Selling Skull Bucket '17 x26 for 1k each
I am not sure I want to sell, but I am taking offers on:
Magnificent Inspector
NPC Plushie
Night Light
Frizz Set
En Garde
The Electrician
Open to offers in the form of Volts, Ohms and item trades!
I am also looking to buy ANYTHING released since around the start of 2019. This is a name your price kind of thing. I'm trusting you guys not to take advantage of me, I've been gone a long time.

i'll update my funds regularly. if you want more than i have, feel free to offer if you're willing to give me a couple days to catch up. :) i am open to any offers.
Will purchase Ohms if necessary for item trades within reason. :)
16k volts
50 ohms