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Voltie Posted 4 years ago ( 2021/06/9 16:14:27 )
I'm sorry to hear your truck isn't out of the shop yet (speaking of trucks). What's the delay?

It sounds like you have most of the house stuff taken care of - that's good :3


Donator Posted 4 years ago ( 2021/06/9 16:26:15 )
@Wildfire: As a person who keeps having to buy parts that aren't being made anymore for my own truck, thank you for sacrificing the truck for parts. XD
I would be a bit disappointed in your shoes too, you did put in the work to sell it.

I got the big stuff done, but with my throat hurting and my nose stuffy, it won't be wise of me to hang out in a dusty closet today.
My husband says he hasn't called because he's nervous they'll tell him it's ready, and we need to wait until payday to pick it up. e.e [lol, this alone tells you how new of a driver he is] He's only had his driver's license two years now. Our entire adult lives together, the vehicle[s] have been my responsibility. XD
So now that the truck is his problem, I notice how much he didn't pay attention to how things work and what not to do.
I tried to clarify to him, calling and checking-in is normal. You're not demanding the truck back. If anything [which I've done before], They'll hold your vehicle until you have time/money to come get it within the week.
I can't help but laugh a bit at how much he's acting like a new teen driver with the truck.

Voltie Posted 4 years ago ( 2021/06/9 16:39:06 )
@Koah: It is a functional truck, in decent condition. There was not a lot wrong with it. I think that's why I'm so upset... well, beyond all the idiots trying to run scams. Ignoring the idiots for a minute though, it would be one thing if the truck wasn't functional or had more that needed fixing than it did...



Your husband sounds hilarious!! XD
... but in some ways, he is reminding me of my son too. I think you're right - it's a matter of experience dealing with things like that. :3


Donator Posted 4 years ago ( 2021/06/9 16:57:07 )
@Wildfire: Ah gosh, I wish you lived near here, my new upstairs roommates are both mechanics, and the type to help friends with small expensive problems.
They keep offering to help us with our vehicles, but we haven't found the time yet to take them up on that.
We've never had mechanic friends before.. so it feels weird that they wanna do labor for free? I figure we'd make them dinner or provide beverages or something. XD

My husband's smarts about vehicles definitely ring 'teenager'. //secretly driving me crazy// But he's gotta learn from his own experiences with this since he didn't pay attention from my own 11 years of driving and shop problems. <.<

UHHHHG... I was looking forward to my 10 year anniversary with my husband, and I forgot.. AGAIN. My dad just texted me "Happy Anniversary" and I just checked the calendar and IT IS... Dang ittttt... we didn't plan anything ... =3= //pouty//

Voltie Posted 4 years ago ( 2021/06/9 17:15:51 )
@Koah: LOL... Yeah, that would have helped a lot, in a lot of ways. But something like that was not meant to be, apparently.
Yeah, I would definitely swap something for their time, labor and knowledge. Dinner might be a good option :3

Well, Happy Anniversary! Ours is actually next week, and I too keep forgetting about it (& we have nothing planned yet), so I'm glad you mentioned it. Can you order in some take out or find a movie on tv or something to do with hubby tonight? Celebrations don't need to be grandiose, imo, but something like a 10yr anniversary should be acknowledged somehow. Just living life (especially with little kids) is a big a distraction from things like that, so it's understandable that you forgot...


Donator Posted 4 years ago ( 2021/06/9 17:46:00 )
@Wildfire: I hope you and your husband do something fun and unique next week. <3

We regularly order in food and do tv nights. So, unfortunately, if we did this tonight, it would feel pretty normal.
I had wanted to put on a wedding dress and take a good photo with him today, but I imagine, neither of us will be in the mood to do so by the time he gets home from work.
Most Likely, We'll order take-out from my favorite Chinese place and we'll just lock our bedroom door and have a day-in.
I took medicine a few minutes ago, I'm feeling a little less cranky now.

My plans this week are shifting, so that doesn't feel great. Knowing I'll be postponing my weekend trip bothers me because it puts my trip back-to-back with friends that are visiting. :T

Voltie Posted 4 years ago ( 2021/06/9 18:21:25 )
@Koah: Ok, so maybe you cook something instead of ordering in? I like the idea of putting on a wedding dress and getting a photo with him. Being a little 'ahead of you' time-wise and looking back, it would be a nice something to have at this point. :3 I encourage you to do it, if not tonight, maybe over the weekend (if you can squeeze it in) to commemorate the 10yr mark.

Yeah, things seem to be shifting around here today too. I'm not entirely sure how, though, which makes it even more weird...

I don't like back-to-back activities either - especially when they involve packing/planning/preparation.

What are you going to do?


