@koneko: no it doesn't appear to have buttons anywhere. I have spent the last three hours trying to keep patience as my daughters moaned and threw tantrums and there stuff all over the house because the tv can't be used now and is STILL on frozen cause I can't change channels.
I tried installing an app and it won't even recognize that the tv is on. Smart tvs suck. It apparently doesn't have a sleep feature. I'm wasting energy because my kids are little thief's disasters and liars .
Also I've clearly lost patience with them after three hours and am currently crying from the emotional overload. Like ugh. I lasted through three hours of whining and rude behavior and tried to teach them life lessons and searched and cleaned for three hours and made them food. And took care of them and. Ugh ugh ugh. I have a phone call in 5 minutes with one of their teachers and I'm covered in tears from frustration.