Forums Camp Breaker 2020 rec room // event hangout + rng art freebies :3
@Totalanimefan: Rich Americans are rather contradictory when it comes to that tbh. " we want this, but we dont want this because we are convinced we will loose money and get less time in the day and looked at funny by our friends and competitors "
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omg yay ty for the recipe! i saved it, i think i have all those things at home and some frozen naan i've been meaning to use :-D
how far do you typically bike?? is it hard to get groceries by bike or are you used to it :0
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omg yay ty for the recipe! i saved it, i think i have all those things at home and some frozen naan i've been meaning to use :-D
how far do you typically bike?? is it hard to get groceries by bike or are you used to it :0
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it's interesting to hear that cycling is popular in places that are more spread out! i know bike isn't an option for everyone (e.g. if you're disabled or have chronic pain/illness) but i think it's a viable option for many people
but it's hard for it to be part of the culture when there's no infrastructure for it, and vice versa
also total i hope you get ur stuff soon :< hang in there <3
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it's interesting to hear that cycling is popular in places that are more spread out! i know bike isn't an option for everyone (e.g. if you're disabled or have chronic pain/illness) but i think it's a viable option for many people
but it's hard for it to be part of the culture when there's no infrastructure for it, and vice versa
also total i hope you get ur stuff soon :< hang in there <3
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My bikerde to the nearest store ait much more than 400 metres if going to the closest location... the furthes away location I can buy food before entering the high way is 6 km away ( that store on the other hand got some pretty good cheese.. or used to.. im not too fond o0 fit after they changed the package, it misses a bit o sharpness in its taste. )
Ive only been biking 6 kms as the most after my srokes, bt ave been thinking of taking a biketrip to the island of Fyn or down to Germany.
and yes grocery shopping with a bike is easy, its just about how you balance your load, and if you tend to buy more than 2-3 bags at a time, you can get trailers for your bike,
Ive only been biking 6 kms as the most after my srokes, bt ave been thinking of taking a biketrip to the island of Fyn or down to Germany.
and yes grocery shopping with a bike is easy, its just about how you balance your load, and if you tend to buy more than 2-3 bags at a time, you can get trailers for your bike,
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oh 400m is quite convenient, that's a very comfortable walk as well :0
i live in nyc and have considered getting a bike since public transit is kind of risky, but i do have everything i need w/in walking distance which is nice - it would mainly only be to see friends who are a bit too far to walk to
i used to bike when i lived in philadelphia and there was a really nice biking trail!! i miss it a little bit, it was right along the river, very scenic :-)
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oh 400m is quite convenient, that's a very comfortable walk as well :0
i live in nyc and have considered getting a bike since public transit is kind of risky, but i do have everything i need w/in walking distance which is nice - it would mainly only be to see friends who are a bit too far to walk to
i used to bike when i lived in philadelphia and there was a really nice biking trail!! i miss it a little bit, it was right along the river, very scenic :-)
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wow to germany would be quite a trip :0
sorry to hear about the strokes, though it's impressive that you've recovered so well to be able to bike that far :0
(i mean it’s impressive you can bike that far at all lol)
i remember one time i was biking w a lot of groceries on my back and one of the bags like swung to the side and i lost my balance and hit a parked car Lol
i...... i could have been better at cycling lmao
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wow to germany would be quite a trip :0
sorry to hear about the strokes, though it's impressive that you've recovered so well to be able to bike that far :0
(i mean it’s impressive you can bike that far at all lol)
i remember one time i was biking w a lot of groceries on my back and one of the bags like swung to the side and i lost my balance and hit a parked car Lol
i...... i could have been better at cycling lmao
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yeas a nice little walk indeed. Risky? as in pocket-thieves and covid-19 or? since the lockdown a lot of bicycle store had had a LOT of sale on bikes XD
Germany would be about * checks google * a little less than 6 hours of bike-ride from where I live to get to Flensborg Not too long as long its not in direct sun. ^^;
Oh dear, I tend t bring my own bags and a backpack for my groceries. Føtex also got some pretty good big and sturdy bags
Germany would be about * checks google * a little less than 6 hours of bike-ride from where I live to get to Flensborg Not too long as long its not in direct sun. ^^;
Oh dear, I tend t bring my own bags and a backpack for my groceries. Føtex also got some pretty good big and sturdy bags
Oh and for your avocado question: because of the deforestation happening because Avocados have become so popular
"Don't ask your questions to the wall..."
I've been saving up for a car since I graduated high school at 18.
I'm 21 now...
I'm 21 now...
"They keep their secrets locked inside."
