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Voltie Posted 4 years ago ( 2021/04/5 04:07:18 )
I wish we could choose what artifacts we get because I always get the ones that I don't need, like I will get all maiden's in the vv domain.

Also I can't wait until we can trade in weekly boss drops because I always get ones I don't need. GIMME PLUMES, SPIRIT LOCKETS, TUSKS, AND CLAWS. I really would like to crown Ningguang this week!!!

Donator — He/Him Posted 4 years ago ( 2021/04/5 04:11:06 )
They really need to go away with the RNG of artifacts. I want to choose which stats they roll into instead of getting useless Flat def, hp etc
Gimme crit. rate and crit dmg! and even energy recharge!

And same. I hope we both get to crown our spirit locket eaters this week. You mostly need mora for that, too...right?
700k is a hefty price to get Ning and Kaeya to eat 2 spirit lockets

Can we do wolf tomorrow instead of stormterror? That way I don't need to wait to be disappointed.

Voltie Posted 4 years ago ( 2021/04/5 04:17:52 )
I agree or at least make it so we can wipe and substat and rng to get a new substat, THAT WOULD BE COOL. And my Albedo would love that useless defense stat.

Yeah, I mostly need mora for that and for everything. I have the two lockets for her normal attack and I'm thinking I also want to crown her burst, what do you think? Don't you already have Razor crowned? Is he the only one you have crowned?

And yes! Lettuce do the wolf tomorrow. I also wouldn't mind more tails for Venti when I have enough books to level his talents up more.

Donator — He/Him Posted 4 years ago ( 2021/04/5 04:22:42 )
Wipe a stat, like a re-roll? That would be nice ;o;
Does albedo favor flat def over def%? What's the difference...IDK xD

I think you should definitely crown both normal and burst since she is your main, but you could always just crown one now and wait for the next event to crown the burst if you're worried about using crowns too fast.
And I just have Razor's normal attack crowed and that's it so far. I want to triple crown Kaeya :vyctor-celebrate:

Do not curse me with tails, I swear if that's all I get imma be so angy!

Who are you looking forward to the most next patch, though? Yan fei or Eula?

Voltie Posted 4 years ago ( 2021/04/5 04:27:09 )
Ya but not have to invest more or as much resources into leveling up another stat.
I think def% usually ends up being higher than flat but I give him what I can. Flat def is better than none.

Wooww, if you triple crown him, isn't that all your crowns?? I wish you could give me your tails pls.

YAN FEI for sure. I like that she is catalyst and has antlers. Are you looking forward to either one?

Donator — He/Him Posted 4 years ago ( 2021/04/5 04:31:16 )
That would be nice, but you know MiHoYo ain't gonna do anything to make our lives easier cuz they'll lose money from the people buying resin xD

And I think that'll be most of them but every event seems to add one so I'm not too worried - no one else is crown worthy right now. Razor got first cuz he's a good boi and now Kaeya gets 3 cuz he's BEST boi.

I kinda want both. I need to see more Eula though, as much as I love Cryo I need to see how she works..because what if Kaeya just is better for me in every way? Or even just chongyun lol
Yanfei looks like a less self destructive Klee and I would love that in my life and in the grass xD so I'll prolly pull mostly on her banner over Eula unless something about Eula comes up.

Are you excited for the Ocenid event?

Voltie Posted 4 years ago ( 2021/04/5 04:36:37 )
OR they could make it cost resin to reroll a substat of the same value. WIN-WIN. I am full of good ideas.

Do you think this event will add one near the end? Razor is a good boi but idk about Kaeya, he's KINDA SUS.

I find it hard to want Eula because I have Chongyun leveled up and he pretty much the same thing, although probably worse than Eula will lol. And ya, especially since I don't have Klee, she looks like she will be fun to play and cheaper too.

Donator — He/Him Posted 4 years ago ( 2021/04/5 04:41:05 )
As yes, I'd love to spend resin to reroll HP% to Def% and back and forth xDDD

We just got the crown from the Windblume event so I'd assume next patch if the Oceanid event doesn't put one out!
Kaeya is a GOOD BOI, without him we would be lost in Teyvat.
We wouldn't even know the most important information:

I have that same thought. Eula is just gonna be a stronger (and better looking) chongyun.. I just want to see what her skills do and how they compare and if she will be easier to slot into a team instead of building around.

And yanfei has Xixi's passive so it makes her suuuuper useful. Even though violetgrass is still a pain in the butt to collect even if it's marked on the map!


Excited for Oceanid event? Or terrified like I am? xD

Voltie Posted 4 years ago ( 2021/04/5 04:53:50 )

Jean would show us around Teyvat. We would not be lost. And that is key information. What do you think is under Kaeya's eye patch? Do you think he has a normal eye or do you think it's something WEIRD?

