My job was giving out free hot dogs to the employees on saturday
and y'know... Target cafe's hot dog quality ain't the greatest. I had one once before, last year, and I remember telling myself "never again, that was too awful"
But I was so hungry, I had the shakes, and it was free food so I got one.
It even looked ill, it had red speckles on it and shit. But I ate it anyways. It made me stop shaking and despite it tasting shit like usual, I felt my energy come back for the next few hours at least.
Then surprise, surprise, I got sick several hours later. Every food poisoning symptom lol
I got through the worst of it, like once I got the food out of my system I just had dehydration and acid reflux kicking my butt. My job let me delay my schedule the next day since I still wanted to work (aka get paid, I have hour cuts coming up soon)
But now, today I'm so fatigued, I can hardly climb my stairs D': I already slept for like, 12 hours and can barely stay awake.
I don't have time to be sickkkkk I have so much to do before graduation still!
nb4: no, its not covid! my friend also got sick since he ate a hot dog from the same batch that day too. symptoms are not covid