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Forums Vibrance Day Event 2021 ┤▒├ Wild Sweet Treats

Voltie Posted 3 years ago ( 2021/05/1 19:55:49 )
@Vixen: Oh that's ADORABLE and very creative. You win. :3 I'm still going to finish mine though :P


Voltie Posted 3 years ago ( 2021/05/1 19:57:08 )

Silence, the White Mage is now speaking.

@Wildfire: ahhh thank you ;u;
lol we'll see what people think, but i'm happy with how it turned out
i wasn't sure if it was going to work or not, but violet is too cute to not draw, so here we are

I am not an actual NPC.

Voltie Posted 3 years ago ( 2021/05/1 20:06:27 )
@Vixen: It worked out :3
You're making mine look amateurish tbh, but that's ok - our styles are different and I'm trying not to take it too seriously.
... but of course you've changed your avatar :P


Voltie Posted 3 years ago ( 2021/05/1 20:15:13 )

Silence, the White Mage is now speaking.

@Wildfire: you do you! And it’ll be perfect the way it is :D
Lol what does my avatar have anything to do with it? XD should i change it?

I am not an actual NPC.

Voltie Posted 3 years ago ( 2021/05/1 20:20:47 )
@Vixen: LOL. I can only do me anyway XD and I'm just enjoying the chance to play a little bit with this tablet... I still haven't had much chance to do that since I've gotten it, so it's all good :3 You're one of the avatars I'm including in the photo... and no, I grabbed a screenshot before you changed. Besides, your av is done... I'm off to others now ;) <3


Voltie Posted 3 years ago ( 2021/05/1 20:28:03 )

Silence, the White Mage is now speaking.

@Wildfire: ooooooooooo I’m excited to see it :D

I am not an actual NPC.

avatar closetshop
please @ me

Voltie Posted 3 years ago ( 2021/05/1 20:52:06 )
@Vixen: lol <3 I still have a lot of work to do ...


Voltie Posted 3 years ago ( 2021/05/2 13:48:05 )
@Ava: It is really confusing how some hair stylists seem to be able to botch things that you'd think they should be able to manage with some level of competence. I'm sorry that you have to deal with that on what sounds like a pretty regular basis :3

I'm so glad your auditions went well and that you had fun doing them! <3 Did anything promising come out of them, do you think, or do you really have no idea at this point?

Oh! The graphic I was working on was for the 'photo' contest. I wanted to do something and was trying to have some fun with it, but it still took far longer than I was originally thinking it would. It gave me a good chance to play with the tablet some, which was nice... but I have all kinds of buttons I should do something with or at least figure out how they work! XD


Voltie Posted 3 years ago ( 2021/05/2 13:49:36 )
Good morning, good morning!
What's going on my coffee crowd people?

What do we think of the new crate items that were released last night?


Voltie Posted 3 years ago ( 2021/05/2 15:57:54 )

@Wildfire: Good morning Wild ^^
*takes the *

I haven't checked it yet *opens another tab for it*
How are you today Wild?

Voltie Posted 3 years ago ( 2021/05/2 16:00:05 )

Oooh I really like the ice/white version of Draconic Dream!

Voltie Posted 3 years ago ( 2021/05/2 17:42:43 )
@Purpsy: Good morning.
I'm doing ok so far. I picked up some groceries and now it seems that I have to track down my son and have a chat with him about his classes... /eyeroll/

How are you doing?

Yes, that set is definitely an interesting one, isn't it?


Voltie Posted 3 years ago ( 2021/05/2 17:55:20 )

@Wildfire: Hmm I'll be honest, I'm feeling a little bit down. I just kind of woke up this way but is not really hindering me to do anything else. I just feel very off today =w=

It is a very interesting set, very fantasy theme this month which is not really my thing but the items looks very pretty ^^
Damn on momma mode today huh? xD Is your son in some kind of trouble?


Voltie Posted 3 years ago ( 2021/05/2 18:15:05 )
@Purpsy: Awww, I'm sorry you're feeling a little bit off today so far. Is it maybe something as simple as waking up off-rhythm or being dehydrated? Whatever it is, I'm glad you feel like you can talk about it. Hopefully it's something that will pass with time and distraction?

Yeah, my younger son has rattled this momma bear's cage. Apparently of the two college classes he's taking this semester, he's managing to fail them BOTH because he's more interested in working and hanging out with his GF than doing his homework. I could keep him in school for another year (and probably should) so he can retake these classes, but he's running out of time and options to get these classes done. He should be graduating this year. But now, including these two that he's failed this semester, all he needs is Five classes to graduate with the A.A. degree. He's frustrating.


Voltie Posted 3 years ago ( 2021/05/2 18:24:20 )

      /roasts marshmallows on WIldfire's head

Voltie Posted 3 years ago ( 2021/05/2 18:50:04 )

@Wildfire: Yikes. Sounds like my brother when he was in highschool :/
I'm sorry you have to deal with that and hopefully your son will change his way eventually in the nearby future. My brother had to learn his the hard way and he's really smart but he just dislike school so much x'D

I'm feeling a little better now. Sometimes when I really don't have plans I feel down often. And yeah I'm just chilling for now and trying grind more sugarcubes here atm while I can.

Art DumpAvatar GalleryQuest Items

Voltie Posted 3 years ago ( 2021/05/2 18:51:48 )
@Anarchist Beauty: Hey now! I know I'm all toasty, but do you have to prove it by roasting marshmallows on my head?? XD

LOL - how are you doing? What are you up to today?


Voltie Posted 3 years ago ( 2021/05/2 18:56:11 )
@Purpsy: Yeah, I know school isn't for everyone -and that's fine- but this was part of our homeschool plan from the beginning. He knew the plan. He went along with the plan. And he's so close to finishing this dual-enrollment program/opportunity! *sigh* We'll figure it out. At the end of the day, it's his life, but right now, he's still pulling me along for the ride (which is the frustrating part, other than wanting to see my kid do well) :3

Yes, I actually understand that. Sometimes it's hard to tell whether or not I need to get out of the house and do something or stay in and relax. The FUNK is far too prevalent and far too... weird. I'm glad you're feeling a little better though :3


Donator — She/Her Posted 3 years ago ( 2021/05/2 19:05:09 )
Yay for productive mornings lol. At least for me.

I wanna veg out, but I don't seem to want to focus on one particular thing.
Goodbye, Voltra.
Feel free to add me on Discord: aisu9811

Voltie Posted 3 years ago ( 2021/05/2 19:12:54 )
@Aisukohi: Hey Aisu! I know that feeling :3 ... how are you doing otherwise?

┤▒├ Hangout with me! ┤▒├

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