@dragoness129: Oh hey, I'm in the Discord! dunno if I've posted tho as I'm a hella lurker orz Dunno if there's a thread here on Voltra anywhere for it, but if you'd like to trade Switch FCs I'd be happy to PM you mine :vanora_smile: I actually just got done playing several rounds of Phasmo with my fiancé and our mutual friend. It was a lot of fun, and someone only died once! :vanora_xd:
@Keturah: :vanora_shock: I hope your neck is okay/gets better soon! OMG I can NOT for the life of me figure out what to do with my island! :vanora_sweat: The most I've done so far is carve out one cliff so I can run behind a beach rock without disturbing the fish in the ocean and add places in the rivers to jump across.
Honestly having a partner that goes as full-nerd as I do is amazing. <333 I've also got a variety of IRL nerds, but most of them I didn't hang out with in-person even before COVID because of scheduling and distances :vanora_sad: Hope your big campaign goes well! :vanora_smile: