How to break a heart
It is not difficult
Anyone can do it
So could you, if you tried
Just find a light
And switch it off
As easy as blinking
~Emilie Autumn
How to break a heart
It is not difficult
Anyone can do it
So could you, if you tried
Just find a light
And switch it off
As easy as blinking
~Emilie Autumn
ok so it's a rainy day on my day off.. i'm trying relax making temples for my coloring (and to color a few yampuff images for projects) and the my manager starts texting me how i will have to do my old job the next three days due to the new girl i trained was going to do a covid test(which is fine i work those days anyway) and how he is trying to see if some one else will take a few of the shifts. I tell him i'm fine working my old job (i can actually do it faster then both of the girls who do it now and i kind of miss doing it) . so i take a nap cuz i was starting to get a killer head ache (people in the dulex next to us just got their furniture so between that stuff banging around and my dog barking his fool head off) i wake up from my nap with my manager saying 'seems the test is negative so things will go back to normal' i just replied ok cus i really don't want to think about work (trying to figure out how i will get home tomorrow if i will have to walk or not and what way i will have to work since i have to cross a main road) but now i'm sitting here like.. so does that i mean i have to do my old job tomorrow or not?
Human emotion is energy.
You cant always see it or hear it, but you can feel it.
Ever had deja vu?
Felt someone walk over your grave?
Ever felt someone behind you in an empty room?
Well there was. There always is.
A ghost.

Human emotion is energy.
You cant always see it or hear it, but you can feel it.
Ever had deja vu?
Felt someone walk over your grave?
Ever felt someone behind you in an empty room?
Well there was. There always is.
A ghost.