Donator Posted 4 years ago ( 2021/06/9 18:31:08 )
@Wildfire: I just discussed my postponed trip with my new roommate. He needed a few extra days to get ready for the trip as well. I'm essentially going north and traveling back south with him. We are splitting a uhaul cost so that I could pack some of my furniture from my childhood house.
I'll need to call my housing arrangements and say I'll be later than I thought too. Bleeeeh.

Well, I'm taking a walk with the kids to the store. We're running low on snacky foods and I suggested we walk to the store and they took me up on that. So now I gotta do follow-through. lol!

Thank you for the encouragement. I suppose we'll try our best to get a mock wedding photo in today or this weekend. <3 I found my mom's original wedding gown. [her first wedding] it was a handmade dress by my grandma. It's gorgeous. The dress somehow ended up in my stuff over the years, so my mom told me to hold onto it for her. I figured I'd use that for a mock wedding photo and surprise her. =O

Voltie Posted 4 years ago ( 2021/06/9 20:58:57 )

@Wildfire: writing reports for work lmao
it's paperwork time.


Voltie Posted 4 years ago ( 2021/06/9 21:23:03 )
@Koah: It sounds like your trip plans, altered though they may be, are going to work out for everyone involved. That's good, right? :3

You're welcome for the encouragement to do the 'wedding' photo. All I can offer is my perspective ... but again, looking back now, with the additional age, etc., that I have on you, I wish I had done more of the kind of thing you're describing^^... but life and raising the kids always seemed to get the better of me. That's not a bad thing, that the kids came first, but it would have been nice to have done a few things a little bit differently, and now, after time has passed (and it really did go much more quickly than I ever could have anticipated!!!), it would be nice to have that type of thing... that perspective... that point of reference... that memory...especially now that they're adults, starting their own lives...

I hope you had a good walk! :3


Voltie Posted 4 years ago ( 2021/06/9 21:24:09 )
@Vixen: Oh... well then. :3
LOL - I feel for ya. Paperwork can be tedious. But sometimes, if you're in the right frame of mind, it can almost be meditative (depending on the kind of paperwork you're doing). How's it going?


Donator — whatever Posted 4 years ago ( 2021/06/9 23:32:15 )

@Wildfire: Thank you! It was my third year attempting it (at a low difficulty level because I don't handle pressure super well and didn't want to burn out), and I finally did it, which was a nice feeling. :)

Lol the hotel was cute, too, it was like two or three converted and combined old houses. We were a lot closer to town that way, too!

Please ping me!

Voltie Posted 4 years ago ( 2021/06/10 13:40:23 )
@CooperationIsKey: It sounds like your trip turned out well, even if it wasn't quite what you were expecting when you started it! :3

Good morning
How is everyone today?


Donator Posted 4 years ago ( 2021/06/10 16:28:53 )
Good Morning.
I'm feeling sick! but. not as bad as yesterday.


Voltie Posted 4 years ago ( 2021/06/10 18:01:29 )
@Koah: good afternoon. Wow, it's been a chaotic morning for me!
I'm sorry you're feeling sick... but happy it's not as bad as yesterday!
How are you otherwise?


Voltie Posted 4 years ago ( 2021/06/10 19:15:49 )

@Wildfire: not bad; most of the paperwork is done for now, just need to fill in some extra details.

how are you?


avatar closetshop
please @ me

Voltie Posted 4 years ago ( 2021/06/10 20:15:01 )
@Vixen: Today has been a wild ride so far. I barely had one cup of coffee this morning (I usually have a little more than that (1.5-2 cups)) before being whisked off to take care of some banking paperwork for my son, getting caught up in some minor drama with my other son, doing a whirlwind trip through the grocery store to p/u a few things so we can eat, and then getting bogged down in an online task that I wasn't expecting to be doing today. It's now 3:15pm and I'm ... not sure what, tbh! I'm trying to switch gears and play with my toy a little bit (cricut) or do some drawing, or something... but I'm also a little tired after all the randomness today - lol!

How are you doing?

I'm glad you got most of the paperwork done! :3


Donator Posted 4 years ago ( 2021/06/10 20:18:13 )

Hey, everyone :) How have you been?


Voltie Posted 4 years ago ( 2021/06/10 20:28:15 )
@danie: Hey Danie - how are you? Nice to see you. What's been going on?

┤▒├ Hangout with me! ┤▒├

Donator Posted 4 years ago ( 2021/06/10 20:38:03 )

@wildfire: Hey, it's nice to see you too! It's been a while and I apologize for that.

I have been super busy. I started my new job at the credit union in April and that's been going well. We are starting in a new building tomorrow and I am super excited.

My boyfriend recently got me a Switch so I have been having fun and playing Animal Crossing mainly. I also am trying the Phantasy Star Online 2 game while trying to get back into Genshin Impact.

I also have been trying to read again more; manga and fiction books, as well as some nonfiction.

Today is my day off so we are watching Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban. I am obsessed with Harry Potter. XD

How have you been? What have you been up to?


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