Hello Volties,
I have a quick, but exciting Surge for you, nonetheless, full of wonderful new knick-knacks!
April Fools '21 Knick-Knack!
April Fools may be over, but I know of someone who plays jokes all year round, they're Fool of Surprises!
Claim your free Knick-Knack now!
Extras can be purchased from OMG Imports until April 15th.
Easter '21 Knick-Knack!
Now I wouldn’t be surprised if these two were friends, they both like to pop and hop about.
Have you heard of the Easter Bunny? I always wondered where these dang eggs came from!
If you see Eggs-cellent Painter, please say hi for me! I’m a HUGE fan!
Claim your free Knick-Knack now!
Extras can be purchased from OMG Imports until April 15th.
Have a fantastic rest of your weekend, Volties! Spark out!
Surge organized by Vozzy