@Wildfire: Well is less serious than yours but is just a bad habit I'm trying to fix.
Although last night I took a nap right after dinner and ended up sleeping for two hours x.x
@Purpsy: The posting has been a LOT slower today and yesterday than it was the first day or so.
I usually end up reading at stupid-hour-of-the-morning if I can't sleep. If I get up, I'm probably going to be up all day instead of getting a couple more hours of sleep during the early morning..
@Wildfire: Yeah but I'm sure most people here are busy.
We do have a lot more mature or older audience here on Voltra which I noticed. So they are busy taking care of their children or work related stuff.
Not a lot of single potatoes like me I think? I'm sure things will progress faster in the weekend =w=
Yeah they are nights is almost impossible to back to sleep so I resorted to just browsing on my phone until I pass out TwT
@Wildfire: Is a really different group dynamic... I was in a group of mostly 15-19 years old and they were at least 3 people who are around my age (I was around 23 at the time?)
I had a blast! They were fun to be around but too much high energy for me x.x
@Purpsy: LOL! Oh yeah - I know that feeling. I can usually keep up with folks who are substantially younger than I am but there are times where it takes more effort than others, that's for sure! Just watching them can be exhausting
@Wildfire: Lol I find them entertaining to watch from afar but I guess that depends the maturity or personality maybe of the person.
I love the goof around and act like a kid but not all the time TwT
I really love how chill Voltra is campare to Gaia or DV
@Wildfire: It was a guild group for a mobile game called Toram Online
Unfortunately I had to leave because one of the higher rank members were power abusing their roles on Discord which made a lot of people upset including me.