~*A Crystal Universe*~

In a vast universe beyond our own, there exists beings that take on physical forms that represent their gem. Four large leaders rule a place known as Homeworld. These leaders, known as the Great Diamond Authority, are the hierarchy of the gem world. The top most leader, is White Diamond, followed by Blue and Yellow, and then the smallest...Pink.

Welcome to this small and humble hangout. For those who enjoy Steven Universe and like discussing the show, or showing off gemsonas. Yes, I realize the show is over but there's always going to be fans that enjoy talking about the series, as well as Steven Universe Future, and the Steven Universe Movie. What are your favorite moments of Steven Universe? Favorite fusions? Fusions you wished happened? Or even show off your gemsona. Everyone is welcome here to share.

In a vast universe beyond our own, there exists beings that take on physical forms that represent their gem. Four large leaders rule a place known as Homeworld. These leaders, known as the Great Diamond Authority, are the hierarchy of the gem world. The top most leader, is White Diamond, followed by Blue and Yellow, and then the smallest...Pink.

Welcome to this small and humble hangout. For those who enjoy Steven Universe and like discussing the show, or showing off gemsonas. Yes, I realize the show is over but there's always going to be fans that enjoy talking about the series, as well as Steven Universe Future, and the Steven Universe Movie. What are your favorite moments of Steven Universe? Favorite fusions? Fusions you wished happened? Or even show off your gemsona. Everyone is welcome here to share.

"Oh, the tired horror!"