I have to wait an othe year till I can get a drivers license ( if im epilepsy seizure free )
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ah just bc of covid ~
i generally feel fine on the subway / in the city though i know my female friends do experience harassment pretty frequently :-/
yeah i was trying to get a bike earlier this year and literally they were sold out everywhere!! even online, places were like backordered for like 2 months in advance lol
6 hours is still p intense to me hehe but i guess since it's so common where you are it's a lot more normalized :-0
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yeas a nice little walk indeed. Risky? as in pocket-thieves and covid-19 or? since the lockdown a lot of bicycle store had had a LOT of sale on bikes XD
Germany would be about * checks google * a little less than 6 hours of bike-ride from where I live to get to Flensborg Not too long as long its not in direct sun. ^^;
Oh dear, I tend t bring my own bags and a backpack for my groceries. Føtex also got some pretty good big and sturdy bags
yeas a nice little walk indeed. Risky? as in pocket-thieves and covid-19 or? since the lockdown a lot of bicycle store had had a LOT of sale on bikes XD
Germany would be about * checks google * a little less than 6 hours of bike-ride from where I live to get to Flensborg Not too long as long its not in direct sun. ^^;
Oh dear, I tend t bring my own bags and a backpack for my groceries. Føtex also got some pretty good big and sturdy bags
ah just bc of covid ~
i generally feel fine on the subway / in the city though i know my female friends do experience harassment pretty frequently :-/
yeah i was trying to get a bike earlier this year and literally they were sold out everywhere!! even online, places were like backordered for like 2 months in advance lol
6 hours is still p intense to me hehe but i guess since it's so common where you are it's a lot more normalized :-0
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i think we will have all of today :0
i asked in the faq it sounds like they'll leave stuff open until the end of the day
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i think we will have all of today :0
i asked in the faq it sounds like they'll leave stuff open until the end of the day
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thats good news.
and yeah females tend to be harased a lot, same goes for lgbtqi+ people as its my experience at least. but I can recommend you getting a bike, it will be good for you, give good leg muscles if you run up hills/mountains ( denmark dont have mountains but we have some nasty hills ) also im sure your doc would approve of it if ou should have a bad condi ;)
and yeah females tend to be harased a lot, same goes for lgbtqi+ people as its my experience at least. but I can recommend you getting a bike, it will be good for you, give good leg muscles if you run up hills/mountains ( denmark dont have mountains but we have some nasty hills ) also im sure your doc would approve of it if ou should have a bad condi ;)
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ah that's tough :-( yeah it does happen too in the states, thankfully my city is very queer-friendly compare to the country
i feel i am somewhat visibly queer and sometimes when i'm out in my hometown in the south (tennessee) i feel a bit more anxious while in public :-/
it's a lot more like conservative / christian / homophobic down there. not everyone is like that but it is a lot more common / acceptable
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ah that's tough :-( yeah it does happen too in the states, thankfully my city is very queer-friendly compare to the country
i feel i am somewhat visibly queer and sometimes when i'm out in my hometown in the south (tennessee) i feel a bit more anxious while in public :-/
it's a lot more like conservative / christian / homophobic down there. not everyone is like that but it is a lot more common / acceptable
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have you biked your whole life? :3
i learned in high school which is maybe a little later than some
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have you biked your whole life? :3
i learned in high school which is maybe a little later than some
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ouff I am glad I live in a country that in general is pretty much ahead when it comes to lgbtqi+ law and aceptance. But can still be anxious to show my pride whn in the smaller cities with a lot of old people. Also never got out o the clost to my grandmother or my greatgrandmother even thouht I think the latter would be allright with it, she is pretty up to date wth the politics and have a lot of same opinions on stuff as I got
yeup I started bikin on my own bike when I was 3 years old. * still remember the tiny red bike with the wide wheels * xD
yeup I started bikin on my own bike when I was 3 years old. * still remember the tiny red bike with the wide wheels * xD
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mm in the us i think it can be pretty varied :-/ i think a lot of cities are generally pretty good about it but so many areas where it's still kind of dangerous or discriminatory
and yeah family is complicated! i'm very open in p much all areas of my life except for family lol
i can imagine it can being awkward/uncomfortable even if you are close too
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mm in the us i think it can be pretty varied :-/ i think a lot of cities are generally pretty good about it but so many areas where it's still kind of dangerous or discriminatory
and yeah family is complicated! i'm very open in p much all areas of my life except for family lol
i can imagine it can being awkward/uncomfortable even if you are close too
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aw that's so cute ^^
i learned a little in high school but i didn't really learn until the summer after my first year of undergrad :0
i feel like i'm still not the best cyclist despite biking around during school though, i've never biked super long distances , i think like 5-7 miles at once has been my maximum ...
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aw that's so cute ^^
i learned a little in high school but i didn't really learn until the summer after my first year of undergrad :0
i feel like i'm still not the best cyclist despite biking around during school though, i've never biked super long distances , i think like 5-7 miles at once has been my maximum ...
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"Don't ask your questions to the wall..."
On my way home from grocery shopping and men's restrooms are disgusting lol
"They keep their secrets locked inside."
I quit Voltra. Read my profile.
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