Everything in my life is going soso well lately :vanora_cry:
Last post I made was similar excitement. Got 3 awards, 2 certifs, 3.91 gpa. Friendships grew stronger, self pride shot through the roof, and my driving achievements this year make me feel like I overcame an actual impossible thing.
and now I'm offered 50% off tuition to take the advanced course (not counting scholarships yet, I still need to sift through those soon), to continue my journey on becoming a kick ass massage therapist.
Im still in limbo to take the state exam for my licensure but I'm EXCITED. Once that happens, if I pass the first try, you guys bet I'll come in here and lose my shit out of excitement xD
Im also in self quarantine now cause one of the students at graduation caught covid :vanora_upsidedown:
so I haven't been home for over a week now to avoid spreading it to family. But the new bf spends a lot of time with me despite it, and when he's not around I get a lot of healthy me time to meditate and just acknowledge how good I feel. I needed this down time.
and this time to get to know him so I can chip away at any trust issues I have deeply rooted. Dude's been very wonderful, it surprises me every day still. I feel so safe.
I also have that trip to TX planned still, so I can see my old life and scout the area. I still want to work towards my goal to leave CO. Not any time quickly, partner or no partner, cause transfer of massage licensure can be complex and I've been eyeballing this Atma Buti sound therapy school here.
My new partner has similar ideals to leave CO and by the time he finishes his current commitments, of which I can happily wait for while I explore other stuff for my career, we'd have (potentially) been together long enough to plan something together. In the meantime it's just extremely nice to feel like not a single thing is holding me back, not even the tiniest hesitation. I can think and talk about my dreams freely.
Anyways, thanks for being my diary again :vanora_xd:

I dont chat on here much these days but I still love you all!