It's been such a good week you guys ;;
For those who might notice me on pantheon, probably already know the gist. I'm great at blabbing.
But yeah, I finally found myself in a great mental space, I've been so happy and proud of myself these days. I graduated with a 3.91 gpa, which was more or less the gpa I was aiming for to prove something to myself. I won two awards and was recognized for so much. I inspired some other students or made things possible for them, which makes me soso happy.
A couple days later, the person I've been fluttering at lately returned the feelings. We already knew each other decently, but we spent a few days getting to know each other on the more personal level. And I love it, I have never felt so respected and important. <3
Then I also got invited to a cookout with my classmates after we take the big state exam
and invited to a coworker's baby shower
and possibly to go play with my mentor's horses alongside other classmates, so we can learn about them for a later upcoming horse massage class
invitations make me happy af ;c;