10/8/2017: ANNOUNCEMENT:
The event is ending and so our little autumn box will have to come to a close.
We've racked up a buncha requests we wish to fulfill before the next event rolls by.
We'd like to thank everyone who decided to stop by and chat! :D
You've all been amazing and have elevated the experience of this event.
We've had a blast enjoying Voltra's first (mini) Event with you guys!
Thank you all again for stopping by and see you soon! ;)
Because we currently do not have a current hangout, please feel free to chat with us
in my art shop and Dowan's writing shop! You don't gotta buy anything! :D

THE STORY: Beginning
To My Lesser Half,
Iuno why I'm sending you this letter since we kinda just talked a week ago from...
when you will be receiving this(?), but I like letters! I also love it when you send
me letters, and so here we are. F your logic!
When you read this, you'll already know about Voltra's committee agreeing to a
biiig autumn shindig, but what you probably won't know is that you're going to be
part of me and Saeyra's celebration of the event. Surprise!
... no, I'm not kidding. Now get your ass here, 'kay?
No, I'm REALLY not kidding. I have my butcher knife still. D:<

09/27/2017: ANNOUNCEMENT: It's DOWAN'S BIRTHDAY ON SEPT 27! :D Everyone say happy birthdayy!
The Artists & Writer
Hello! Welcome to the Autumn Box a collaboration between myself,
Saeyra, Mallow and Dowan! We're here to set you up with some games to win free
art and fun conversation to enjoy the event. :D
Hello there, welcome to our event! I will be helping Mica make the
prizes for the lucky winners! I hope you all have fun!
*Holds up a sign* Hello everyone.
*Holds up another sign* I have been turned into a bunny for this autumn event by Mica!
*Holds up the last sign* And now I can only draw with my paws.
I write things, and I'm a huge nerd. Nice to meet you. =D