I decided to make a thread for poetry I particularly like!
For context, I had told my therapist one day how my friend (who I was living with at the time) gave me little "homework assignments" to do for when I didn't have much to do and she wasn't home. Those assignments were basically to find poems for her. We only ever did 2 of those assignments, but they were really fun and I liked them a lot. It helped me actually try to find poetry I liked, and I even made some art for one of the poems!
So my therapist decided that for group therapy, we would end our sessions with sharing a poem we liked. This led to many more poetry to discover, and it was really great.
Lately though, we kinda stopped doing that because new people are coming into our group, and we have other things that we want to focus on, unfortunately. So I decided to add some poems here!
My main thing when it comes to poems is that I try to look for poems that doesn't involve love. Bonus points if they're about boys too. There's always poetry about loving a girl or boy being abusive in relationships, but I wanted to find poems not involving that!
It would be cool to talk about poems and share them on here! I'll start off with this nice poem about love (I know it contradicts what I just said, but I promise this one is good!)

Flower by Kim Chunsu:
Before I called their name,
they were nothing
more than a gesture.
When I called their name,
they came to me
and became a flower.
Like I called their name,
will someone please call my name
that suits my light and fragrance?
I, too, long to come to them
and become their flower.
We all long to be something.
You, to me, and I, to you,
long to become a gaze that won’t be forgotten.
Before I called their name,
they were nothing
more than a gesture.
When I called their name,
they came to me
and became a flower.
Like I called their name,
will someone please call my name
that suits my light and fragrance?
I, too, long to come to them
and become their flower.
We all long to be something.
You, to me, and I, to you,
long to become a gaze that won’t be forgotten.