Year 3 for Voltra, huh?
Let's celebrate, chat, and earn some confetti!
Open to all! - We're playing games, chatting, dealing with a revolting RNG, doling out page prizes, etc.

-- P.25: art [examples] to be drawn of and given to random poster on page 25 --- SUNNY! Congratulations!
-- P.50: XVZ, you've won your choice of 500 volts or 250 confetti - congratulations!
-- P.75: art, given to random poster on page 75 - DRAGONESS129 - congratulations!
-- P.100: prizes to be given to at least one random poster on page 100. I may be giving out other prizes as well!
- XVZ, you've won prize #1: 1000 volts - congratulations!
- everyone else who posted on that page will also be getting their choice of 500 volts or 250 confetti
-- P. 125: random colored lobster suits given to all posters on page 125
-- P. 150: art, to be given to a randomly chosen poster on page 150

And, let's post some discussion questions to get things rolling. I'll post a few new questions every day or so -

- How long have you been on Voltra?
- Have you experienced the anniversary event before?
- What kinds of items do you think we'll see be released?
- What parts of the event are you planning on participating in?
- Do you have any event goals you'd like to accomplish today?
- Do you have any RL goals you'd like to -or have to- accomplish today?
- What is your favorite number? Do you have one? Why or why not?
- Guess the next event item to be released! What do you think it will be?
- Guess the NPC to be highlighted by the next event item (can be a different answer than the last)
- What is the weather doing where you are?
- Which NPC do you think will be featured today?
- How much confetti have you collected so far, and have you bought the two items that are released?
- Would you like to play a game in-thread? If so, do you have any suggestions?
- How do you take your coffee - black? cream? sugar? decaf? flavored additions? iced? etc.?
- Do you have any pets? Tell us about them! Bonus: share cute pictures! :D
- What is your favorite off-line thing to do?
- Who do you think today's event item will represent?
- How many pages do you think we'll add to the thread today (we're starting on p.33)?
- Day 5 already? Where has the time gone?
- Do you participate in any sports or similar activities?
- How many avatar(-ish) sites are you currently active on?
- Have you done any of the extra activities for this event? Which ones?
- What is your favorite part of this event so far?
- Show me a favorite Voltra Smilie!
- What page prize (for p.75) would you like to see? Art? Confetti? An item?
- What is your favorite food to eat? To cook?
- What device do you usually use when you're on Voltra? - a tablet? phone? etc.
- What is the weather doing where you are right now?
- Are you excited for Fall? Why/why not?
- Are you hoarding confetti or buying the items as they come out?
- Do you like to eat kale?
- What is your favorite color? Why?
- Can you do a headstand?
- Sneakers, sandals, boots, or barefoot - what's your usual preference?
- now that all of the event items are out, which is your favorite?
- which of the event items do you think will be the most versatile?
- beach, mountains, desert, plains, swamp - what's your favorite and why?
- llamas, horses, camels, goats, cows, sheep - do you have a favorite?
- do you know how to read and write cursive?
- do you know how to type (officially type, not hunt-and-peck)?
- Which NPC will have their item released next?
- How many pages do you think we'll add to the thread today?
- What's the weather doing where you are?
- Sink, swim, boat, or float? - what's your preference when in the water?
- how many of the event items, sets, or bundles do you want to get before the event is over?
- do you have a set of event items or are you working on getting your first set?
- what kind of cookware do you use? no-stick/teflon, aluminum, glass, enamel, cast iron, other?
- what is your favorite food to cook?
- what is your favorite food to eat? why?

- 1.

- 1. Is it alive? No
2. Is it food or drink? No
3. Can it fit in a medium-sized box? Yes.
4. Is it an item of clothing? No.
5. Is it heavy? No.
6. Is it made of natural ingredients (i.e. not plastic)? No.
7. Is it a tool? No.
8. Does it have to do with technology? Yes.
9. Is it something you'd usually find in the kitchen? No.
10. Is it a device you can access the internet with? No.
11. Does it have a screen? ....ummm... not usually?
12. Is it something most people would have more than one of? ... most, no. within a specific subset of people, probably.
13. ... something people would pick up and carry around? No.
-- CLUE: something you find online --
14. Is it a web site? No.
15. Is it something you purchase online? No.
-- CLUE: it's not physical --
16. Is it something you can find on Voltra? YES
17. Is it something each user has their own? Yes.
18. Can the person customize as they see fit? Yes.
19. Does it involve text? No.
20. Is it an avatar? YES - CONGRATULATIONS, YOU GOT IT

- 1. Is it alive? Yes
2. Is it a wild animal? No
3. Can you pick it up? No
4. Can it be eaten? No
5. Is it a type of vegetation? Yes.
6. Can it be taller than a person? No.
7. Is it a type of tree? No.
8. Is it a type of flower? Yes.

- A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
strikes: __ / 10
previous words/answers: static, confetti
... of course, feel free to discuss really whatever you'd like as long as it's within the rules.
I'll add more to the thread as we go.
Feel free to Ping Me if you're looking to chat. If I'm around, but not already here, I'll come chat with you asap! :)
ALSO - first event thread!