can just socialize with other students and the faculty NPCs, or help Dr. Iceheart and Professors Lapis and Iris find a cure for the mystery comas, or go off and do your own thing!

Do I have to stay in character all the time?

No, but be sure to have some way to differentiate between in- and out-of-character speech in your posts. There's some examples in the post above as to things you can do.

You said there were prizes!

Yes, there are! All participants are going to get one goodie bag, and the person with the most points after the event will be getting a full set of items in Joyful Jamboree. Runners up will be getting additional goodie bags, depending on how many points they've earned.

In any case, that's about it for the post. I'll clean it up more and add formatting later on, when I'm awake. But hey, now y'all have all the deets! Now get to that RP!

Voltie Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/07/27 10:14:31 )

Voltie Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/07/27 10:15:04 )
I know I haven't gotten the rest of the posts set up, but go ahead and start posting anyway!

Voltie Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/07/28 09:10:23 )
@faerie: poke

Donator — they/them Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/07/28 12:13:27 )
@Geist: eep!
i meant to come back to the event here after my doctor's appointment, but I ended up sleeping for 12 hours, oops.
I'm reading stuff but letting you know I've seen it, I'm not much of an rp person.

Voltie Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/07/29 03:55:47 )
Is okay. Just le chatties is fine, keeps it on the front page X'D

Voltie Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/08/3 06:35:39 )
*prods thread*

Voltie Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/08/4 21:29:28 )
*pokes thread again*

Donator — She/Her Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/08/5 07:37:13 )

Questing: Soulcaster | Fall Harvest | Snowboarder | Capricorn | Scorpio | Berry Citrus | Cybernetic Guard | Year of the Tiger | Fabled Beauty | Dreams of Delight | Chrysaora Witch x1 | Heartbreak Coffin x1

...ᘛ⁐̤ᕐᐷ 'pokes thread to help' hiyo 'waves' <:3( )~~


Star's Memory Jar | Star's Quest |Star's Runway | Shadow Realm Market
Pls Mention as i wander

Avi art is best gift

Voltie Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/08/8 05:23:57 )
Ahh Star! Hiii! *hugs*
Noctem de Magia Academy
Voltra's Space Station
The Warlock's Frozen Attic--It's cold out there!
Space Solstice Shenanigans!

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