I feel like the only thing that would make her much better is if she doesn't infuse cryo. I hate that they do that with characters and it pains me that I can't c6 my Benny because I don't want that to happen.

Ohh, do you know what she will take for leveling up? Is it going to be some new drop?

Oooopps I didn't answer before. I'm not really excited about it. Kind of terrified too actually. I've been thinking about leveling Lisa before some other characters because I hear she's really good with the Oceanid.

Donator — He/Him Posted 4 years ago ( 2021/04/5 05:03:10 )
Jean is too busy to show us around Teyvat! We need the goodest boi, the one who has no duties while Varka is out with his ponies!
And I bet it's literally nothing, just wears it to add M*Y*S*T*E*R*Y, nothing weird or gross :P

I don't think she would sell at ALL if she infused cryo like chongyun does. It really ruins team comps.

And I think they both are going to be taking a new boss? I do know that theres a cryo cube coming out so maybe she takes that. Not sure about Yanfei tho

Lisa might be a good option since we already have trouble with the regular boss, maybe i'll work on my ning a bit so she doesn't die in one hit lol

Donator Posted 4 years ago ( 2021/04/5 13:19:36 )
*wanders around in this snowy cavern* Oh boy, it sure is freezing out there... (No puns intended)

Hi there, don't mind me. I'm just wandering around like an idiot. ( <.< ; )

Donator — He/Him Posted 4 years ago ( 2021/04/5 15:59:41 )
@ChiffonOrange: Welcome! Please find a small fire to keep you warm while you're here! :p
How are you doing?

First page personal post update:

Donator — He/Him Posted 4 years ago ( 2021/04/5 17:12:45 )
@KDA Drew: That's actually pretty sweet that it translate to mobile that well. And I'm assuming it's different servers and because of the hero tweak it's not cross platform (Mobile and computer can play same matches?)

And thank you! And yes, Pokemon GO I believe is a base 1 in 400 shiny chance (Community day is like 1 in 25)
The base shiny chance in games is 1 in 4096 but if you complete you're pokedex you get the shiny charm which increases it to 1 in 1365
Then there are other ways to boost it some more like breeding two pokemon from different countries.

I usually have both bonuses so chances are 1 in 512

Donator — He/Him Posted 4 years ago ( 2021/04/5 18:07:41 )
@KDA Drew: Wow that's a long match! I don't think I'd be able to stay engaged that long.
How much shorter are the matches on mobile
But I think there is a mobile pokemon game that's coming out soon that ( if I understand what league of legends is) that is decently similar. That might be able to hold my interest for a bit

Voltie — Moody Posted 4 years ago ( 2021/04/5 18:39:54 )
Moody Says. . .


@Kaeya: at first i actually thought genshin was an anime
as the character design was just so good.

When i first downloaded it, the game didn't technically work.
but the next day it did. my laptop has off days.
if it's too warm not even youtube will work on it. but the next day it'll be fine LOL.

i do not have the best laptop for genshin.

Donator — He/Him Posted 4 years ago ( 2021/04/5 18:50:16 )
@MoodyB: If genshin was an anime I'd watch it so fast, I love the lore and story and all the characters are loveable!
Poor laptop! Have you considered getting a fan that sits underneath it to stop it from getting too warm? :o

Voltie — Moody Posted 4 years ago ( 2021/04/5 18:58:16 )
Moody Says. . .


@Kaeya: i don't really trust fans work because i once bought one and it broke down
pretty fast.

I'm planning to eventually replace this laptop when I can since this laptop doesn't only cause issues for games
but my work flow as well for my artwork.

Donator — He/Him Posted 4 years ago ( 2021/04/5 21:53:57 )
@MoodyB: that's a bummer, I hope you get to replace it soon so you don't have issues :O
What type of artwork do you usually do?

@KDA Drew: I'd really want to try out snorlax
mianly because watching him walk is always hilarious xD
Kaeya's Quest For Stuff and Things! Starglow Cavern - A hangout

Voltie — Moody Posted 4 years ago ( 2021/04/5 22:36:50 )
Moody Says. . .


@Kaeya: Yeah it's unfortunate.
but this laptop just has too many issues LOL.

I do digital drawings. I am working up to digital paintings.
tho to do that it needs to be upgraded as it has 4gb ram so it can't handle big canvases.
im stuck at 1200x1200 canvas sizes it cannot even go bigger than 2000x2000.

If you need my attention for any reason please ping me.
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Donator Posted 4 years ago ( 2021/04/6 01:27:07 )
@kaeya: I see, thank you. xD

I'm okay, just woke up from bed. How about you?

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