"I will be kind and I will be sweet,"
So yesterday, my aunt took me and my cat to the vet because he had a torn claw. It went okay other than the... uncomfortable conversation we had in the car.
She was saying it was important to vote and that I should vote, but it's literally not possible because my grandfather pretty much won't let me so I'm not even registered. He would be the only one who would've taken me and he didn't want to because he had work. I told her this, and she was like, "well just so you know all my gay friends could have their rights taken away". I'm literally a bi trans dude, an indigenous Mexican, and disabled. I'm the one who would be affected the most out of our combined households and yet she was snappy towards me for something I can't control, and also completely forgetting the fact I'm a marginalized person? I would love to be able to vote but it's not within my means. Not sure if my uncomfortableness about her is justified or not.
"If you stop staring straight through me."