I wont get toooo into the details, but the short story version is this new massage job SUCKS. I haven't been able to work with clients, I've been pushed off, insulted, and what 3 times I've been able to go in to do something, I was met with the most unethical situations by the staff there. It was a bit extreme and mind blowing, VERY not okay in the massage industry, and in the end I was made to perform 2 massages on staff which I was supposed to be paid a massage wage for--thats what manager said in interview--but afterwords they're like "nah thats training you only get $12 (min wage here)"
But if it was training, I should be paid for every hour I was there, not just 60 minutes worth. Literally says in my contract that if I'm not paid a massage wage then I need to be paid an hourly wage at minimum. So they're really playing some stupid games and dancing in too many grey legal areas lol Plus, I know how to massage, so idk why they kept trying to train me in what I just got a license to prove I already know how to do... idk it was weird and they wouldn't listen to me. I started worrying about my bills, I'm digging into my savings just to get food now, and I'm like GUYS PLS I need a job, and they just keep dancing around the bush and pushing me off on the back burner. If they could be transparent enough to at least give me an ETA on when they'd figure out my schedule, I'd fuss less, yknow?
Its been what... 2 months? Since they contacted me. THEY. asked. ME. to work there. KNOWING I didn't have my license yet at the time. But I've had it for weeks now and they're still pushing me off, leaving me on read for days and just being sketchy af. When they do talk to me, they treat me terribly because I'm a fresh graduate. Bish only has one year more experience than I do -___-
My school's clinic isn't much better, but at least the people give a shit, and I know that they're willing to put me on a schedule asap. I already work one day a week there, for internship (but still get paid for it starting this week). A lot of stuff goes wrong there and I get very stressed out by the miscommunications and stupidity, but I at least know the people mean well even if they're kinda infuriating sometimes. I talked with them about my situation and they listened with empathy.
I mentioned the name of the manager I've been struggling with in the other job, and the girls at my clinic stopped, turned their chairs to face me and gave me this big BEWARE. That manager was a former student, more recently than she claims, and evidently she doesn't have the best reputation. They warned me that she's very much not a friendly person and she plays a lot of mind games. I already noticed that anyway but having it said by another was like "o dam, glad it isn't just me"
So I thought about it for like 3 days, then talked to one of my former instructors. Apparently she used to work at that job years ago, and she was flailing her jacket sleeves around like OH NO GOOD LUCK GETTING PAID, THEY'RE SHADY!
So today I decided to contact that manager and tell her I wont be working there anymore. I wrote it short and sweet but with respect and professional tones. But oh boy, she ain't happy.
After being put on read all week, now I have incoming spam texts and calls from her. I kinda dont wanna pick up based on what her texts look like lol
This person is very distressed and acting out on emotion and defensiveness, cause I said I need to go with a job that had a faster progression for me starting. That isn't personal? Just the human need of I NEED TO WORK NOW BILLS ARE COMING XD
Also worth noting that my clinic job encourages growth and if I were to find another job that pays better, they would see me off happily. There's no possessiveness and they're always proud of their therapists who choose to move on, and those who choose to stay long term. So its not the end of the line! Just the start, and I told myself if I cant afford a home on this wage, then I'll at least try to afford a therapist for moi |D